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Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:35 pm
by Ingse Bodil ... omment?q=1

DNA Tests Reportedly Clean Duke Players
AP ^ | Dec 13 3:55 PM US/Eastern | DAVID SCOTT
Posted on 12/13/2006 1:50:30 PM PST by Anti-Bubba182

DNA testing conducted by a private lab in the Duke lacrosse rape case found genetic material from several males in the accuser's body and her underwear _ but none from any team member, including the three charged with rape, according to a defense motion filed Wednesday.

The motion, signed by attorneys for defendants Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty and David Evans, complained that the information was not disclosed in a report on the testing prosecutors provided earlier this year to the defense.

"This is strong evidence of innocence in a case in which the accuser denied engaging in any sexual activity in the days before the alleged assault, told police she last had consensual sexual intercourse a week before the assault, and claimed that her attackers did not use condoms and ejaculated," the motion read.

In an interview, defense attorney Joseph Cheshire said the report's findings suggest the accuser had sex shortly before the March team party where she was hired to perform as a stripper. The woman has said three lacrosse team members gang-raped her in a bathroom at the party.

"None of (the DNA material) happens to be from lacrosse players who are supposed to have had sex with her, which is pretty significant," said Cheshire, who represents Evans.

District Attorney Mike Nifong, who has generally refused to talk about the facts of the case since granting a flurry of interviews in the investigation's early days, did not immediately return a call seeking comment. Defense attorneys for Seligmann and Finnerity either declined comment or did not immediately return a message.

Seligmann, Finnerty and Evans were indicted by a grand jury but have all strongly proclaimed their innocence. A trial is not expected to start until spring.

has anyone else heard this, by the way?
To: CrawDaddyCA
Of the several different DNA samples found in and on her, none even matched her own boyfriend. She swore she had not had sex in a week. Pretty dang nasty.

9 posted on 12/13/2006 2:06:13 PM PST by panthermom
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I hope panthermom (who's actually a soccermom) is misremembering that detail.

Otherwise, this is Katelynn Kristine Faber disgusting; and if it's true even the boyfriend's genetic material was not found in/on her, it's beyond disgustion. They need to release this bitch's name. The Lacrosse players were jackasses of a lower order, but you don't get back at dudes by lying about being raped.

False accusations need to be met with jail sentences. This hooker has set back race relations, and gender relations, 400 years with this crap. Damn.

I do wonder how the news media is going to handle this now. Both 'mainstream', black and feminist.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:37 pm
by Mister Bushice
DNA Tests Reportedly Clean Duke Players
Huh. You'd think soap would be more economical.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:40 pm
by Blitzen
Sorry I thought this was another Atomic Punk thread.

Carry on.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:42 pm
by Donder
Blitzen wrote:Sorry I thought this was another Atomic Punk thread.

It very well may be.
found genetic material from several males in the accuser's body and underwear

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:45 pm
by Ingse Bodil
Mister Bushice wrote:
DNA Tests Reportedly Clean Duke Players
Huh. You'd think soap would be more economical.
good catch.

also has 'clean' instead of 'clear'

here's another site, instead: ... 00021.html
Dec. 13, 2006, 3:09PM
Lawyers: DNA not linked to Duke athletes

By DAVID SCOTT Associated Press Writer
© 2006 The Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. — DNA testing in the Duke lacrosse rape case found genetic material from several males in the accuser's body and her underwear _ but none from any team member, defense attorneys said in court papers Wednesday.....

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:47 pm
by SaladTosser
Wow, this really is the "new IB." Next thing you know, she'll have a picture of the Duke Lacrosse team as her sig.

Oh, RACK Donder.

Re: Bitch.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:48 pm
by Dinsdale
Ingse Bodil wrote:This hooker has set back race relations, and gender relations, 400 years with this crap.
Are you high on crack?

This incident has little impact on race relations. The conduct of the Africa-American "community" over recent decades is what has set back race relations so badly.

Here's some advice for the Nogs -- First, drop that idiotic "African-American Community" thing. If you're Americans, become Americans. If you're's a free boat ticket...I suggest you take it this time around. And the Nogs need to admit that if white people set up special interest groups to cater to the "white community," there's be rioting in the streets from the Nogs(another one of their endearing qualities).

Oh, and not committing all of that crime would be a good head start, too.

What have I told you about the racebaiting, Bannie? I've told you that I'll counter it with far superior racebaiting...and I have. And I will continue to do so until your shut your fat racist hole.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:49 pm
by Hobbes
OK, I can't take this anymore. Listen up, Ingse Bodil, or Annie, or risa, or Imanje Blue, or whatever stupid ass incarnation you are this time around. Stop posting. Seriously. This board had taken a decided turn for the better when you were "taking a break" or in rehab, or whatever you want to call it. Now there's barely a thread that gets posted where you don't spew some kind of errant bullshit or rhetoric. Nobody wants to read it, got it? Nobody cares. Every time you hit submit, it's like tying a boat anchor to the thread. The only purpose you serve is to break the fucking scroll wheel on my mouse.

I'm not trolling, so don't even bother responding, although I have little doubt that you won't be able to resist spewing even more verbal diarrhea. Just shut the hell up, and everyone can go back to enjoying this board again.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:51 pm
by Ingse Bodil
There's nothing new about it. Bitches who lie about being raped destroy the credibility of real victims, they destroy the credibility of innocent men; they destroy the ease and friendliness with which both sexes should be able to approach sex; and they just make all women look bad. Unless it's a black bitch pulling this shit, then they make all blacks and all black women look bad, which is a deeper hole than just making all women look bad -- but they do that, too.

Bitch' name should be release, and then she should be put in jail for the time she's wasted, the money she's wasted, other people's tears she's wasted, the screwing over she's done to her own children and family by engaging in this mess, and not least the men's lives she's destroyed with this bullshit.

And that goes for every bitch who lies about being raped. Name them and jail them.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:52 pm
by SaladTosser
Sounds like I shoulda read what she typed, first.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:52 pm
by The Seer
Nifong used this case for pub to get re-elected......

Now that this has shit all over him...he should resign...or brutally gang raped....

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:56 pm
by Ingse Bodil
Hobbes wrote:OK, I can't take this anymore.

You feel better?

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:58 pm
by Degenerate
Rack the 100 posts, IB.

Rack the 200 posts later on tonight, IB

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:05 pm
by Dasher
I'm gonna spread this thread across IB's snatch and watch it grow moldy.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:07 pm
by Dinsdale
Ingse Bodil wrote:There's nothing new about it. Bitches who lie about being raped destroy the credibility of real victims

Like when Nogs cry "RACISM" when their shoelaces come untied(SUP BANNIE)?

Re: Bitch.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:10 pm
by Ingse Bodil
Dinsdale wrote:
Ingse Bodil wrote:This hooker has set back race relations, and gender relations, 400 years with this crap.
Are you high on crack?

This incident has little impact on race relations. The conduct of the Africa-American "community" over recent decades is what has set back race relations so badly.
Right. She's a member of the 'community'. Her actions are detrimental to herself, to her family, to her victims (as the Lacrosse players must now be called, I suppose), to the race, to the gender and to society.

This only made huge news because of the racial aspect, and because of the jock aspect. On the one hand this case was supposed to show just how evil and corrupt the jock society and the greek society were on college campuses, as well as how out of control young men were who weren't properly supervised.

On the other hand it was supposed to be the 'other side of the coin' of every case where a white woman claimed to have been raped by a black man, and was given every benefit of the doubt. Well, she was given the benefit of the doubt. She was given support. She accepted all of it without telling the truth. She was indeed the 'other side of the coin' of interracial rape, unfortunately that coin was the coin of 'false accusations'. As white women can lie about having been raped by black men, black women can lie about having been raped by white men.

And any woman can lie about any man.

She fucked up. No matter what the lacrosse players did -- and they should never have stooped to dropping racial b.s. or insulting her weight, her skin, the reason why she was there in the first place -- there is NEVER any cause or call to falsely accuse someone of a crime, particularly a crime as serious as rape.

Her fuck up is a thousand steps back for all women, and for all blacks, and for all black women.
Here's some advice for the Nogs -- First, drop that idiotic "African-American Community" thing. If you're Americans, become Americans. If you're's a free boat ticket...I suggest you take it this time around. And the Nogs need to admit that if white people set up special interest groups to cater to the "white community," there's be rioting in the streets from the Nogs(another one of their endearing qualities).
Nog is stormfront speak. When did you join the Klan? the use of African-American has already been explained. the 'special interest groups catering to the white community' which do exist have also already been examined to death.
Oh, and not committing all of that crime would be a good head start, too.
You're right.

Of course, someone has to want to catch you in order for you to be caught. I guess you didn't get that part of what Tom was trying to explain back when he was drawing parallels between your own illegal activities, and why you were more likely to get away with them than .. say .. me, with a dick.
What have I told you about the racebaiting, Bannie? I've told you that I'll counter it with far superior racebaiting...and I have. And I will continue to do so until your shut your fat racist hole.
Why are you angry? Also, I just want to make sure... your first initial isn't 'J'?

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:10 pm
by Rudolph
So, Blitzen and I slung some gravy on the sista's back.

Just rack us and go the fuck away.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:14 pm
by Ingse Bodil
Dinsdale wrote:
Ingse Bodil wrote:There's nothing new about it. Bitches who lie about being raped destroy the credibility of real victims
Like when Nogs cry "RACISM" when their shoelaces come untied(SUP BANNIE)?
Actually, yes. When someone cries racism where there is none, true racism is allowed to slide, until there's a backlash and true racism becomes acceptable as a kind of 'fuck you'.

Then again, people's definitions of racism (like definitions of sexism) don't always mesh up with one another.

The Seer wrote:
Nifong used this case for pub to get re-elected......

Now that this has shit all over him...he should resign...or brutally gang raped....
Well, he's an idiot, and whoever voted for him on the strength of this case alone is a moron. How weak was his competition, though?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:35 am
by Plato
Rudolph wrote:So, Blitzen and I slung some gravy on the sista's back.
I heard Comet nailed her in the eye and made her do an AP impersonation.