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Stock and Investment web links to check out

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:54 am
by Mister Bushice
Can we sticky a thread with web links to sites that have stock market or investment help, advice, and information?

I'll offer up one of the few I know of out there that has merit. It's a precious metals site, with a live ticker for gold prices. It also features articles from well known investors and info / current prices on all of the major precious metals and mining stocks.

The site is

Also, can we keep random comments out of this thread and use it just for weblinks so it is easier to navigate? If anyone wants to comment on a post from here, start a new thread.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:58 pm
by KC Scott
OK here are a few:

For Up to the minute announcements on stocks - In Play

for Stock Charts

Free Charts

52 Week High / Lows - Most Actives by Indice:

Most Actives

Institutional Buying - Selling

Thompson I-Watch

Insider Watch - daily updates on Insider Transactions:

Insider Monitor

Stocks Paying the highest Dividends:

Dividend Detective

Mutual Fund Analysis


Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:36 pm
by Joey Moss
Links to Energy related stories:

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:42 am
by KC Scott
Without a doubt, the absolute most trusted site, IMHO, is Investors Business Daily. They are totally unbiased and offer a very simple method for both Fundamental and technical investors. The annual charge is like $260 but if you are going to invest, there is no better source of information:

Their "Big Picture" has pretty much nailed every market shift in the last 20+ years, and their CANSLIM method of identifying undervalued or growth potential stocks is outstanding


These guys have a pretty good track record on their short term selections and they're free. You can also sign up for their daily selections and they'll e-mail their chart and trade set ups:

They give a free video analysis of all their picks - most of it is short term, although they also have a couple longer term buy and holds.


This next guy is a major bear, but he has been spot on regarding the market's behavior since the initial drop of Feb. 26

This is another site that has pretty good information and sends out daily alerts. Their neither bulls nor bears, but just put out the information on stocks that may have action the next day:

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:10 am
by KC Scott
Nice Link for looking at sectors or industry - drop down menus for each with lists of stocks Cramer has mentioned

Not a huge Cramer fan - but he talks about a Lot of companies - good spot to learn

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:54 am
by KC Scott
Another good link for market trading is Brian Shannon:

He updates this daily and is very good at pointing trends.


An Update on Brian's site - he won a Best of the Web (BESPY) - for Best Blog /Technical Analysis


Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:04 am
by KC Scott
^^^ Brian had an interesting take on some very sold off stocks he expects will benefit - Short term from the January effect:

Picking bottoms (or a top) in a stock is one of the most difficult jobs on Wall Street and it is something which I rarely attempt to do. There is, however, one time of year that I have had success in finding deeply oversold stocks which have produced incredible short term percentage moves over the course of 2-3 weeks. Now is that time of year!

The best description of the “January Effect” comes from Wikipedia “The January effect (sometimes called "year-end effect") is a calendar effect wherein stocks, especially small-cap stocks, have historically tended to rise markedly in price during the period starting on the last day of December and ending on the fifth trading day of January. This effect is owed to year-end selling to create tax losses, recognize capital gains, effect portfolio window dressing, or raise holiday cash. Because such selling depresses the stocks but has nothing to do with their fundamental worth, bargain hunters quickly buy in, causing the January rally.”

I do not think it is as precise as the last day of the year and then selling on the fifth trading day of January, but the reason in this description is valid (except raising holiday cash, do you sell your stocks so you can buy a nice present for your wife?).

Keep in mind that the stocks on this list are not in good technical condition, the charts all look terrible! Also, the fundamentals for these companies are probably lousy. These stocks should be looked at as HIGH RISK and you should consider buying a basket of them across different industries to spread the risk. I would suggest that you commit no more than 20% of your risk capital to the entire strategy, spread evenly amongst the stocks you choose to purchase.

Stocks reviewed in the video include; CSK Auto Corporation (Public, NYSE:CAO), Citadel Broadcasting Corporation (Public, NYSE:CDL), Directed Electronics, Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:DEIX), Enterra Energy Trust(Public, NYSE:ENT), The Finish Line, Inc.(Public, NASDAQ:FINL), Fremont General Corporation (Public, NYSE:FMT), Quebecor World Inc.(Public, NYSE:IQW), Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (Public, NYSE:KKD), Merge Technologies Incorporated (Public, NASDAQ:MRGE), Stein Mart, Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:SMRT), Standard Pacific Corp.(Public, NYSE:SPF) and a few other stocks with terrible charts and questionable fundamentals. The stocks are risky and should only be looked as potential trades.
Check his website for info if interested

Re: Stock and Investment web links to check out

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:05 am
by Trampis
Basically every day I go to in order:
-My online broker which is Fidelity with level 2 trading platform. I love the streaming intraday chart, especially the 2 day/3 minute chart.
-Yahoo Finance to check for news on my stocks or ones Im researching for longer term charting

I go to every night I can. Guy gives a good explanation of what happened in the market from a technical aspect every day. After a while you pick up on stuff and am able to apply it. And he gives out some picks of stocks that might breakout or down. isnt too bad either. for definitions.