Words of a desperate man, who realizes his days are numbered. His only solace is he lasted longer than Joe Clark or Kim Campbell.Stephen Harper is wading into a bitter dispute over a key Conservative crime-fighting bill, warning opposition parties they’ll pay a price at the polls if they persist in thwarting the measure.
At issue is legislation that would curb the power of judges to sentence convicted criminals to house arrest rather than jail time for a wide range of offences.
The Liberals, NDP and Bloc Quebecois joined forces at the Commons justice committee earlier this week to water down the bill - and raise the ire of the prime minister.
“Canadians elected this Parliament - not just the Conservative party. They expected all parties to be tough on crime,” Harper said as he left the House of Commons on Wednesday.
The 36% of the people that voted for him, a large majority of those outside of Alberta voted to punish the Liberals not that they like Harper and his policies. If that scandal did not come to light at Christmas, Harper would be pulling knives out of his back and sitting in the peanut gallery in the House.
He sure seems full of himself, which I would say Delusional. He sure does not understand he has slipped in the polls against the leaderless Liberals, he fails to see he is so far out of touch with average Canadians, has a couple scandals brewing with Mackay and Porna. Both of who lied in the House. People do not like his "green" plan, his lovey dovey with Bush, his stance on Israel, falling support in P.Q. and I could go on and on.
This so called "new" government has been a failure and our "dear leader" will be gone after the spring election.
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