General Pieceashit
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:00 pm
Hope he suffered.
Hope he suffered.
Nishlord wrote: Hope he suffered.
JSC got him with the last pick after his earlier pick (Richard Pryor) died prior to the end of '05. viewtopic.php?t=12136&postdays=0&postor ... &start=100smackaholic wrote:91 years. Bode him, I 'spose. Anybody pick up the lousy 9 points?
so is this the latest nick frisco shit troll? doubt it. no obligatory anti-semitic nonsense mixed in.Ingse Bodil wrote:Fidel didn't come to power through direct US intervention, though, Smackholic. Fidel came to power in spite of it. Fidel can't be compared to Pinochet. Does it really matter how many lives each of them is responsible for? He had Russian help, but with all the reports coming out about just how flimsy the Soviet deck of cards was in regards to what their true military power was, Fidel was a miracle of 'up yours'ness.
Pinochet (why is Fidel also known by his first name, but Pinochet can only be Pinochet?) was backed by the US government. Any lives lost are also lives lost because of American policy, not just Pinochet' brutalness. That is a greivous sin, to my mind. We should never be allowed to forget why Pinochet came to power in the first place, if we're going to condemn the man for being a bastard. I do not know what the US government has done in atonement for the mistake that is Pinochet. Or is the official position, like cops sticking together after a botched no-knock home entry, that the alternative was worse and he was the best solution at the time against a greater threat?
The first time you and I have ever agreed on anything, cheers douchelord.Nishlord wrote:Dead.
Hope he suffered.
I don't want anyone assraping anybody. If we're gonna prop governments up, we should be propping up governments which are an improvement over the alternative. A capitalist dictatorship is still a dictatorship. A murderous capitalist dictatorship is still a murderous dictatorship. If we can't offer improvement, we should have kept our asses out of there; a mighty 'so what?' to the domino theory.smackaholic wrote:As for our backing him, would you have been happier if it had been a commie thug assraping chile instead?
You can't confront Terry with anything except personal (and out of place) insults? Are you serious? Either you agree with Terry's point and the article, or you don't agree with Terry's point and the article. Which is it?Cuda wrote:Death won't save you from being a fucking dipshit, though
No. It's our dictatorship, it's our baby. Period. We prop up the leader, we take responsibility for the leader. If you agree with what Cuda says about Pinochet being a better alternative than Allende in the human rights violations department (and worse)... then why not also embrace all that comes with that 'better alternative'? The US made a choice. That choice was Pinochet. He is our baby. His triumphs would have been ours. His complete bastardness should also be ours.mvscal wrote:Try again, shitstain....and don't forget to go fuck yourself, you braindead tool.Ingse Bodil wrote:
Any lives lost are also lives lost because of American policy,
That's what we did you stupid, braindead fuckIngse Bodil wrote: If we're gonna prop governments up, we should be propping up governments which are an improvement over the alternative.
Of course he was; he was a communist. That's what communist dictators DO.I haven't heard anyone accuse Allende of being the butcher Pinochet was. Was he?
Tough break for you.Cuda wrote:Death won't save you from being a fucking dipshit, though
Close, but no cigar.smackaholic wrote:so is this the latest nick frisco shit troll? doubt it. no obligatory anti-semitic nonsense mixed in.Ingse Bodil wrote:Fidel didn't come to power through direct US intervention, though, Smackholic. Fidel came to power in spite of it. Fidel can't be compared to Pinochet. Does it really matter how many lives each of them is responsible for? He had Russian help, but with all the reports coming out about just how flimsy the Soviet deck of cards was in regards to what their true military power was, Fidel was a miracle of 'up yours'ness.
Pinochet (why is Fidel also known by his first name, but Pinochet can only be Pinochet?) was backed by the US government. Any lives lost are also lives lost because of American policy, not just Pinochet' brutalness. That is a greivous sin, to my mind. We should never be allowed to forget why Pinochet came to power in the first place, if we're going to condemn the man for being a bastard. I do not know what the US government has done in atonement for the mistake that is Pinochet. Or is the official position, like cops sticking together after a botched no-knock home entry, that the alternative was worse and he was the best solution at the time against a greater threat?
WHY THREAD INTEREST TUBER?Goober McTuber wrote:I thought this thread was going to be about the pedophile formerly known as “The 80’s Man”.
Yes, he stole the rights to the copper mines from their rightful owners, Anaconda and Kennecot Copper, telecommunications from ITT - and gave the profit back to Chileans.mvscal wrote: He was a thief and a deadbeat who corkscrewed his country straight into the ground, but he was not a killer.
one of Nixons stooges wrote:""Not a nut or a bolt will reach Chile.... We will do all in our power to condemn Chileans to utmost poverty"
prove it.Cuda wrote:Allende gave the profit back to... Allende
Thanks for solving that mystery for us, Poirot.Van wrote:Close, but no cigar.smackaholic wrote:so is this the latest nick frisco shit troll? doubt it. no obligatory anti-semitic nonsense mixed in.
Dollars to donuts says that's the latest incarnation of Annie. Gotta be.
I’m always interested in slamming internet pedophiles like General Peters and Tardowen. YETI TARD sucks out loud, BTW.Yeti Beast wrote:WHY THREAD INTEREST TUBER?Goober McTuber wrote:I thought this thread was going to be about the pedophile formerly known as “The 80’s Man”.
Yep- had to be the hat. It's the only logical explanation.PJ O'Rourke wrote: Reprint of a 1999 article
A Tale of Two Dictators
Last mnth, former Tanzanian autocrat, Julius Nyerere sought medical treatment in London. This was the same mistake retired Chilean strongman Augusto Pinochet made last year. Britain's highly principled Labor government has laid a cunning trap with it's National Health policy of letting Third World dictators go to the head of the line.
Being highly principled myself, I was overjoyed at the news of Nyerere's illness. I made plane reservations and packed. I was eager to join the anti-Nyrerere demonstratiors who were- I assumed- gathering even then in a large and indignant crowd outside Tanzania's embassy. At last, Julius Nyerere was in a country where international law (with the possible exception of diplomatic immunity) prevails, a country where a man can be brought to book for the evil he has done anywhere on earth (with the possible exception of Belfast)
I missed the Pinochet demonstrations due to scheduling conflicts, sad to say. But now I had a second chance to be in the midst of a group of like-minded individuals where I could kiss and hug everyone and jump up and down with glee in front of television cameras when an old, doddering sick person who used government badly got his deportation order.
Of course, I realized there would be some questions about deporting Nyerere. For instance: to where? Tanzania wouldn't do. Like Chileans, too many Tanzanians are inclined to regard their former oppressor as a national hero. And the chosen country would need a court system that was very highly principled indeed. These are in short supply on the far side of the Sahar. There's South Africa, but Nyerere used to give aid to the African National Congress the way Pinochet gave comfort to the Central Intelligence Agency. Never mind. As Spain has proven vis-a-vis Chile, when it comes to trials for crimes against humanity, any old place in the same general ethnic neck of the woods will do. Perhaps Aruba would provide a judge and jury.
with the Arubans on board, the demonstrations going, and Tony Blair leaning on the Law Lords, the next thing would be to collect ringing condemnations of Nyerere from leading intellectuals. I could forsee a small problem here since the suffering under the Nyerere regime was caused by attacks on private ptoperty. Leading intellectuals tend to be pro-legalization in the matter of property crimes as long as they crime is committed by leading intellectuals who are running a government. But Rose and Milton Friedman might come through. Then it would be Pinochet all over again
Augusto Pinochet overthrew Salvador Allende, a communist. Julius Nyerere did worse. He failed to overthrow anybody because the British were so highly principled that they overthrew themselves first. (Although Nyerere did score an assist against the Arab ruling class that was liquidated in Zanzibar)
Gen. Pinochet made people disappear. So did Nyerere. The Chilean gereralissimo did it with secret police. The Tanzanian president-till-whenever did it with agrarian reform. Nyerere nationalized small holdings and ordered farmers off the land and into "villagization" compouds. Thousands of people disappeared as fast as they could- ran off into the bush and stayed there.
Gen Pinochet killed a lot of people. Nyerere didn't bother. He just let people starve to death during the 14 years of abysmal poverty caused by Tanzanian central planning and collectivization.
Gen Pinochet tortured people. Nyerere made people read Mao and listen to World Bank agricultural providers.
Gen Pinochet and Nyerere both gave up power voluntarily, but not until each had turned the nation he'd ruled into... well, a pretty nice country in the case of Chile- strong economy, stable politics, and a successfully privatized social security system. Tanzania is still a mess, though.
Anyawy, I was, as I said, excited about the prospect of imminent justice. Here in the dock (or about to go there) were two great enemies of mankind (All right, near great. Pol Pot they weren't) And then, before I could get to London, Nyerere goes and dies. Not only that, but it turns out there werent any demonstrations against him. And no one had the slightest idea of arresting the man. In fact, accordingto his many long and laudatory obituaries, Nyerere was revered and beloved by all and sundry in every corner of the globe.
What gives? Do you suppose it was the hat? Nyerere went with the no-hatch-on-the-thatch, Jack Kennedy/Mr. Rogers look. Gen Pinochet wore that goosestep louse cage with the scrambledeggs on the brim- a very scary bean topper. It's not hard to think "Nuremburg trials" about a guy with a skimmer like that. I'm pretty sure it was the hat.
Dude did ask so why jump on the messenger?Smackie Chan wrote:Thanks for solving that mystery for us, Poirot.Van wrote:Close, but no cigar.smackaholic wrote:so is this the latest nick frisco shit troll? doubt it. no obligatory anti-semitic nonsense mixed in.
Dollars to donuts says that's the latest incarnation of Annie. Gotta be.
Yeti Beast isn't Hulk Troll?Goober McTuber wrote: YETI TARD sucks out loud, BTW.
what??! there's something missing here.Cuda wrote:PJ O'Rourke wrote: Reprint of a 1999 article
A Tale of Two Dictators
Gen Pinochet and Nyerere both gave up power voluntarily, but not until each had turned the nation he'd ruled into... well, a pretty nice country in the case of Chile- strong economy, stable politics, and a successfully privatized social security system. Tanzania is still a mess, though.Yep- had to be the hat. It's the only logical explanation.
Don’t be a fucking tard. Oh, that’s right. You can’t help it.Ingse Bodil wrote:Yeti Beast isn't Hulk Troll?Goober McTuber wrote: YETI TARD sucks out loud, BTW.
"WHY THREAD INTEREST TUBER?Goober McTuber wrote:Don’t be a fucking tard. Oh, that’s right. You can’t help it.Ingse Bodil wrote:Yeti Beast isn't Hulk Troll?Goober McTuber wrote: YETI TARD sucks out loud, BTW.
Cuda-prick, yer really babs, aren't you? Whatever, as usual you are pathetic and dull. Allende was a duly elected president who never stole or murdered anyone. Pinochet was a brutal murderous dictator who murdered many thousands of innocent men (including Allende) and women. And Henry Kissenger supported him totally.Cuda wrote:So Allende didn't violate anybody's human rights? Never ordered any murders-, errr, "disappearances"? Didn't enrich himself by confiscating the property of others? Didn't brutally supress his political opposition?
That would make him the first communist dictator EVER who didn't.
So why did P J O'Rourke just praise him?LTS TRN 2 wrote:Pinochet was a brutal murderous dictator who murdered many thousands of innocent men (including Allende) and women. And Henry Kissenger supported him totally.
Pinochet was a brutal murderous dictator who murdered many thousands of innocent men (including Allende)
In the end, he threw the Freidman entourage out on their arse and started instituting the Allende reforms - free from outside interference.mvscal wrote:
Because he left his country in much better shape than it was when he took it away from the disasterous fuck up who was running it straight into the ground.
mvscal wrote:Link?Dr_Phibes wrote:In the end, he threw the Freidman entourage out on their arse and started instituting the Allende reforms - free from outside interference.
I bought a book by him a long time ago. He's funny as hell; I don't agree with him on everything, but he knows how to make you chuckle as you think (or wish him tossed in front of a train). The point isn't Pinochet not being a murderous dictator.... PJ doesn't say he isn't; he does say that he left his country in better shape than when he took it over.LTS TRN 2 wrote:Huh?....What, if P.J. O'Rourke, semi-popular sarcastic political writer of a right-wing bent issues a barbed reposte, then...hold on!...maybe Pinochet WASN'T a murderous dictator?
Is that what you're suggesting?
That was Mussolini, dumbass.Ingse Bodil wrote: 'Hitler made the trains run on time' .
How's an Italian get over on a German when it comes to.... nevermind. I thought it was Hitler who made the trains run on time, and I'm not going to check just now on google. Just now. But stolen lives, all the deaths,the torture camps, the disappeared persons,the anguish and suffering... that's an evil person, and social security reform isn't worth what came with Pinochet. Pinochet didn't suddenly mellow while being dictator did he?Cuda wrote:That was Mussolini, dumbass.Ingse Bodil wrote: 'Hitler made the trains run on time' .