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How many people order ppv's for the Canadian teams?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:14 am
by Cross Traffic
Was watching the Oilers/Nucks game and they had an ad for Oilers PPV against the Yotes for 11.95. Assume most people head to the local watering hole when they are charging that kind of price to see the Oil take on the Yotes. That would never work in the US, people are too used to getting all their team's road games on the regional networks.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:20 am
by fix
The closest thing to PPV up here is Leafs TV... which you can get for about $5 per month added on to your cable subsription

Otherwise, 95% of all Leaf games are shown on basic cable.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:26 am
by Cross Traffic
$5 a month seems reasonable, plus they show vintage games....looking at that schedule, 4/11/71 vs Rangers.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:37 am
by JD
About 10 of the Flames games are on PPV. 3 of them are this week alone. :(

But I buy them anyway. Usually better to go to a bar for the PPV games, but with all my married friends, that's not always an option. Usually a bunch of us will just go to one guy's house for them and we'll pitch in. Four people come over and it's like 3 bucks each. Not a huge deal.

Fortunately, the two PPV games so far have been absolute barn-burners, so the money has been well-spent.

A win tonight would have been nice, however. :?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:40 am
by fix
Cross Traffic wrote:$5 a month seems reasonable, plus they show vintage games....looking at that schedule, 4/11/71 vs Rangers.
That's the ONLY reason I subscribe to it.

For the few games that they air which aren't available on either CBC, TSN or Sportsnet... I'd be happy just listening to the radio play by play...

But the chance to see games from years gone by.. teams I grew up watching..

That's what hooked me on buying into it.

Watching the Leafs vs the Shero coached Broad Street Bullies will never grow old
Watching Sittler score 10 in one night against Cheever's backup.. will never grow old.
Watching the last Leaf team to win the Stanley Cup...actually do it.. that's old.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:25 pm
by Smoked Meat
All the Canadiens games are aired on RDS, on basic cable. I'm surprised the other canadian teams have some of their games of ppvs.

Anyone heard about CBC losing Hockey Night in Canada to TSN?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:55 pm
by Joey Moss
I was going to buy the PPV for the San Jose vs Edmonton match-up last week but I found it for free at

PS- $5/month for Leafs TV seems like a deal until you realize that I wouldn't watch if you paid me.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:43 pm
by Mustang
They did that in Chicago back in the early 90's....back when the Hawks were pretty damn good. That idiot Wirtz finally relented and allowed his home games to be available on HawkVision. Can't remember how much it cost and if it flew or not. But I'm pretty sure Chicago home games are STILL not available on any kind of free TV there.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:58 pm
by Joey Moss
Hey Flames Fan

You can catch the PPV Flames vs Yotes 'Battle for the Basement' at if you downlaod their TVU player.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:54 am
by JD
Joey Moss wrote:Hey Flames Fan

You can catch the PPV Flames vs Yotes 'Battle for the Basement' at if you downlaod their TVU player.
Hey, thanks for that, GreaserFan, but unfortunately, I had better things to do tonight (meet girls).

Of course, if I wasn't (meeting girls) I would have been at the game anyway.

As for the "Battle for the Basement", looks like the 'yotes took that one hands down.

BTW, where is guyin_cognito, aka al? these days?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:27 am
by Cross Traffic
Gretz doesn't last another 10 games as Yotes coach. He whines more than he did as a player. You are losing 6-1, it sure as hell isn't the ref's fault your team sucks.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:44 pm
by Cicatrix
Uhhh JD...when you put "meet girls" in brackets everyone knows that it code for "beating it like it owes me money".

Just saying.