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Best Golf Holes You've ever played....

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:56 pm
by Felix
Not the best courses, but the best individual holes. Pictures would be nice if possible.

Me, I've played three that are unparalleled....


The 17th hole at the Mid-Ocean course in Bermuda. Until I find something better, this ranks as the best, most scenic golf hole I've ever played. I parred it too!

The 16th at Pasatiempo in California. Only about 400 yards, but calling this hole "treacherous" would be an understatement.
This one wasn't quite so kind. A par 4 that I took a 7 on. :oops:

The 16th Hole at Cog Hill, Dubsdread course.

A 390 yard par 4 that I somehow managed to double bogey and felt fortunate to have done that.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:38 pm
by fix

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:14 pm
by Dinsdale
I haven't had the pleasure of golfing everywhere like many of you, and I'm jealous. That 2nd pic of Felix's looks crazyhard. Seems like if you hit your approach short, or a lay-up too long, it looks like you might get one heck of a nasty bounce off the cartpath. Anytime you have rough in the layup zone, at the same time it necks down, then those short/mid irons better be working, eh?

My entry has a little different theme to it. It's not notable for it's beauty or upkeep. It's just plain different. It's #12 at Mountain View , in Boring, Oregon(yup, you read that right). Pretty much a white-trash hacker course, so I know it pretty well.


The pic doesn't necessarily do it justice -- sucker is 184 yards out, and 180 feet down, with a pretty undulated green. Depending on pin placement, sucker can be a bitch. If the brush in the foreground isn't cut(don't ask me how they trim that stuff -- it's steep. Picture a 33% grade), heaven freaking help you if you duff one -- you just got a 10 on a par 3, and everybody who hit the green is laughing at you. Just trying to hike up the hill to find a ball is a workout. If you club up, you risk clearing the green, which you probably can't see in the pic, but all that scrub growing around the green is hiding a creek, and the banks are steep. A well hit 8 usually gets you there, or a high-lofted, very easy-hit 7. It's truly a par 3 that can hurt your feelings in a major way.

And the cartpath down to the green is pretty special. Kind of a nasty switchback trail down the mountainside. There's an actual highway gaurdrail in one spot -- rumor has it that some drunk actually died driving a cart down there. Probably bullshit, but it's a lot more fun to assume it's true.

Sad part about the course, is it's called Mountain View, and not one pic on their site shows any of the spectacular views of Mt. Hood, which besides Hole #12, is about their only redeeming quality, besides a cheapass twilight special in summer.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:20 pm
by fix

Good lord, talk about hitting a tee shot on a wing and a prayer.

Does the guidebook tell you to take less club because it's slightly downhill ?

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:34 pm
by Dinsdale
As I mentioned, it's a white-trash special. They're pretty lax/indifferent to getting entirely too wasted out there, and we've come dangerously close to taking each other up on bets as to who is going to be the first to successfully navigate the hill in a cart(I'm a devout walker, but if they didn't throw in the cart, nobody would play here, and the pace would be miserable. An Olympic marathon runner from Etheopia would get tired walking this goattrack). I'm pretty sure it would be near-impossible to get a cart to the bottom in one piece with an uninjured driver, but alcohol and testosterone in an all-male environment can do strange things. When the day comes that I can afford to buy these tools a replacement cart, I might have to give it a whirl -- wish me luck. I really don't think it could be done.

I failed to mention the tee -- it's right on the edge of the dropoff, so they can't maintain a proper teebox. It's pretty much just bare ground with a driving range mat right on the edge. I don't think OSHA would approve of someone trying to mow a box right there, so a mat it is. But something about that hole makes a mat appropriate.

In their defense, the course went through a change in ownership, and is getting slightly better. OK, at least the bar got better -- jury is still out on the course.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:44 pm
by Felix
Dinsdale wrote:Image
I said golf holes, not your favorite ski run!

Damn, not many places to miss it are there?

Otis, nice course. I've played some "inspired by" courses and yours looks as nice as any I've been on.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:49 pm
by Dinsdale
The pic really doesn't do it justice. If you miss, you're pretty freaking happy with a 7. Hopefully, you can get a piece of the bunker if you don't get on. Did I mention that the green has a buch of slope, and in summer when the greens are hard, it's tough to get it to stick?

All the times I've played there, I think I've birdied it once. Harder than it looks.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:53 pm
by fix
It begs the question, tell me they have 30mph+ cross winds gusting across that hole too.

Just to complete it.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:59 pm
by Dinsdale
Oh dude....of course.

Depends on the season, really(there a Marcus Allen reset in there somewhere). It's in a little valley, right at the base of Mt. Hood, so there can be some pretty gusty breezes from the "cold drainage."

But yeah, it cab be very windy there.....of course. Be too easy if it was calm all the time. How far do you adjust for wind when the hole is down a 180 foot hill?

My advice -- have another beer, and discuss it with the rest of the group.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:25 pm
by longtimelistener2
To date probably the 5th at Kaanapali North, but in March I'm gonna be playing Poi Pu Bay and the Emerald at Wilea.

Hopefully I can shoot a 59 like lefty! (on each nine) :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:55 pm
by Felix
longtimelistener2 wrote:To date probably the 5th at Kaanapali North,

Pretty sweet looking hole
but in March I'm gonna be playing Poi Pu Bay

My suggestion, try and keep it out of the lava rock
and the Emerald at Wilea.
Hopefully I can shoot a 59 like lefty! (on each nine) :wink:
Good luck with that!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:10 pm
by Dinsdale
LTL2 sighting?

Sweet. Sup, Homie?

If you haven't played Mountain View, it can be a hoot. Don't know about now, but in the summer, they usually have a twightlight special, where it's $25 for 18 with a cart after 2:30. I think it's $28 on weekends. Bring beer, since they never seem to have a bev cart around. Way the hell across town(Boring), but not a bad trip. Pretty casual atmosphere.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:21 am
by longtimelistener2
Yo D!

Just been bangin around the usual haunts.

Big doug fir sends his regards.

I've got a bud from Gresham that keeps talkin about that place, so I'm sure we'll be takin a trip yonder this year. Also got a bud that belongs to Arrowhead. Played 15 last year during the remodel, but he says he owes me a whole 18 so I've got that goin for me.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:07 pm
by Dinsdale
Not familiar with Arrowhead. Is it cool?

One of my bestest golf buds recently joined Rock Creek, which is in your neck of the woods, if I remember right. Not a bad course, if you don't mind the houses. Pretty tough, but they keep it up nice for a low-dues club. They charge us too much for guest fees(OK, $40 isn't over the top, but I always seem to be able to find a deal), so I don't play it that often. OK, maybe it's the "no-jeans" thing that bums me. If I'm playing in winter, I feel like a dweeb walking around in muddy slacks. Call it a mental defect on my part. When it gets consistantly warm enough for shorts, I'll be seeing Rock Creek again.

Another place that I've yet to play, that I'll bet others here are familiar with, is Pumpkin Ridge(where the 2003(?) Women's Open was, and Tiger won 2 of his 3 Ametuer Championships). One of my golf crew is doing quite well for himself, and joined that big-buck establishment. I'll report back. I'll pony up the $50 to play a Major-worthy course(rumor has it that they're working on playing the US Open there in the near-future).

On a local note, not sure if you're familiar with , but a lot of courses throw up fat deals on vacant tee-times. You have to book online, but you can get rounds at places like The Reserve(another Major-hosting course) for as low as $35 with the cart thrown in. I'm more drawn to the white-trashier joints myself, but it's nice to play a fancy-schmancy track every once in a while.

Oh, and I played that abomination known as King City. Yuk. But there was no chance I'd like it, since it's all of about a 2 minute drive from my house. A 375 yard par 5? Whatever.

Go check out Mountain View. If you like to drink while playing, it's a good one. In the last year or so, we discovered Sandelie -- the Mecca of drunk golfing. Sweet deal, since they don't sell any alcohol, they're not regulated by the state liquor nazis, therefore you can bring your own. It's what we refer to as "pasture links." That's a pretty good time out there, and isn't a bad drive from my locale.

Don't be a stranger, LTL.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:06 pm
by longtimelistener2
I actually called Rock Creek when they were advertising on the Fan hard and heavy. I figured for the initiation and the monthlys, I could play many other courses around town and more than break even.

Arrowhead is a private club over in Molalla right next to the river. Initiation is $7500 but they offer a full club expierience with an indoor pool, weights, basketball gym, raquetball, and a resturant. Just too damn far for me to drive regularly.

King City is a shithole, just my F in law lives close and hes gietting up there in years and likes the short walk. Played in November and ended up sinking to my ankles. Lost many balls straight down the middle and No seasonal discount. Then I went a played Claremont ( 1 mile away) in December and I was getting roll on the fairways. Only plugged once and they discounted to $11 dollars. Great price for as good of shape the course was in I thought.

I have been to that website and looks promising. Unfortunately, I have to schedule my games a little more firm than I want to.

Maybe someday, when I won't embarras myself, I'll consider Pumpkin Ridge. I'd also like to head down to Bandon. We're so close to someplace so special.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:19 am
by fix
Dinsdale wrote:Another place that I've yet to play, that I'll bet others here are familiar with, is Pumpkin Ridge(where the 2003(?) Women's Open was, and Tiger won 2 of his 3 Ametuer Championships). One of my golf crew is doing quite well for himself, and joined that big-buck establishment. I'll report back. I'll pony up the $50 to play a Major-worthy course(rumor has it that they're working on playing the US Open there in the near-future).
Are you fucking serious?

Now I have yet another example of just how badly golfers in and around the greater Toronto area are being screwed over with outrageous greens fees.
The top 4 courses available to public play and capable of hosting the Canadian Open in around Toronto

1. Glen Abbey $235
2. Angus Glen $175 $120 after 12pm
3. Lionhead
Weekday and Weekends Prime Time
Masters: $150.00 / Legends: $160.00

4. Eagles Nest $175

And pretty much any of the other decent tracks worth playing are a minimum $70 greens fee, most not including cart.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:04 am
by King Crimson
3-10 at Turnberry. i made a tidy 2 putt 4 on the one in Otis' av.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:10 pm
by Dinsdale
Otis wrote: Are you fucking serious?
My post didn't explain things well. Pumpkin Ridge has two courses -- a public side, and a private side. They played the Women's Open and Amtetuer Championships on the private side. Since they charge pretty big dues, they keep the guest fees reasonable. I haven't been out there yet(never timed it right with my buddy), but I believe it's $50 for guests. I believe that in-season, the Joe-Blow rate for the public side is about $110.

Most of the really nice public courses around here are about $70, in-season. Often much cheaper winter rates. Winter rates have been a sweet gig this year, what with winter being cancelled -- dry fairways and warm, sunny skies.

I've never played it, but they keep telling me that Bandon Dunes/Pacific Dunes is the #1 nicest public course(s) in the country, and in-season, they want $200 +caddie. Me and some friends are going to be planning a trip for this fall, when the weather on the South Coast is still nice(and some say much less windy), and the fees drop to $50, and you can play without a caddie. It seems strange to me that they went nuts building the mother-of-all public courses in Bandon, since it's a little tiny town, and is a million miles from any population center, and not all that close to any great amount of tourist infrastructure. It's about a 5 hour drive from Portland, and I'd guess about an 8 hour drive from San Francisco, and there's no major airport for at least 100 miles. Odd, but it must be working for them, since they built a second course, and are working on a third.

Pretty sweet part of the world, though. Spent time in the area, never played the courses --



Looking at it more, from the tips, it's a 74.2/138......sounds like major potential for some hurt feelings.

Otis, if you convert those greens fees to US$, it's not as outrageous as it sounds, but probably still higher than average. Would it bum you out if I told you that about 3 weeks ago, I met a friend up in a town called Yelm Washington(little hodunk place a ways outside of Olympia), and played their course in the middle of town, which wasn't too bad at all......and they charged us $19.....with a cart? I couldn't really believe it. One of the sweeter deals I've ever seen.

Edit: Just looked over the special tee-time rates for the next couple of days. Could book a spot at the Reserve Vinyards(new home of the Jeld-Wen Tradition, the 5th Major for the Champions) for as low as $25 a person, if you're willing to take the twightlight deal. I think that's BODE or something.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 10:44 pm
by Rack Fu
I played Pinehurst #2. It doesn't have a signature hole per se. I always liked #18.

The prettiest course I ever played was .

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:00 pm
by Felix
Dinsdale wrote:
My post didn't explain things well. Pumpkin Ridge has two courses -- a public side, and a private side. They played the Women's Open and Amtetuer Championships on the private side.
Actually Dins, that's incorrect. When they played the amateurs and the Womens open there, the course they played was a combination of the two courses. The private course is called Witch Hollow and the public course is Ghost Creek. The course they set up for the championships was primarily the Witch Hollow course, but they incorporated 4 or 5 holes from the Ghost Creek side to complete the course.
I believe that in-season, the Joe-Blow rate for the public side is about $110.
It was $135 when I played it, which was in late July and worth every cent. It's a great course.
Rack Fu wrote:I played Pinehurst #2. It doesn't have a signature hole per se. I always liked #18.
You played Pinehurst #2!?!?!

I hope you won't take this the wrong way or anything......but
I HATE YOU :lol: :lol:

I love the caption under this photo

The man in the shadows in the middle of the photograph is repairing the ball mark from the failed pitch by the man on the right, who is now preparing to play his second chip shot!

Don't have a clue because nothing like that has ever happened to me.....

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:16 pm
by Dinsdale
Felix wrote:It was $135 when I played it, which was in late July and worth every cent. It's a great course.
Well, when I finally time it with my member-bud and get out there, I'll tell you how the private side is, for $50. Actually creates a sweet scenario for me -- I can shoot 105, and STILL have BODE over you.....BODE. I knew the big course was Witch Hollow, couldn't remember the name of the other one for the life of me.

At 75.2/143, Witch Hollow ranks as the 6th toughest course in the state -- nowhere near the brutal 76.8/150 of Bandon Dunes.
The man in the shadows in the middle of the photograph is repairing the ball mark from the failed pitch by the man on the right, who is now preparing to play his second chip shot!

Don't have a clue because nothing like that has ever happened to me.....
Me neither. EVAR! Why would you be chipping after you already made a ballmark?

If dude is that far off after leaving enough of a ballmark that it needs fixing, I'm guessing those greens are fast enough to make for an occasional three-putt, and assorted other hurt feelings.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:48 pm
by Felix
Dinsdale wrote: Well, when I finally time it with my member-bud and get out there, I'll tell you how the private side is, for $50.

:lol: :lol:

If dude is that far off after leaving enough of a ballmark that it needs fixing, I'm guessing those greens are fast enough to make for an occasional three-putt, and assorted other hurt feelings.
I'm sure Fu would concur with this, but from my understanding 3-putts are the norm and your post should have read "occasional 4 or 5 putt".

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:14 pm
by Dinsdale
Felix wrote: Well, when I finally time it with my member-bud and get out there, I'll tell you how the private side is, for $50.
Mea culpa, I've made another inaccurate post. Last time we tried to hook this up, dude said the proshop often closes early, so if you go out in the evening there's nobody there to take your money. So, it might actually work out to be free.

I'll let you know how it goes. Would that make me unpopular around here if I was playing Major courses for free? I think that might even parlay into some degree of BODE. Then again, considering the dude I'll be playing with can get through that sucker under par, I guess I won't be claiming BODE after getting waxed by 20 strokes.

But my wallet will still be claiming BODE.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:22 pm
by Felix
Dinsdale wrote:
Mea culpa, I've made another inaccurate post. Last time we tried to hook this up, dude said the proshop often closes early, so if you go out in the evening there's nobody there to take your money. So, it might actually work out to be free.

I'll let you know how it goes. Would that make me unpopular around here if I was playing Major courses for free? I think that might even parlay into some degree of BODE.
Playing the Witch Hollow course itself would give you BODE. If you play it for $50, that's definitely Big Time BODE. If you play it for free, that's massive BODE.

Would it make you unpopular? You're kidding right? Pull it off and you'll be my HERO.

That in and of itself equates to huge BODE. You'll need a truck to transport all your BODE around.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:31 pm
by Dinsdale
So, if I get in the Beer Cart Girl's pants at the turn, and stealthily make off with the bev cart while she's basking in the Dinsdalian afterglow, then use said cart to haul my BODE around for the rest of the day(not to mention slurping up the booze), does that grant me DOUBLEBODE?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:43 pm
by Felix
Dinsdale wrote:So, if I get in the Beer Cart Girl's pants at the turn, and stealthily make off with the bev cart while she's basking in the Dinsdalian afterglow, then use said cart to haul my BODE around for the rest of the day(not to mention slurping up the booze), does that grant me DOUBLEBODE?
No, your BODE level would be


:lol: :lol: