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Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:47 pm
by Ingse Bodil
somebody call the waaaaaaaaaahhmbulance. *or maybe a locksmith to open that Closet door, the hinges are wet but the door is jammed.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:49 pm
by SaladTosser
IB, do you think John Rocker would fuck you? Serious replies only, please.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:56 pm
by SaladTosser
Ingse Bodil wrote:*or maybe a locksmith to open that Closet door, the hinges are wet but the door is jammed.
Call me crazy, but utilizing the edit function to add this snipet to your 129th post in three days seems a bit much. Don't ya think?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:58 pm
by Blitzen
If he won't I will. I'd throw my hooves over her shoulders, pin her head between my antlers and drive her around like a 1984 Ford Taurus with bubbled tinting and a hanging muffler.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:59 pm
by Mister Bushice
If he sticks his dick through the center hole of that twisted sister CD and uses it as a washer so he doesn't fall into blackgina, there would be some symmetry to it all, don't you think?

If you listen close you might even hear "cum on feel the noize" in the background.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:00 pm
by SaladTosser
Blitzen wrote:If he won't I will. I'd throw my hooves over her shoulders, pin her head between my antlers and drive her around like a 1984 Ford Taurus with bubbled tinting and a hanging muffler.
I'd imagine you're spot on with the bubbles and hanging references.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:01 pm
by BSmack
Mister Bushice wrote:If he sticks his dick through the center hole of that twisted sister CD and uses it as a washer so he doesn't fall into blackgina, there would be some symmetry to it all, don't you think?

If you listen close you might even hear "cum on feel the noize" in the background.
Watch out or Kevin Dubrow will kick your ass.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:02 pm
by Ingse Bodil
SaladTosser wrote:IB, do you think John Rocker would fuck you? Serious replies only, please.

If I looked like Nicole Narain or Karrine Steffans, that's a no brainer (in a matter of speaking). If I looked like Free or Kelis or Omarosa, sure why not. Kelly Rowland or Tweet or Janet Jackson (pick your era), again sure why not. Megan Good? well, duh.

Pussy is pussy. For proof, check out all the excuses male stormfronters make about living up to the 14 words while still fucking and pursuing asian chicks. They will dis and down their white sisters in the struggle as they make up excuses for why they aren't fucking white women, and then tell those same white women sharing the struggle that it's wrong for them to also look elsewhere.

John Rocker is a jock. Jocks fuck anything that moves, and then dis that movement afterwards. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if there wasn't some suppressed homoeroticism in his past.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:53 pm
by helmet
Rocker's nailing a black chick already. Check the deadspin interview.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:58 pm
by Justa Heel
Rocker's in that fuckin Jew's dome. Bode.

Re: The John Rocker Saga Never Ends

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:29 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
"rocker speaks moron"

He claimed bode with that line? Dude would NOT do well in the smackoffs.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:04 pm
by Ingse Bodil
helmet wrote:Rocker's nailing a black chick already. Check the deadspin interview.
I did not know that. So I did a google search for images. It led to an interesting discussion among black women (which means 97% of you have already gotten glazed eye) discussing Rocker's choice of fuck, here

These are some quotes:

DW wrote: Alicia Denson--fitness model? I am disappointed in her.
BlackMartini (moderator) wrote: According to him, she knew. She came to interview him (in her role as a journalist) and (he says) that she told him that she planned on doing an article on him that made him look bad. She got to know him better and now they're dating. Love conquers all, I guess.
DW wrote: Alicia (Marie) Denson went to school for neuroscience and sports writing. She is not a reporter, per se. She is best known for fitness modelling and figure competitions. She is one of VERY FEW black women to succeed in this field and she dates John Rocker? Where's her manager/public relations rep???? Here's her website:
Bruce wrote: SHE LOOK LIKE BILL MAHRERS TYPE OF WOMAN ..LOL (ib's commentary: yes, people, that's an extreme insult) THE POWER OF "SOMETHING NEW" ..LOL
onlybw wrote: are sistas getting to the point where they will hookup with a known
racist and think nothing of it.i thought brothers were crazy for
hooking up with the white girls,but i think sistas are now willing
to do ANYTHING for status and money,and then praise the white
man for his good treatment of them. so be it.hey mik-mik incase you didnt know,during slavery the white boy
raped the sistas and still hated them and the bros,thats why rockers
relationship with this BROAD will go no further than meaningless
sex.i bet you anything rocker is doing this to mock bros.this BROAD
is just a stop sign for this white boy,he will look both ways and keep
mik-mik wrote: LOL sup Bwonly you give this hillbilly to much credit, I dont know much about John Rocker but do you think this sister is going into this blindly? I give her little more credit than that, I think this sister is trying to push her career a litttle by dating this fellow. Just a thought.
onlybw wrote: come on mik-mik the white boy is a racist and a pro athelet, any number
of white girl groupees have made him offers so why is he settling for
this black chick who in my opinon judging from her pics is a skank.
and further more i dont know him either but i know a lot of racist and
they are all the same.all you have to do is some research on black
women in porn and you will find out that sistas in porn are going
strictly white in most cases doing things with these white boys i
i would not let my pet skunk do.and if you do the research you will
notice a lot of these white boys in these porn movies are all marked
up with white arryan brotherhood tats.and on the white girl porn
side they on the most part are with white dont have to look
at a lot of porn to see this just browse some of the sites and the
titles and jackets will show you what i mean, let alone the movies
themself.the point im making here is that this is the disturbing new
image of black women that they are making for themselfs they
cant blame this on brothers.because the love of money will make
you turn into a beast if the price is right.and thats what a racist
like john rocker sees a black woman (im going to throw some money
in this black womans face to see if its true that she will do anything)
DrivenWoman wrote (in reply to mik-mik's "I give her little more credit than that, I think this sister is trying to push her career a litttle by dating this fellow. Just a thought."): Yup. Just like Karrine "Supahead" Steffans did when she dated Bill Maher. I don't think John Rocker is going to help her.
DrivenWoman wrote (in reply to bwonly's entire porn post): You might want to improve your grammar and punctuation if you want people to understand your posts...
You are looking at pornography to support your argument about black women going with any white man to degrade themselves, when you know damn well the shit that black men do in porn to degrade themselves. Does the name Darren James ring a bell to you? Better yet, run over to and see how a racist white girl has her fun with TONS of black men...
It's called a publicity stunt. I agree that Alicia's choice of man for her stunt is stupid at best [I don't support it at all], but ALL types of female celebs pull stunts to further their careers: Madonna and Big Daddy Kane for one, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, Madonna and Dennis Rodman and the list goes on... White women do this shit all the time, but when a black woman does it: LOOK OUT!
DrivenWoman (in a second reply to bwonly that isn't c&p'd here): First off, welcome to the Hataboard!

Second, you used porn as an example of black women requesting white guys only. Pornography is an industry where people have sex with others on camera for money or fame. Women make more than men, white women make more than black women.

If a black porn actress wants to make a name for herself and boost her earnings, she will have to play the race card: act in films that promote the black female stereotype (e.g., Booty Talk) and she has to do scenes with white men. Most top film studios (porn or not) are owned and dominated by white men, so she may have to go this route if she wants to make the most of it. Women are not respected in porn, so it is a given that black women won't be respected in porn either. She has a job to do, do it then get out. I am willing to bet that most sisters in porn don't care about the white actors' views, she is looking to get paid for getting laid.

As for Alicia...who knows why she is dating John Rocker. We don't know if she dates white men exclusively. Women whose top priority is getting their 15 minutes of fame are not going to be picky about who they date, as long as it generates a stir. White women do it and black women do it, interracially and intraracially. Look at Hoopz and Flavor Flav, Naomi Campbell and Usher.

Would you rather she use a brotha for money and advancement? Then you would be on here talking about how black women are golddiggers and only use brothas. It's a catch 22 for sistas. They can never win! LOL!

ok your scroll wheels have been abused enough. Here are photos of Ms. Alicia Denson, neurosciences (is that just sports fitness?) and sports writing degree owner, a possible living breathing pioneer among fitness trainers and body builders, the chick John Rocker was hooked up with as of May of this year (though who knows about now, right?):



(unless the photos don't work, then just click on the link, above. She could be pretty, in a Sheila E way, if she got rid of the bleached blond hair. The weave ruins what could be a fierce look.)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:12 pm
by Ingse Bodil
Proof she looks better without the blonde weave (using a black weave instead):


thank you, brother Akil. Somebody said she had a Robin Givens vibe. Only
if she mated with what's her name, from How Stella Got Her Groove Back. In my
opinion. But it's a good photo. The blonde weave has to go, though.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:16 pm
by Goober McTuber
Ingse Bodil wrote:Image

She could be pretty

Yeah, pretty fucking ugly.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:23 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Ingse Bodil wrote:Bruce wrote: SHE LOOK LIKE BILL MAHRERS TYPE OF WOMAN ..LOL (ib's commentary: yes, people, that's an extreme insult)
I disagree. Here's one example of Bill Maher's type of woman:


To each his own and all that, I know. But I think she's hot. How Bill Maher ever pulled that (beyond being a celebrity) is a mystery to me.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:27 pm
by Ingse Bodil
A bill maher woman is not just about looks, but about perceived willingness to do anything sexually, especially if anything will lead to a career boost. But yes, it's also about looks.

The chick looks nice.... she'd look even nicer without the Remy-Ma's-salonist-got-drunk weave. That is not Karrine, I don't think. Who is that?

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:36 pm
by Goober McTuber
Ingse Bodil wrote:A bill maher woman is not just about looks, but about perceived willingness to do anything sexually, especially if anything will lead to a career boost. But yes, it's also about looks.

The chick looks nice.... she'd look even nicer without the Remy-Ma's-salonist-got-drunk weave. That is not Karrine, I don't think. Who is that?

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:38 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Ingse Bodil wrote:A bill maher woman is not just about looks, but about perceived willingness to do anything sexually, especially if anything will lead to a career boost. But yes, it's also about looks.

The chick looks nice.... she'd look even nicer without the Remy-Ma's-salonist-got-drunk weave. That is not Karrine, I don't think. Who is that?
Coco Johnsen. The woman who wound up suing Maher, alleging that he beat her and used all sorts of racial epithets against her.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:24 pm
by Ingse Bodil
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Ingse Bodil wrote:A bill maher woman is not just about looks, but about perceived willingness to do anything sexually, especially if anything will lead to a career boost. But yes, it's also about looks.

The chick looks nice.... she'd look even nicer without the Remy-Ma's-salonist-got-drunk weave. That is not Karrine, I don't think. Who is that?
Coco Johnsen. The woman who wound up suing Maher, alleging that he beat her and used all sorts of racial epithets against her.
THAT'S Coco? whoa... major change, for the better. Her tits are hanging strange,
and I'd still ask her to lose the Farrah/Eve hair, but still much much better. When
she was with Maher, she looked totally trannyed/hookered out. Happy as fuck (drugged?),
but totally hookered out. She looks presentable, above. I used to seesaw on whether
or not to believe all the stuff she said about Maher.

No one else has said them -- and Karrine has the biggest mouth of anybody. So, I guess
Coco is a liar :( That's too bad.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:34 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Ingse Bodil wrote:I used to seesaw on whether
or not to believe all the stuff she said about Maher.

No one else has said them -- and Karrine has the biggest mouth of anybody. So, I guess
Coco is a liar :( That's too bad.
Could be that she's telling the truth -- and Karrine is, too, for that matter.

Different people push your buttons in different ways. Maybe the sort of behavior she elicited from Maher was different from the sort of behavior Karrine elicited from him. For whatever reason.

It's not always a zero sum game. Even if two people have apparently conflicting stories, it's still within the realm of possibilities that both are correct.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:53 pm
by the_ouskull
The hair looks GOOD on Eve, first of all... Second, it's a freakin' CD. Grow up. Third, people still "care" about John Rocker because people still write crap like this...

But IB may be onto something, re: the Rocker = Gay thing... That chick he's with looks kind of mannish.


Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:42 pm
by Ingse Bodil
Eve looks like shit in blonde farrah gear. it just looks horrible.

eve in dyed red

eve looking like a drow

eve pretending to be a white girl

eve unsuccessfully channeling tina turner (who also needed to get rid of the wig)

the real eve

eve pretending to be remy ma, in front of a still from the alleged sex tape

the real eve looking stupid in a blonde wig (I mean, seriously.
she looks like she cut the fur off of one of those little dogs with
all the hair, and stuck it on top of her own head.) ... 5809990006
Eve with koolaid in her hair, next to Eve wearing a straggly rat-tailed wig

the eve photo i personally like.

As for rocker being gay, I actually said it because the writer of Sam's article posted above just gives off 'why can't i have him?' vibes. the whinyness is so ... what's the word for someone who wants what they can't have, a want that shouldn't be coveted in the first place?

And Terry... true. Yeah, there are two sides to every story, but the story Coco put out was just so over the top. I hope it's not true... but then, that would make Coco a loser. If it is true, that makes all the chicks Bill's been with since then losers. It's just bad all the way around. No one comes out looking fresh.