Nice Forum
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:58 am
This is far more entertaining than the Cul de Shat. Anybody mind if I post here?
Çì®åŠ DêMïgòD wrote:I'm not liking this impudence at all.
RBB wrote:I believe I speak for everyone here when I say "hungh?"
Is that the elf who lived in a box? The last time I was travelling through Denver I couldn't find anything else worth listening to. Jim was having his normal show and some old legends started calling in. Kerwin in Riverside and a couple others ran some good smack on some really old topics and they got ran. It was kinda funny until Jim started repeating himself every ten minutes. After every call and every commercial break and before every call and every commercial break he went in to this big long introduction of what was happening on the show and you never know what's going to happen in the Jungle. The Jungle has a life of its own. We might wind up having a mini smackoff right here, right now. We've already had Jim in Fall River call in and get loose and then Kerwin came in breaking one off and you just never know. This might be an impromptu mini smack off. Then again maybe not, clones. You just never know in the Jungle. The Jungle has a life of its own. We might wind up having a mini smackoff right here, right now. Blah blah blah repeat repeat repeat over and over again. I listened for about an hour and a half before I remembered why I stopped listening to the bitter elf 5 years ago. Dude has a hard time finding new and interesting things to say but he can't stop talking so he skip can't stop talking so he skip can't stop talking so he skip can't shut up!MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Do you listen to Jim Rome?
Hey if I'm an old school troll why did my tag get changed to "shit troll"? WTF?SaladTosser wrote:Welcome aboard, old-school troll.
Can I touch his cheese head?We certainly hope you enjoy your stay here, however we ask that you refrain from touching Elvis Monster and that you please post a picture of your tits.