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A. Brooks cut

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:07 am
by poptart
5.7 mil. in cap room cleared.

It would appear A. Walter still has a future in Raider gear.
It's honestly pretty difficult to accurately evaluate the youngster based on what went down last year.

So will Oakland go QB (Russell, Quinn) with the top pick in the draft, or will they bring in a vet (Carr, Schaub, someone else) to compete for the job .... ?

C. Johnson looks like the 'safest' pick in the draft.
Could end up being a GREAT player.
Bring in a vet QB, move Moss, and draft him .... ?
Sounds reasonable, particularly if Oakland was able to trade down a couple of spots and still nab him.

Oh, ........... Al doesn't trade down.
Scratch that.

Draft Russell and go vertical.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:15 am
by Adelpiero
schaub and trading down?

schaub and a rb?

schaub and defensive help??

fuck the brownies for winning the coin toss, buccs need to pick asap, and the wr from gtech it should be. they need a #1 wr. galloway is fine, but they need their franchise wr. dumbasses should of moved up to get williams or fitzgeralds years back, instead sat pat and took the kid from lsu, hes a #3, 2 1/2 at best. simms will be starter, chucky still coach, oh christ, another long year for buccs fans :meds: :meds: :meds:

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:32 pm
by Mal
Schefter is reporting Moss and Porter to return to Raiders in 07.....

I'd like to say bullshit but that dude is right more often that he is wrong.

Randy Moss needs to go for the sake of team chemistry. I'd take a 3rd gladly just to wash my hands of the cancer at this point. But fucking Davis and his fucking beloved vuhtical game.........

JR may have some physical talents but he scares the hell out of me as the #1 overall selection. Not to mention that he is reportedly overweight already.

To me it says a lot when the dude has a window of a few short months to show he is worthy of the number 1 pick and either can't or wont do it.

For the record I love Calvin Johnson as a prospect but if we keep both Moss and Porter what is the point?

Also for the record I hope I'm wrong about JR cause I think he is a virtual lock.

My personal preference? Either draft Calvin Johnson #1 or drop a few spots in a trade and pick up Marshawn Lynch. The more I see of Lynch the more I think he is gonna be an impact player at the next level.

I doubt either one will happen though. Al will fall in love with Russells arm strength and draft him IMO.

Oh and btw kiss my as Brooks. Seeing you laughing and joking on the sidelines after asskicking after asskicking almost cost me my TV a few times this year.

Good fucking riddance.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:12 pm
by the_ouskull
Don't worry about the Browns winning the toss over the Bucs. They're going to take AD. Your #1 WR will still be available at #4.


Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:40 pm
by Adelpiero
why would browns pass over johnson?

edwards/johnson/winslow looks like a pretty good wr/te core to me, something you can build around to win.

but hey, if they pass on johnson, cheers. but chucky is still in control, i fear his picks

wasn't happy with cadillac,clayton, etc

if your going to take a wr in top half of draft, why wouldnty you move up to get a franchise wr in williams and fitzgerald, ehich is why i fear his fucking picks. . oh well, i hate chucky

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:15 pm
by Raydah James
Enough of this 'Andrew Walter hasnt gotten a fair chance' garbage.

Witnessing him in the front of the black hole more than a few times last season, I can wholeheartedly say that he fucking sucks out loud. Bad decision after bad decison riddle this guy's resume. When the dumbfuck isnt throwing it to the other team, he's fumbling it all over the placed every time he gets hit. Dude is a lifetime backup at best.

Onto the draft: Russell or Quinn would be fine with me. Quinn had a pretty damn good season behind a shit O-line (37 td's, 7 int's) and has excelled in a pro system drawn up by Charlie Wiess, former Patriot O coordinator. He has great conditioning and appears to have strong leadership qualities-a Rich gannon type guy who can scramble very well. To perfect his game, he's been getting therapy to strengthen the tiny muscles in his eyes so that he can see the field better. He's been training incredibly hard and has cut his body fat % to around 4.9.

Russell has all the tools, and could very well be a franchise QB coming out of the gate-he has gotten substantially better every season and has both a cannon and a nice short to medium range touch on his throws. Both can be erratic at times.

Everybody is talking about Russells "weight" and how he "looks a little chubby".........but he's been working with Tom Martinez (who works with Tom Brady every offseason) for quite awhile now in Arizona to clean up ALL of his mechanics-including dropping back in the pocket much fast after the ball is hiked, setting his feet correctly, ect. ect.

Cant have it both ways, haters-and i'd rather have a guy perfecting his football mechanics than in the fucking weight room improving his bench lift.

We need a real QB badly.

As I said, Quinn or Russell would both be fine by me.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:44 pm
by ChargerMike
...ah it's great to see Raiduhfan off the plight of the Bolts and back to visions of a successful draft...bwahahaha
Another year, another two billion brain cells in Al's dome're chances of draftin a QB with Alice pulling the strings are about as good as TO becoming a club house leader.

With the first pick in the 2007 draft, the Oakland Raiduhs take:........................Wide receiver Calvin Johnson from Georgia Tech

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:59 pm
by poptart
Regarding Moss, I thought Tim Brown's take was interesting.
He said the offense Kiffin plans to run is very similar to what Gruden runs.
A 'version' of the West Coast.
Porter had good years in that system, and as we've heard, he says he's fully onboard.
Moss, on the other hand, Brown says, isn't well suited to that sort of offense.
He's a 'long-strider,' and doesn't have the footwork skills needed to excel in such an offense.
Look for him to be moved.

Me hopes.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:05 am
by Raydah James
poptart wrote:Regarding Moss, I thought Tim Brown's take was interesting.
He said the offense Kiffin plans to run is very similar to what Gruden runs.
A 'version' of the West Coast.
Porter had good years in that system, and as we've heard, he says he's fully onboard.
Moss, on the other hand, Brown says, isn't well suited to that sort of offense.
He's a 'long-strider,' and doesn't have the footwork skills needed to excel in such an offense.
Look for him to be moved.

Me hopes.
Couldnt agree more.

Although the Green Bay rumor will turn out to be complete bullshit.

I see the Jags throwing down a 2nd or 3rd for Moss......and Al using it with our 2nd to move up and get Marshawn Lynch or D. Bowe.

For a twist, I see Al pulling a 'Bo Jackson 7 rounder' here and using our last round pick on Jeff Samardzija.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:11 am
by poptart
Who's that .... ?

I could google, but I'd rather ask you.
You're more fun.

RACK you.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:23 am
by Raydah James
poptart wrote:Who's that .... ?

I could google, but I'd rather ask you.
You're more fun.

RACK you.

Dude's only the baddest whiteboy ball catching machine on the motherfuckin planet, holmes.......

Check out Brady Quinns youtube clips here to see this 6'5" 230 pound mountain of stick'em terror gut defenses apart with his 'finalist for the Biletnikoff Award' mitts..........homeboy is #83

He signed a baseball contract earlier this month.

EDIT: Heres a good clip of Jeff

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:33 am
by poptart
Thanks, James.

And wow, he is white.

Some reason mvscal hasn't been jockin' him .... ?


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:47 am
by Mal
Jeff Samardzija has a clause in his baseball contract that says he can't play football for four years I believe.

I'm not saying that QB is not a need, I'm saying that Russell scares the hell out of me.

And I'll say once again that Andrew Walter has not been given a fair shot to succeed.

A basically rookie QB was put in at a moments notice behind the worst line in the league, with the worst coaching in the league.....

His big play WR quit in about week 3 and his #2 wideout rarely saw the field.

He had no TE to speak of and his pass protection was nonexistant.

Oh and did I mention that we couldn't run the ball worth a shit on most Sundays?

Raider QB's were sacked 72 times last season. By far the most in the NFL.

Offensively we were a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Walter may not be the savior but judging him after spending most of last season posing as a speedbag for the opposing teams defenses simply is not fair.

Brady Quinn? Honestly I don't know much about the guy barring a few bowl games I've watched and he hasn't exactly blown me away.

I will say that he doesn't strike me as an Al Davis type of QB.

I personally believe that you draft for talent - not for need. And IMO Calvin Johnson is the most talented prospect in this years draft.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:46 am
by poptart
I agree on Walter, Mal.
On top of what you said, he did manage to help the pitiful team to win 2 games.
Not that that is a Hall of Fame accomplishment, but the established vet Brooks managed a big fat GOOSE EGG in that dept.

James may end up being right on Walter, and if so, I'll tip my hat to him, but I think you've got to see what he can do under much better circumstances before you throw him away.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:57 pm
by Raydah James
jossjeff wrote:Jeff Samardzija has a clause in his baseball contract that says he can't play football for four years I believe.
Nope. His baseball deal is a 5 year contract.

There is no language in regards to football included in it.

If we take Quinn as #1, Al will draft this cat in the 7th.
I'm not saying that QB is not a need, I'm saying that Russell scares the hell out of me.
This is why I love the fact that neither you nor I will be able to select with that first pick.

Kiffin will take the person he thinks best suits his system, period.

That person is NOT Calvin Johnson, who would be an absolute waste of a #1 overall pick.

Its also amazing that Russell would scare you and Walter wouldnt. Russell is already twice the QB Walter ever will be. Andrew is a poor mans Kerry Collins without the ability to hold onto the fucking ball whenever he's hit. He's a pile of shit.

and Pop, Walter absolutely did not help our team win either of those games.......the defense single handedly did by scoring touchdowns themselves.

3 Touchdowns, 13 interceptions, and 9 fucking fumbles in 8 1/2 game appearances.

Wanna know what scares the hell out of me? The fact that there is a Raiderfan left who thinks this statue has any ability.

Brady Quinn? Honestly I don't know much about the guy barring a few bowl games I've watched and he hasn't exactly blown me away.
No offense, but you shouldnt be speaking on this subject if you dont know all the facts.

I got to watch Quinn quite often during his ND career, and he was a fucking stud of a leader who now owns 36 ND records......while playing in a pro system. Dude also blows Walters college stats away. Doesnt get much better than that.

Russell was also a stud who excelled and played excellent against the top notch SEC defenses......and saved his best performance for the biggest bowl game of his career.

Quinn is ready to take the reigns right now. Russell will have a learning curve to overcome, but will undoubtedly make an immediate positive impact.
I will say that he doesn't strike me as an Al Davis type of QB.
One that wins?

Neither was Gannon, but I loved the results we got.
I personally believe that you draft for talent - not for need. And IMO Calvin Johnson is the most talented prospect in this years draft.
If you truly believed that, then Quinn or Russell would be your #1

Mark my words, a QB will be taken with the first pick.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:38 pm
by Mal
The funny thing about this is that earlier in the week I had the same argument on a Raider board I post on where I took your position.

John Elways rookie stats:

1983 Den 123 - 259 47.5% 1663 yds 7TD's 14INT's 54.9 QB Rating

Andrew Walters rookie stats:

2006 Oak 55.8% 147 -276 53.3 QB rating 1677yds 3TD's 13INT's

And before I get hit with it I am in no way comparing Walter with Elway in terms of physical attributes. Simply making a point that even the great ones struggle when they first start out.

Gawdawful stats to be sure for Walter. When I was witnessing that shit last season I was calling for his head at times as well. But then I keep in mind that Walter was sacked 46 times in part time duty. He was hit countless others, harassed on nearly every play, and had a clean pocket to throw out of a handfull of times the entire season it seemed.

I'll say once again that Randy Moss quit early and Jerry Porter basically never saw the field. Ron Curry is one of my favorite Raiders in terms of heart and character but he is a possession receiver at this point in his career (11.7 ypr), Alvis Whitted and starting WR have no business ever being mentioned in the same sentence. Courtney Anderson is our starting TE?

The kid had nothing around him.

I also keep in mind that HeArtless Shell made a point to have a seive of an O line attempt to pass protect for longer than anyone else in the NFL and took away the safety valves that every young QB needs.

How many other coaches would take a teams biggest liability and compound it? Shut the fuck up with the Raiduh way and the vuhtical game already Art. That shit is old and tired and a flat out lie.

LaMont Jordan had 70 catches under Norv Turner two years ago. Last season he had 10.....

Are you fucking kidding me with that stat?

Our leading rusher ran for 650 yds or so with 1 TD.

I think fans of other teams outside our division have no idea how truly pathetic the Raider coaching staff was last season. High School coaches were laughing at us, Christ pop warner coaches had better game plans.

How many times can you call a 2-14 team overacheivers? Cause that fits last seasons team to a fucking T.

All you need to know about Shell and his band of misfits is that they made me wish for the Norv Turner regime. 2006 was by far the worst season I have ever experienced in my 20 plus years as a fan. I sat through Joe Bugel and his painful attempts when they quit in about week 6 but last year made that season seem like a walk in the park.

Anyway I'm getting off topic here.


I have never said that Walter should be the starter. If anything I am uncomfortable with him as our #1 right about now. I'm saying the kid got a raw deal and shouldn't be judged based on last season alone. However I'll let Kiffin make that call since he has seen him play since his college days and is a better judge of talent than either you or I..

Maybe Quinn is the real deal. I won't argue with what you said. I've seen him play a grand total of four games over a few years. He never has screamed "can't miss" to me but I don't make those decisions.

JaMarcus Russell came out of nowhere and I am always wary of those types.

My personal opinion? If we were gonna take a QB last season was the time to do it. Leinart was there for the taking, he wanted to play in Oakland, it made sense on every level - talentwise, needwise, and public relations wise. But in the end Davis went with a 4.3 DB.....yet again.

I love Huff as a prospect (although I like him better at FS) but I would have taken Leinart if it had been up to me.

Saying we do take Quinn and I personally think if we draft a QB it will be JR we will have the same shit sieve of an Oline, the same WR's (allegedly), and a below average rushing attack.

I'm curious to see what Gallery can do with an offense from this century but at this point he certainly can't be counted on. Kiffin has already discussed moving him to RT ........

Hey I'm on board with Kiffin . I like his Pac 10 ties, I like his energy, he is saying and so far doing the right things.

But if Moss stays it is gonna tell me that it is business as usual in Oaktown.

Maybe I'm wrong about the QB's in this years draft...Hell as a fan I hope I am considering that I also believe that this is the direction we are going. Bottom line is that I want to win.

But what I said above still stands. Draft for talent not for need.

I still believe that Calvin Johnson is the most talented prospect in this years draft.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:49 pm
by Raydah James
Good points, Jeff.

I still disagree about Walter, and probably always will-and there's no way I can bring myself to compare him against one of the all-time great QB's no matter how thier numbers may stack up.

Personally, I hope Al drafts Quinn. His entire body of work over his collegiate career is damn impressive, as is his incredible work ethic. He's polished as hell and ready to make an instant impact on whatever team drafts him.

Leinart is one of those cases that you have to let go.......although I couldnt agree more with you and wanted him in the silver and black myself.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:30 pm
by Mal
Not that it means anything really but John Clayton just said on ESPN that there is a "100% chance" that the Raiders will take Russell.

He also said that Quinn has fallen out of the top five.

All smoke and mirrors at this point but 'sayin.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:35 pm
by Raydah James
jossjeff wrote:Not that it means anything really but John Clayton just said on ESPN that there is a "100% chance" that the Raiders will take Russell.

He also said that Quinn has fallen out of the top five.

All smoke and mirrors at this point but 'sayin.

My only worry about Russell is his work ethic to stay in shape and on top of his game.

Quinn's is second to none, and if JaMarc applies himself even half as much as Quinn does to his trade he will be a fucking monster.

Knowing that Martinez is tutoring him in all areas helps ease the worry, to be sure.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:41 pm
by Mal
Raydah James wrote:
jossjeff wrote:Not that it means anything really but John Clayton just said on ESPN that there is a "100% chance" that the Raiders will take Russell.

He also said that Quinn has fallen out of the top five.

All smoke and mirrors at this point but 'sayin.

My only worry about Russell is his work ethic to stay in shape and on top of his game.

Quinn's is second to none, and if JaMarc applies himself even half as much as Quinn does to his trade he will be a fucking monster.

Knowing that Martinez is tutoring him in all areas helps ease the worry, to be sure.
Yah mine too.

The fact that he is in less than stellar condition is a big concern to me considering it was his spot to lose.

If I know I'm looking at #1 personally I'm busting ass to make a team fall in love with me to pick up that extra 10 mil or so.

Russell isn't exactly a raging fatass but he isn't in tiptop shape either.

But the consenses is that he is coming to Oaktown.

Like I said dawg, hope I'm wrong about the guy.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:43 pm
by Raydah James
jossjeff wrote:
Like I said dawg, hope I'm wrong about the guy.
You are homeboy, no worries :wink:


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:47 pm
by Raydah James
Mace wrote:
Raydah James wrote:Nope. His baseball deal is a 5 year contract.

There is no language in regards to football included in it.
Actually, there is a clause in his contract with the Cubs that requires him to return to the Cubs with a $2.5 million signing bonus should he opt to play another sport. That said, he says that he's totally committed to baseball and doesn't want to try playing both sports and not being able to give 100% to both. Probably some sound thinking on his part because he's got lots of work to do if he ever expects to pitch at the ML level. He'd have a much quicker impact in the NFL but it sounds like he prefers baseball.

If we take Quinn as #1, Al will draft this cat in the 7th.
Knowing Al.....he might. But signing the kid will pose a problem.

After one season on that shit Cub team (see: Kerry Wood's overworked and busted ragarm), he'll be begging Al to throw on the Silver and Black. :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:09 pm
by Raydah James

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:49 am
by poptart
Russell scares me too, for the same reasons Mal hit on.
Not necessarily saying he won't pan out, but just saying that there are legit concerns.
Quinn might be a better fit for the type of offense Kiffin will run, no ... ?

Even if the Raiders decide to go QB with pick #1, I see them bringing in a vet also.
Can't see them wanting to go to war with a rookie and A. Walter.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:35 pm
by Raydah James
Update on JRuss from Peter King:

3. The Raiders have debriefed the new mentor of JaMarcus Russell, leading to rampant speculation (mine) that the fix is in and that Randy Moss is about to be a very happy man.
You may have heard that California quarterback consultant Tom Martinez, the mentor of Tom Brady since Mr. Super Bowl was 13, worked with Russell at the Athletes Performance Institute in Arizona and came away highly impressed. You have not heard that the Raiders, prior to the Combine, summoned Martinez to ask him about Russell. Martinez says he told the Raiders, "There's nothing you'll ask him to do that he can't do. Nothing.'' Here are some other interesting tidbits Martinez shared with me Sunday night:

a. He told Oakland offensive coordinator Greg Knapp to remember how good Russell is, and he's only 21.

b. He told Russell after analyzing LSU tape he too often looked sluggish, like he was carrying too much weight. And the one thing he stressed with Russell is consistency with the passing motion. "Like a golf swing -- you get really good when the swing's exactly the same every time.''

c. "I told the Raiders, 'The worst thing you could do with this kid is give him four coaches in his first four years,' " said Martinez. "He needs stability. He needs the right guy coaching him the first two or three years, where he'll be taught consistency and stay on him about his technique. That's what every young quarterback needs.''

d. Everyone's talking about how well Russell throws the deep ball, and they're right. "But he makes such beautiful throws on the curls and the comebacks," says Martinez, "like an outfielder hitting the cutoff man perfectly. And his touch is so good. He throws it short with touch, deep with touch. Every throw looks so natural.''

e. Martinez worked with Russell on throwing the ball more over the top. "When Tom Brady throws an interception, it's very rarely a tipped ball because he's releasing the ball high, so it's hard to deflect it." said Martinez. He said the 6-5 1/2 Russell, releasing the ball high over his head, would, in effect, make him about 7-3 and make it very hard for defenders to tip his passes.

By the way Pop, JRuss isnt some 'one season wonder' like Akili Smith, ect. His record at LSU was 25-4.

He will be our first selection in the draft.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:57 pm
by 420
As I've mentioned in the past... Russell is a good fit for the Raiders.

420 wrote:of the year for the NFL Forum

and with the first pick of the NFL draft (poptart doesn't care, he hates the NFL), the Raiders select__________.;_ylt=A ... &type=lgns

Not a bad choice by the Raiders.

I just hope the "College football" tards dont see where Marshawn Lynch is being taken in this mock.

The crying would never end.

Russell could be the closest thing the Raiders have had since the "Mad Bomber"...


Which would be a perfect fit with the speed on the outside. It'd actually be kinda scary.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:03 pm
by Raydah James
Jeff and pop, he also acknowledged that his weight was a bit high and that he was going to work on getting it down some yesterday at the combine.