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This suck-arse needs to die.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:40 am
by Nishlord

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:03 am
by Luther
Bwahahaha...Euro, are you pulling our legs? I stayed with that link for about 30 seconds and it was so boring that I turned it off, so I missed why he was as bad as a link like this is.

It is so bad that I laughed.

Rip City

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:20 am
by Y2K
They better pay that corporate brownoseing asswipe a lot of money.

Sucking Corporate Penis on the Internet?

Now that's Higher Standards....

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:04 am
by RadioFan
You knew it had to happen: Corporate "creativity and inspiration" meets Karaoke.

Fucking speechless here.

Check out some of the comments below the video ...
100 Bucks says this turns into a series of commercials for them.
Wells Fargo better start doing Journey covers or I'm switching banks!
I am withdrawing my accounts from Bank of America after watching this. I think my money will be safer under the mattress.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:08 am
by Husker4ever
More proof that simply showing up to your job on time and performing well is no longer enough. Jim Jones would be a part of BOA folklore forever within 3 weeks on the job.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:15 am
by Diego in Seattle
It's amazing how some executives will act totally stupid in front of their employees.

Steve Ballmer

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:37 am
by Atomic Punk
Diego in Seattle wrote:It's amazing how some executives will act totally stupid in front of their employees.

Steve Ballmer
To this day, I have no idea why a loser such as yourself keeps posting on message boards.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:56 am
by Diego in Seattle
Atomic Punk wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:It's amazing how some executives will act totally stupid in front of their employees.

Steve Ballmer
To this day, I have no idea why a loser such as yourself keeps posting on message boards.
In the last year you've been dumped & dropped out of nursing school. You might want to look in the mirror before you start calling people "losers."

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:59 am
by LTS TRN 2
Actually, Bono can sue his ass off--which is to say B of A's. Parody is a particularly thorny area of copyright infringement. Not only can Bono sue him for whatever nominal sum, but the Irish closet -Christer in fact now OWNS that clap-trap version of his song.

I really can't believe the gutted, trapped employees give him a standing O--in a herd-like impulsive action. THAT'S the real tragedy here.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:54 pm
by Uncle Fester
Were gonna slow things down here...

I call this one "26.9% Interest Rate."

It's in d-minor, the saddest of all keys...

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:04 pm
by BSmack
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Actually, Bono can sue his ass off--which is to say B of A's. Parody is a particularly thorny area of copyright infringement. Not only can Bono sue him for whatever nominal sum, but the Irish closet -Christer in fact now OWNS that clap-trap version of his song.
One what grounds and for what damages?
I really can't believe the gutted, trapped employees give him a standing O--in a herd-like impulsive action. THAT'S the real tragedy here.
You have obviously never been in a big corporate rah rah meeting before. Most companies the CEO could get up and take a shit and it would get a standing O.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:21 pm
by Uncle Fester
Somebody in the audience should have hollered out, "DO 'FOGGY MOUNTAIN'"

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:12 pm
by Atomic Punk
Diego in Seattle wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:It's amazing how some executives will act totally stupid in front of their employees.

Steve Ballmer
To this day, I have no idea why a loser such as yourself keeps posting on message boards.
In the last year you've been dumped & dropped out of nursing school. You might want to look in the mirror before you start calling people "losers."
Oh, now I see why Luther PM'ed me. True, in the past year I've been dumped a few times as well as dumping... check this... by and with "women" and not little boys you so fancy. I've dropped out of nursing school? The #1 student just quits? See Pedo, there is a reason you are indeed a fucking waste of bandwidth as I've correctly stated over the years.

Now I'm sure next you'll slam down your plastic page coated and illegal-to-possess tweezer dick jerk mag and respond with another informed take won't you?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:19 pm
by Cuda
Diego in Seattle wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:It's amazing how some executives will act totally stupid in front of their employees.

Steve Ballmer
To this day, I have no idea why a loser such as yourself keeps posting on message boards.
In the last year you've been dumped & dropped out of nursing school. You might want to look in the mirror before you start calling people "losers."
Of course it just happens to be you he's calling a loser, so he's on safe ground no matter what

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:22 pm
by Nishlord
Guys! GUYS! My music cannot be the soundtrack to your violence!


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:53 pm
by LTS TRN 2
B-smack, as I suggested, parodying a song enters a thorny thicket of copyright infringement law. Suffice to say, the BofA stooge is allowed to write and perform his parody, but if he in any way tries to market it, Bono can sue him for infringement. Plus, Bono now actually owns the parody.

If Joe Blow--or any established singer--wants to do a straight COVER, well that's all good and well, with the exact royalties and so forth predetermined. No permission is necessary from the song's composer. But if a singer--even an established one--wants to do a parody, he must get permission. And then, if permission is granted, the original composer gets a much bigger percentage of royalties--and owns the parody henceforth.

I had the less than enjoyable experience of learning all this a few years back when I participated in a Green Bay Packers parody album, featuring originals and parodies--"Leader of the Pack," "Green Bay Winner" (from "L.A. Woman"--the Doors said No Way!), and "Send in the Browns" (Sondheim , NO!). I got paid, but the actual Cheeseheads who took the project back to Wisconsin got soaked.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:59 pm
by Uncle Fester
I would have SO held up my lighter had I been in the audience at the big BOA concert.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:21 pm
by BSmack
LTS TRN 2 wrote:B-smack, as I suggested, parodying a song enters a thorny thicket of copyright infringement law. Suffice to say, the BofA stooge is allowed to write and perform his parody, but if he in any way tries to market it, Bono can sue him for infringement. Plus, Bono now actually owns the parody.

If Joe Blow--or any established singer--wants to do a straight COVER, well that's all good and well, with the exact royalties and so forth predetermined. No permission is necessary from the song's composer. But if a singer--even an established one--wants to do a parody, he must get permission. And then, if permission is granted, the original composer gets a much bigger percentage of royalties--and owns the parody henceforth.

I had the less than enjoyable experience of learning all this a few years back when I participated in a Green Bay Packers parody album, featuring originals and parodies--"Leader of the Pack," "Green Bay Winner" (from "L.A. Woman"--the Doors said No Way!), and "Send in the Browns" (Sondheim , NO!). I got paid, but the actual Cheeseheads who took the project back to Wisconsin got soaked.
Sorry, but that noted Constitutional scholar Luther Campbell thinks you're wrong. ... 0&page=569

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:45 pm
by AJ

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:24 am
by LTS TRN 2
Well, B-Smack, I didn't say it WASN'T a thorny thicket. The complicated case you provide seems hinged on the assumption that the 2Live Crew parody of Pretty Woman wouldn't cut into the profits of the original Roy Orbison market, as it were. As you can see, it had been decided back and forth before it arrived at the Supreme Court. I disagree, but then I REALLY disagree with Madison versus Marbury.

But let's not lose sight of the flaming poop-bag visited upon U2. The Irish have suffered enough.