Well, Whistler, a lot of folks thought the dissolving of the similar class of '48 race-state experiment in South Africa would prove impossible. But...it worked. Not perfect, but at least it's not a Nazi-like concentration camp atmospere anymore.
How to dissolve Israel? Simple. Start with allowing the Palestinians full political rights and participation--including the Right Of Return. When political power is shared, the Zionists will quickly shrivel.
As for the economy of Israel, it is and has always been a welfare state, depending on giant handouts from the U.S. and European nations. Its economy has always been based on weapons manufacturing--its number one client for its first forty years, South Africa.
All actual labor in Israel is done by imported low-wage coolie workers from the Philippenes, as well as starved and marginalized Palestinians.
In short, Israel is an economic disgrace.
The dream of irrigating the desert, meanwhile, has proven an environmental disaster. And Israel's industrial pollution of the region's delicate ecosystem is shamelessly hidden in the name of "security."
As for the Russians, Americans, and Ethiopians who have immigrated to Israel--under the auspices of some bizarre ancient religious myth, they can please GO HOME!!
As for the Jews who choose to stay, let them stay--just like in South Africa.
Remember, Whistler, prior to the Zionist invasion, Jews lived peacefully and productively throughout the Arab world since 500 BCE. Prior to 1950, in fact, Baghdad's population was a full one third Jewish.
Do you get this? Or do you buy into the rabid "eternal emnity" bullshit promoted by the Zionists and their ever-churing PR machine?
What's wrong with Israel? This
Callously ruining the entire western Mediterranean coast in a horrifically botched Wehrmacht asault on an innocent nation.
And that was just to distract from the insane carnage they're visiting upon the local Palestinians in Gaza
Face it, Whistler, Israel is cornered in its own foul web of immoral and grotesque behavior.
The very IDEA of the Zionists' dream was poisonous. You don't seem to appreciate this. How could anything good have been expected to come of it? As it is, nothing has.
It's time to Dissolve it and repair the damage it's done