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rockbox opensource jukebox

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:38 am
by peter dragon

Sweet little number that I installed on my F10 Gigabeat. Work wonders. allows me to by pass the fucked up gigabeat software and will play all kinds of audio no matter what the format. OGG FLAC etc.. works on almost all the IPODS and a couple others. the best part is its just an overlay, so you dont have to delete the original operating files. vera nice. check it out...

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:05 am
by Donovan
I've been using Rockbox on my iRiver for years. It's the main reason I've never bought an iPod, although I probably will when the 80GB version is supported.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:55 am
by ElTaco
I wouldn't put it on an Ipod yet. It doesn't support Video playback. Also, its missing WMA. Has a lot of neat features but still needs some work IMHO.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:14 am
by Donovan
ElTaco wrote:I wouldn't put it on an Ipod yet. It doesn't support Video playback.
I have two mp3 players that support video and I've never used it. In fact, my main player doesn't even have a colour screen and it doesn't bother me because I rarely look at it, so this isn't an issue for me.
Also, its missing WMA.

Well, I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob. All I have is mp3, flac, m4a and the occasional ogg. And from what I've read you'll be waiting a long time for wma support for Rockbox since there isn't a decent open source decoder available.
Has a lot of neat features but still needs some work IMHO.
That's true. Last I checked there are issues with the battery life and other things like that, but when I first tried Rockbox on my iRiver it wasn't nearly as robust as it is now. I like being part of an open source project as much as I like the cool things you can do with Rockbox.