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Did Nebraska bring their refs to Ames?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:40 am
by TheJON
Don't get me wrong, ISU blows, but the Clones got screwed out of 2 second half TD's. Probably still would have ended up losing, but the offensive pass interference on Todd Blythe was a call that only teams like Nebraska get. And then the questionable call where Austin Flynn caught a pass for an aparent TD was not even reviewed and it really looked as if Flynn caught the ball and had possession of it before going out of bounds. Granted, it's not 100% conclusive but to not at least review it is (to quote Dan McCarney) f-ing horsecrap!

But Bill What a bad coach. What in the fuck was he doing just trying to run the clock out up 14 early in the 3rd quarter? Sure, they won the game, but my goodness.....he's gonna lose a game for sitting on the ball. It didn't happen this week, but sometime it's gonna come back to haunt them. How many times in a row did they run the damn ball up the middle? And I think that mentality went over to their defense in the second half because they played much more passive than they did in the 1st half. I know ISU didn't turn that into points, but again, that's going to come back to haunt them later in the year.

McCarney and Callahan are bad coaches. Iowa State and Nebraska are bad teams. That was a terrible game to watch. You could tell that Dan Fouts was thrilled as piss to get that abortion of a ballgame over with.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:41 am
by RadioFan
Iowa won, we GOT it, Jon.


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:45 am
by TheJON
How did you see through that? Man, all this time I thought I was doing a good job of hiding the fact that I was just bumpin' my gums about Iowa's HUGE win over powerhouse Purdue!!

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:42 am
by Husker4ever
So I guess that makes Iowa a bad team, too. Way to kick your own ass.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:49 am
by TheJON
I'm confused.....(someone's gonna sig the fuck outta that one!)

How does what I said mean that Iowa sucks? I'm too tired to try and figure this out!

Seriously though, Husker.....

What the heck was Callahan doing just sitting on the ball the entire 2nd half? And why do they play so passive on defense? I know they blitzed a few times, but they really played like they were either afraid of ISU's WR's or they just didn't care to give an effort to cover them. Those DE's are way too damn good to not be getting a couple sacks a game. I guarantee you that if Nebraska continues to play like this on both sides of the ball, they're going to end up getting beat by an inferior opponent eventually. Play to win the fucking game! I know Callahan has taken some heat in previous years for being reckless, but there's a difference between being reckless and playing to win. Callahan has got to learn the difference. Someone will sneak up on them with a 2nd half rally if they keep this up. It's just a matter of time.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:04 pm
by AZhusker
I am getting really tired of trying to sit on a lead in the second half. Callahan thinks it is the NFL, where you get up by 14 and the game is over. I thought he would have learned something against Kansas, but apparently not. I have never seen a coach that was this scared to pass the ball. All he has to do is mix in a PA pass now and then to keep them honest. I am really tired of the formations as well. The entire stadium knows what we are doing when we get to the line. We either have 3 tight ends and a full back field and run the ball, or 4 wide shotgun set and we pass. There is no surprises with these plays. It is going to bite him when we hit a good defense.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:06 pm
by Adelpiero
no, isu is an extremely shitty team.

thugskers didnt need the refs


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:47 pm
by bradhusker
hey JON?
if according to you, "nebraska is a bad team", then, what would you call FSU?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:53 pm
by Van
Brad, is there any particular reason you seem to conclude every recent post with a comma?

That's one of the weirdest tics I've ever seen. You're like a video that simply won't quit buffering.


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:55 pm
by bradhusker
van, the reason I prefer the comma is because im simply not done yet, just because the post has been posted, merely means that I am coming back for more, ready to deal out more hard knocks, or, in some cases, take some hard shots myself,
when usc beat nebraska, I was quickly humbled, BUT, like any TRUE FAN, I come back for more, right now, we are 5-1, and, if we beat k state, and then texas, we'll be a good 7-1,
as for you guys? you're the worst 6-0 team ive ever seen, your just limping along, barely getting by the very weak pac ten, and, I know, you thump your chests about how tough ucla and washington and arizona are, BUT, to the rest of the board? your league sucks,

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:06 pm
by Van
Brad, uhh... <--------


One entry found for ellipsis.

Main Entry: el·lip·sis
Pronunciation: i-'lip-s&s, e-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural el·lip·ses /-"sEz/
Etymology: Latin, from Greek elleipsis ellipsis, ellipse, from elleipein to leave out, fall short, from en in + leipein to leave -- more at IN, LOAN

1 a : the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete b : a sudden leap from one topic to another

2 : marks or a mark (as...) indicating an omission (as of words) or a pause

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:13 pm
by Danimal
ISU did get flat-out hosed out of one td. The review-official should be suspended for that one, no excuses. The push-off on Blythe wasn't a bad call but I guarantee he usually get away with that. We also got away with a blatant hold on our first td-drive. ISU just isn't very good, Neb is better, but if ISU could buy a call that is a close game.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:53 am
by At Large
I, too, am really sick of these "let's get a lead and then stop taking chances" strategies that B-Cal employs. He did the same thing against Baylor last year on the road and probably will for every future road game.

As for the refs, I agree that they did get hosed on the second called back TD, but that was a nice pushoff for the first TD. Would this be the first game that a home team/(edit: or favored team) benefits from the refs? Hell, No. It wasn't the only blow call I saw in the game. One of our guys got laid out with a nice block in the back on one of ISU's punt returns with no call, so the fact that they got others wrong was not surprising.