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Patsy!!! Your sig bet awaits you!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:16 am
by BSmack
I figured since the AFC South doesn't exactly get a lot of smack love, I'd step up and offer you a chance at some board immortality, if only for a week. Maybe it's the vodka talking, or my angst over Tommy Maddox, but I'm willing to offer YOU the opportunity to write my sig for ONE WHOLE WEEK.

If the Jags win.

Of course, should the Jags lose, I would expect to write your sig for the following week. Rest assured, it would not be the usual homoerotic drivel you are used to seeing. There will be no references to "manlove", "colapsed rectums" or "prison rape" in your sig. At least not in the first line.

What say you?

Re: Patsy!!! Your sig bet awaits you!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:30 pm
by Ucant.#Ÿ³
BSmack wrote:Maybe it's the vodka talking.

Drunk on a Tuesday? Tsk, tsk... oh wait. You're a Steelers fan. Nevermind.