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Free swag from the bank ,etc.
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:16 pm
by Trampis
Opened up a new account at a bank a few weeks ago and never got my ATM card from said account. Went in this morning to see what was up and ended up walking out with a new water bottle,calculator and the mandatory free key chain.
Most profitable thing Ive done all day.
Water bottle is pretty cool,with a spring loaded lid,funnel drink spout and measurements in oz..The calculators made in China. Nice to know my new bank is supporting comunism.
Next I went to the Farm Service Agency(FSA) office and filled out some paper work so I can continue to get farmer welfare.I know our government is bloated by all the new farm programs they keep coming up with.Maybe this was more profitable then the water bottle thingy.
Then to top off my day I found $13 on the sidewalk out front of the convenience store,rack me!
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:39 pm
by The phantorino
You agreed to pay bank charges in return for 'a handfull of beads', then defrauded the american people before scooping someone else's loose change from a sidewalk that's dirtier than U.S. spinach?
Ok...err...Rack (I think)
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:20 am
by Trampis
No bank charges dude,never have,never will. Same goes for credit cards,never and I mean never have I ever paid any interest or yearly charges on a credit card.
Thanks for the half hearted rack.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:29 am
Always a pleasure at the local banks, bank women are nice to look at...
Re: Free swag from the bank ,etc.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:57 am
by Mister Bushice
So you're up a new water bottle, a calculator, a key chain, 13 bucks and you're on welfare.
Props on setting the financial success bar a micron above pathetic.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:34 pm
by Trampis
The thing about farm welfare is that you can make a ton of dough and still collect potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in government subsidies. You sign up for these subsidies,disaster relief,price supports whether you need them or not. Its rediculous,it really is. Its free money for doing nothing other then going down to the FSA office and filling out some paperwork.
One day a couple of years ago,I spent the morning making copies,stapling it together,then I went down and handed them my mornings "work" and made a little under $6000. Ive long since given up my right to complain about democrats or welfare moms or any wasted government programs because Ive got my hand in the cookie jar too.And according to my counties statistics,98% of the eligible farmers sign up for these programs.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:45 pm
by silvurna
I applaud your quasi-bucolic endeavors, but I won't rack you until you start cultivating opium poppies.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:28 pm
by Trampis
No poppies however I did find marijuana growing in my neighbors asparagus field a few years ago. No doubt planted by the mexicans he has picking the asparagus.
Every summer for the past five years I see the police drug plane flying around at low altitude looking for funny looking corn rows. A week or so latter there will be a writeup in the paper about how they found X amount of marijuana plants in some field or secluded spot. Whats worse,is how many Meth labs they are starting to find.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:37 pm
by Dinsdale
Trampis wrote:Ive long since given up my right to complain about democrats or welfare moms or any wasted government programs because Ive got my hand in the cookie jar too.
Apples and oranges, my friend.
Farmers feed our great nation. Welfare moms do not. Whole different ball of wax. It's very important that all the farms of this country are economically viable. While that "relief" may be wasted most years, as time goes on and the population continues to increase, those farms will have a greater and greater value to our society.
And bottom line -- I'd rather see you get that money than Halliburton.
But...don't kid yourself -- you are a card-carrying liberal. No amount of denial can change this.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:06 pm
by JCT
All I got was a rock.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:11 pm
by Derron
JCT wrote:All I got was a rock.
And you fucking smoked it, so now you have nothing.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:12 pm
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:JCT wrote:All I got was a rock.
And you fucking smoked it, so now you have nothing.
Doesn't make him a bad person.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:20 pm
by Derron
Rack farm programs and other goverment wastes.
Sold mitigation rights on 18 acres of bottom ground. $ 7,500 per acre = $ 135,000 Ground can never be farmed again. Permenantly in farm deferral on taxes....maybe $ 1,500 per year.
I still own the ground of course.
Got $ 25,000 from Ducks Unlimited to do the excavation work. They gave me the engineering.
Got another $ 12,000 to plant native and attractant plants.
Putting in a manufactured type building for a clubhouse. The site will be rented for $ 250 per gun per day for 3 days per week for 6 guns. Boats and decoys supplied, dogs later on. Gross maybe $ 54,000 next year.
I still need to reasearch more potential goverment dole opportunities on this project.
Rack you Trampis and rack me for getting over on the goverment LEGALLY AND WITH THEIR HELP.
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:17 pm
by The phantorino
Wow! You really are a group of money-grubbing, public purse-defrauding, unemployable yokels, aren't you?
Everyday I learn something new here, and it confirms that Amurrica is truly on the verge of a collapse of Roman proportions. I'll give ya'll 20 years before you're a Mexican state.
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:26 am
by Trampis
Derron wrote:Rack farm programs and other goverment wastes.
Sold mitigation rights on 18 acres of bottom ground. $ 7,500 per acre = $ 135,000 Ground can never be farmed again. Permenantly in farm deferral on taxes....maybe $ 1,500 per year.
I still own the ground of course.
Got $ 25,000 from Ducks Unlimited to do the excavation work. They gave me the engineering.
Got another $ 12,000 to plant native and attractant plants.
Putting in a manufactured type building for a clubhouse. The site will be rented for $ 250 per gun per day for 3 days per week for 6 guns. Boats and decoys supplied, dogs later on. Gross maybe $ 54,000 next year.
I still need to reasearch more potential goverment dole opportunities on this project.
Rack you Trampis and rack me for getting over on the goverment LEGALLY AND WITH THEIR HELP.
Your post is very interesting. I've read that the portland area is controlled well against the advances of urban sprawl. I used to view any government as bad but am coming around to the good that government can do when wanting to protect open spaces. We here in the tri-city area have lost boo-koo open desert to housing projects in the past ten years. Thus, there is nowhere to ride dirtbikes or horses or for kids to just go out and explore.Those areas that are still deseert are posted as no tresspassing.
I support groups like DU and there attempts at protecting wetlands and bird habitat. If the land you own can be used better as habitat then I support your decision to take it out of farming and provide for the environment, and make some good coin from the hunting club.
Is D.U. the hunting club you work with or are you the guide?
Rack Derron for helping the ducks and geese.
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:22 pm
by Goober McTuber
Trampis wrote:Rack Derron for helping the ducks and geese.
And all the while jealous of their intellect.
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:41 pm
by Derron
I support groups like DU and there attempts at protecting wetlands and bird habitat. If the land you own can be used better as habitat then I support your decision to take it out of farming and provide for the environment, and make some good coin from the hunting club.
Is D.U. the hunting club you work with or are you the guide?
18 acres @ $ 125 per acre per year = $ 2,250 cash rent
18 hunters per week @ $ 250 per gun x 10 weeks = $ 45,000
Which is a better deal ??
DU gives money away for habitat restoration all over the US. I happen to be in a very desirable area, adjacent to a proposed national wildlife refuge area. They make no requirements as to preference to DU members, but as property owner, I do.
Guiding is pretty easy... " See that blind out there ?? get in the mother fucking boat, go out there and when the ducks fly over, shoot them. " We change the decoys every day. We can deliver lunch's to the blinds. Beer avaliable in the clubhouse after shooting hours only.