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Independent Conservative with Liberal views on immigration

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:03 am
by Jack
This is not the best test. I do not like Yes or No answers but try this from CNN

I am as my title says.. Independent Conservative with Liberal views on immigration

What's your personal political platform? Take the quiz below to measure your attitudes on some key issues. Then, share your comments on those topics with theoneboard! ... /quiz.html

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:36 pm
by Cicero


Moral Issues

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:45 pm
by BSmack
I'm proud to say that I didn't agree with Cicero on a damn thing.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:40 pm
by Cicero
BSmack wrote:I'm proud to say that I didn't agree with Cicero on a damn thing.
I'm not surprised.

Re: Independent Conservative with Liberal views on immigrati

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:10 am
by Jack
mvscal wrote:
Jack wrote:I am as my title says.. Independent Conservative with Liberal views on immigration
Then your title should read: Fucking Moron

at least I am Fucking more!!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:26 am
by RadioFan
Cicero wrote:Republican


Moral Issues
Now there's a real shocker.

What's next? You find Applebees and Hooters as fine eating establishments?

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:01 pm
by Jack
Do you favor or oppose building a fence along the entire border with Mexico?

Who is IN FAVOR of this idea??


President Bush signed a bill today authorizing 700 miles of new fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, hoping to give Republican candidates a pre-election platform for asserting they're tough on illegal immigration. Bush called the fence "an important step in our nation's efforts to secure our borders."


Talk about a monumental WASTE of MONEY!!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:02 pm
by Jack
mvscal wrote:
Jack wrote:Who is IN FAVOR of this idea??
Most of the country.

Remeber.. your government is building this fence... so whatever they say it is going to cost... triple that.

However many years they say it will take quintiple that.

and how effective will it really be?? not very..

NPR Story

Bush wants to build a 700 mile fence..

So far, the 14-mile fence between San Diego, Calif., and Tijuana, Mexico which was started in 1993. the total price will be around $75 Million.

Okay.. 14 years to build a 14 mile fence..
So a 700 mile fence would take how long?

and how much will it really cost??

How much would extending the fence cost?

There's no official government estimate of how much it would cost to build a 700-mile-long border fence. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), the main backer of the fence plan, has been quoted as estimating the project would cost about $2.2 billion. That's roughly $3 million per mile. But Sean Garcia, an expert on fencing with the Latin American Working Group, says the costs are likely to be much higher. Garcia notes that Hunter severely underestimated the cost of the San Diego fence, which is the model for the larger fence. Hunter said the San Diego fence would cost $14 million, or about $1 million a mile. The first 11 miles of the fence actually cost $42 million, or $3.8 million per mile, Garcia says; the last 3.5 miles may cost several times that much because they cover more difficult terrain. And that's just the cost for building materials. Labor, surveillance cameras, sensors, lighting and road construction are not included. Plus, there are the potential costs of fighting any lawsuits that may crop up, and of buying land from private landowners.

If our government tells you it will cost $2.2 Billion, expect that to be close to $10 Billion.

and isn't this America? Land of the Free, Home of the Brave!

How Free and How Brave can you be behind a fence?

Now, If I built fences for a living or sold fence parts.. I would be in favor of such a STUPID IDEA...

but I am not

and I have seen first hand what these projects really cost.

Take for example THE BIG DIG!!

The politicians said it would cost $2.2 billion. Today, the price tag is $14.1 billion—most of it coming out of taxpayers' wallets—and climbing. and the Big Dig is a BIG Disaster... Last year, a woman was killed when a 12 ton slab of concrete fell on her head. The panels are coming loose, the thing is leaking and the people that built it using cheap parts will not pay for the current $12 Billion cost overruns.. You and I will. Since, you and I are taxpayers....

The Big Dig.. A fine example of how not to spend your Social Security Money!!


I would rather have 10,000 Mexicans paying taxes in our country than pay billions to keep them out but knowing that the Billions won't stop them for another 100 years or more!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:15 pm
by Mister Bushice
where in hell are you getting these fallacies, jack?

Here. read up. Learn a little something about what is really happening:

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:38 pm
by Jack

There is no doubt that the illegal alien crisis is a HUGE PROBLEM and one that needs some sort of remedy..

I just don't think that wasting $20 Billion or more $$$ over the next 100 years or more is the solution.

It has taken the US Government 14 YEARS to build a 14 Mile Fence and they are still not done!!

To me it's as if some one said, you have a heart problem which may make you susceptible to a heart attack, but if you act now and buy the RONCO Artery Cleaner, not only will you have clean fresh arteries, your bladder will function like that of a 14 year old and all of your hair will grow back..

but wait, if you act now.....

There is a Sucker born every minute.. PT Barnum


Yes, we have a problem, but the Amazing Ronco 700 mile fence a matic will not solve the problem.. it will only take more money away from us, the taxpayers!

and furthermore, who do you think will build this fence??
It won't be Americans!!



Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:52 pm
by Mister Bushice
I think if we

1. Put up a wall if only to slow down the criminals and drug traffikers
2. allow for legit guest workers who pay taxes to come here
3. relocate existing resources from the walled section to the unwalled section so as to concentrate existing security along the unsecured section.

You do realize we would be spending billions in policing the border over the next 100 years. anyway so why not wall it up? the majority of the people coming over are the undesirable ones. Coupling improved security with an avenue for the legit ones to get here and the savings would far out strip the costs.

or do you have a better idea?

I don't get why you don't see how we would save hundreds of millions of dollars annually by slowing the flow of illegals.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:10 am
by Jack

It sounds nice. I am just too skeptical when the government spends my money to try to fix things.

And unless you electrify the fence (too expensive), you still have to guard every inch of the fence.

Getting Mexico to fix its economy is crucial. Because as long as Mexico sucks.. the Mexicans will try to escape to the US and can you blame them? What would you do if you were a Mexican living on the border?

Would a silly fence stop you?