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Season Over

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:21 pm
by rozy

At least he has himself to blame for it and not some one taking him out.


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:40 pm
by packwin13
Hey, at least your driver hung in this long. As a Petty fan, my driver is normally mathmatically eliminated by May.

I did get to meet Petty today- he was in town for a signing. We don't get many NASCAR drivers in town, so I was thrilled to see he was here. There were a lot more people than I thought there would be, but he was a very willing signer, and an extremely nice person to meet.

At least the 43 car has given me some hope in the past couple of months :)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:22 am
by Qbert

cool to hear about Petty being up in your parts...