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Week 15 results

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:19 pm
by Felix
Winner for the week

Big Daddy 13-3 (even failing to submit a pick for the Thursday game)
Adelpiero 12-4
socal 12-4
Riverchick 11-5
Bucmonkey 11-5
Qbert 11-5
JSC810 11-5
stuckinia 10-6
packwin 13 10-6
Jack 10-6
poptart 10-6
Felix 10-6
War Wagon 10-6
rsoxfan 9-7
dtownmike 9-7
xtremeplzr 9-7
kcdave 9-7
Shoalzie 9-7
Th 8-8
Luther 8-8
godzilla 7-9

no picks for the week Charger Mike (slacker)

for the overall, just add your total to last weeks
Big Daddy is still leading with packwin in second
kcdave is third

you're all warned that anymore dropping out/failing to submit picks will be met with scorn and ridicule.....

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:49 am
by poptart
Nice job, D'DAD.
Spank you, Cat.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:28 am
by Big Daddy
Nice one Double D.

Keeping the love in skin nation.