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Daylight Savings Time and Computers

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:22 pm
by ElTaco
So in case anyone hasn't heard yet, the Daylight Savings Time was changed last year and it comes into effect this year. If you haven't heard about this yet, well you should research it a little so your computer keeps working the way you think it should. In other words so that the time stays correct. Remember that time and Date are important for certain things like when you try to connect to your online bank website. If your time and date is off by too much, your SSL connection requests will be rejected.

Anyway, Windows 2000 and any OS's will not have hot fixes available for them to fix the DST problem. Its MS' way of saying, please give us more mo ney.

To read MS' directions on how to fix the problem on your computer:

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:04 pm
by Mister Bushice
Very good info ET. I didn't even think of that.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:38 pm
by ElTaco
Anyone have any problems with this? Remember that any program that uses windows uses the windows times to figure out how to schedule things or write times in. If you use outlook to do your personal calendar at home and you didn't patch your windows box, you may run into issues in the next three weeks.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:17 pm
by Mister Bushice
I have not got around to it. too much regular shit to deal with, but eventually I will.

Fortunately all my website stuff is remote hosted, and I don't use outlook. my PDA updated itself, for some unknown reason. I guess they remotely did it for me.