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Off topic: We finally got some songs posted!

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:28 am
by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan
Let me know what you guys think. Click the link in my sig or go to

I'll wait for the CFB verdict before I post this in the music forum...

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:53 pm
by campinfool
Not too shabby, but then again I'm a neck at heart and like my music twangy with some steel guitar and walking bass. If I remeber correctly, you are into Hank III and the vacals kind of remind me a little of that nasal sound. I'm sure most these peeps around here are into heavy stuff so they might not care for it, but otherwise it sounds pretty good. Congrats of the epic release.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:52 pm
by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan
Thanks for the feedback. I know country isn't everyone's cup of tea. Funny you say that about the vocals. If there's one thing that bothers me about Rodd's vocals, it's that they aren't twangy or "country" enough. He used to sing in a rockabilly band, and sometimes his vox get a little too rockabilly for me, at least in terms of what we're trying to do. He's still a better singer than the rest of us though.

Our guitarist Ben actually just bought a really cool 3-neck steel guitar. We have a chunk of about 6 or 7 steel songs in the middle of our set. As far as I know, he's the only guitarist in town (under age 60 at least) who plays steel in a band.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:19 pm
by Nolesy
Very nice. Made me want to grab my cowboy hat and head out to a raunchy saloon. Singers voice is fine. Stretching to reach a "twangier voice" would rob the uniqueness of your sound. My first impressions-- not a far jump from John Prine.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:40 pm
by the_ouskull
Kinda sounds like you guys were trying to be Social Distortion but got lost in Southern Oklahoma / Northern Texas along the way.

I like it.
