black on black smack is okay
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:40 pm
the michael irvin/tiki barber drama has espn hipocrisizing and faluzinating all that is wrong with opinion and politically correctness. i remember just a short time ago, rush limbaugh had an opinion about donovan mcnabb. apparently it wasnt agreed with, so espn spent a full week apologizing for the racist remarks and whatnot. what i find funny is that irvin and tom jackson call out tiki barber and its just analysts who have been there. i believe the limbaugh hire was a dumb move on el rushbos part, but agreed with everything he said at the time. what say you?
tom jackson is too sensitive ____ yes
chris berman is the antichrist ____yes
_____ no
michael irvin speakis da troof ____ yes
tom jackson is too sensitive ____ yes
chris berman is the antichrist ____yes
_____ no
michael irvin speakis da troof ____ yes