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Enuff Z'nuff vs. Ween

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:55 am
by battery chucka' one
Who's output is more impressive? The following is that of EZ (aka the top indie band in the world over the last fifteen years).

1. s/t
2. Strength
3. Animals with Human Intelligence
4. 1985
5. Tweaked
6. Peach Fuzz
7. Seven
8. Live
9. Paraphernalia
10. Ten
11. Welcome to Blue Island
12. Favorites
13. ?

In addition to this are the Brothers and Donnie Vie solo releases, not to mention extensive work outside the band including, but not limited to, Vince Neil solo and (this holds a very special place in my heart), Drama Queen Die. This all since 1989. I think it goes without saying. Yes, Enuff Z'nuff wins hands down. Have a nice day.

Of course, the mod will probably edit this post, but this is all worthy of noting, anyway.

Re: Enuff Z'nuff vs. Ween

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:38 pm
by jerome moore
how thoughtful of you to post this!

Re: Enuff Z'nuff vs. Ween

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:01 pm
Of course, the mod will probably edit this post, but this is all worthy of noting, anyway.

Sure...supremely worthy.