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The Democratic bastards have stolen the election !!!
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:11 am
by Derron
I just want to be the first to say that beacause the memories of 2004 when all the bleeding pussy liberal Democunt's started whining and bitching about the Republicans "stealing" the election. Well, they did and got away withit, so fuck you whining liberals.
Chances are the Democunts are going to get over on the Republicans in the House and Senate races, and various govenorship races as well. I can see it and just will start allocating more money to pay the taxes the liberals will no doubt put on business's to fund the dole programs they will need to pay back their party members with.
Now, per chance if the Republicans are returned to power in the govenor of Oregon, I will celebrate that. But, its been 24 years since this bunch of liberal, dope smoking, bicycle riding queers voted Republican.
So, you will not see the Republicans spouting about the Democunts "stealing" the election, because we know it's not true. There will not be the crys of "stealing", voter fraud, intimidation, dead people voting, the wet backs voting blah, blah blah. We will take the licks and wait for your liberal asses to fuck the economy up (again), and nominate your Butch Dyke Goddess of Liberal's Hillary Cuntin for President in 2008, when the good voters of America will no doubt retch and vomit all the way to the polls, and cast their ballots for the Republican nominee.
Enjoy your bode while you can.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:18 am
by Mikey
Preemptive bitter whining cuntiness?
Dubya would be proud.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:28 am
by Gunslinger
Did he really start a thread whining about losing and complaining about Democrats before any votes were turned in?
Jesus, these "self proclaimed" Republicans need to be shot in the face. Fucking pathetic cult fuckers.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:31 am
by Gunslinger
PS: There are small signs in Indiana that the 2 seats up for grabs are not just going to Democrats, but the Republican incumbents are getting royally fucked like a gaggle of black kids on the bedspread in mvscal's home.
Actually just the 8th, the 9th is close.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:46 am
by Nishlord
Ooh, looks like I'm gonna have to bookmark the fuck out of this thread for future use.
Re: The Democratic bastards have stolen the election !!!
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:57 am
by Trampis
Derron wrote:.
Now, per chance if the Republicans are returned to power in the govenor of Oregon, I will celebrate that. But, its been 24 years since this bunch of liberal, dope smoking, bicycle riding queers voted Republican.
HHMMMM,some self depricating Oregon humor,I'll have to store that away the next time Dins starts in with his pompousity
Re: The Democratic bastards have stolen the election !!!
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:32 am
by Q, West Coast Style
Derron wrote:
Now, per chance if the Republicans are returned to power in the govenor of Oregon, I will celebrate that. But, its been 24 years since this bunch of liberal, dope smoking, bicycle riding queers voted Republican.
I'm a liberal bicycle riding dope smoker and I crossed my party line and voted for Saxton. By your account does that entitle me to immunity from queerdom? I'm not sure how those rules work.
As for the national scene, exit polls show voters were largely upset with the Republicans apathy towards the threats to our security posed by Man-bear-pig.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:16 am
by Q, West Coast Style
This just in. Ted win reelection in Oregon. So Derron's wait will have to be at least 28 years . . .
I voted for Saxton, my first ever vote for a Republican in a statewide (or national) race. I did so 'cause Oregon bureaucrats are too many in number and too few on brains and manners (I know, that goes for all bureaucrats.) In Oregon it's really really bad though (I know, so is it everywhere.) No really. As a lawyer I deal with these people all time and I'd rather just pay them not to work. Seriously. Saxton seemed to recognoze this problem. Ted means more of the same.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:26 am
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:But, its been 24 years since this bunch of liberal, dope smoking, bicycle riding queers voted Republican.
Uhm...the Oregon House was republican for
how long again? "Most of the time" is a pretty safe answer here.
Q, West Coast Style wrote:Saxton seemed to recognoze this problem. Ted means more of the same.
Don't get me wrong -- Teddy the Spectator is an outright douche. This is not up for debate.
But there was just something so...
sleazy about Saxton (the guy who has bankrupted just about everything he has touched, but never saw a kickback he didn't like), that he kinda made my stomach turn.
Teddy wants to increase state revenues by 700% or some bullshit...scary. He might try making Intel and Nike pay more than $500 a year, but what do I know? Screw it -- pass the taxes on down to their employees.
I was kinda bummed Rick Metsger decided not to run. A democrat with some brains -- a rare but effective combo.
This state is a mess, politically.(Kind of a mess physically, after this week....don't think it was so bad Down South.)
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:28 pm
by Uncle Fester
Hypocritical Republican fukkstick says what?
Derron wrote:
Chances are the Democunts are going to get over on the Republicans in the House and Senate races, and various govenorship races as well. I can see it and just will start allocating more money to pay the taxes the liberals will no doubt put on business's to fund the dole programs they will need to pay back their party members with.
Hey Derron the Welfare queen, remember this? Do you go in for gay massages as well?
Derron wrote:Rack farm programs and other goverment wastes.
Sold mitigation rights on 18 acres of bottom ground. $ 7,500 per acre = $ 135,000 Ground can never be farmed again. Permenantly in farm deferral on taxes....maybe $ 1,500 per year.
I still own the ground of course.
Got $ 25,000 from Ducks Unlimited to do the excavation work. They gave me the engineering.
Got another $ 12,000 to plant native and attractant plants.
Putting in a manufactured type building for a clubhouse. The site will be rented for $ 250 per gun per day for 3 days per week for 6 guns. Boats and decoys supplied, dogs later on. Gross maybe $ 54,000 next year.
I still need to reasearch more potential goverment dole opportunities on this project.
Rack you Trampis and rack me for getting over on the goverment LEGALLY AND WITH THEIR HELP. ... e&p=343653
Nothing more entertaining than watching you go Tom Dempsey on your own ass.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:42 pm
by Mikey
Gub'mint cheese is only bad when somebody else is getting over.