Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:01 am
It's the contributions of the more regular posters that really make the board stand out. Some of the household names include Mikey, Dinsdale, R-Jack, The Seer, Bizzarofelice, Bsmack, poptart, Mister Buschice, Goober McTuber, Raider James, socal, mvscal, Shoalzie, Cuda, smackaholic, OCMike, and a host of others.
It is often mentioned that a specific portion of the country, for some unknown reason, breeds tards by nature. This location is Kansas City, Missouri.
Bhahaha. I also explained the U&L a little better.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Way to edit yourself in, AP.
This one is probably going down for the same reasons. Good smack, bad scholarship.PSUFAN wrote:well, for what it's worth, I laughed the whole time I was reading it. I recently authored something similar (but less epic), but it was deleted by wikimoderators for "having no sources". I wish this one longer life, and I rack the submitter.
Sorry I left you out.e wrote:any wiki listing of the site should at least contain a bit of humor. that thing was fucking dull.
Several spammers have received permanent "bannings" at T1B for various reasons, many of whom are very bitter to this day because their entire lives revolve around posting on the internet. Some of these posters included Innocent Bystander, Samurai Gangbang, and shutyomouth. All were uber tards. None are missed.
2ndwell, for what it's worth, I laughed the whole time I was reading it.
Yeah, I caught that too. The author was Mgo-Blow, what'd you expect? The self-appointed board historian and judge of who's cool can't be expected to actually know what those big words mean.Mike the Lab Rat wrote:In the fifth paragraph:
"However, few post with the same veracity they once did."
I'm pretty sure that the author meant to say "frequency" or something similar, and not "veracity."
3rd.RJ wrote:2ndwell, for what it's worth, I laughed the whole time I was reading it.
For real.R-Jack wrote:at whoever edited me out of there.
T1B, or "The One Board," index.php is a smack-based internet message board which formed in January, 2005. The board is comprised mostly of posters who once formed a Jim Rome-based message board in the late 1990s called Smack Chat. The original Smack Chat was launched in 1996 by Mark Rabick and Jim Benton. Of course the money grubbing whores at Premiere Radio shut down the original Smack Chat, and its successor Smack Chat II, and launched the tard fest known as Smack Chat III. Eric "webdog" Altson later locked down the board where each "new" :rolleyes: poster was to be reviewed before being allowed to tard up the board. He later wrote in a blog how the company hadn't paid him for months and he hinted the "suits" were close to shutting down the board due to complaints.
Smack Chat III was known for its versatile collection of quality posters, tards, trolls, spammers, and homosmackers such as Valvenis and Beantown Basher. However, the board was overrun by internet nut jobs who couldn't handle the smack, and therefore, contacted employers of various posters from the board in an effort to get them fired. Infamous for SCAT pics, racist topics, and long-winded tales of sexual debauchery, Smackchat underwent much turmoil and was taken down from Jim Rome's website shortly thereafter. The race-baiting poster known as "The Big Pickle" basically complained enough to webdog, board administrator, and to the "suits" in management about his alleged unfair treatment from the board m0derators. The Big Pickle was primarily responsible for Smack Chat's termination.
Throughout the early-to-mid 2000s, a multitude of offshoot Jim Rome-based message boards were spawned, most of which have failed either due to low volumes of traffic, or because a small collection of well-known spammers drove everybody away with their tedious posting efforts, and their pursuit to make the internet a dangerous place for those who post from work, by submitting magnified shots of human anuses (often stuffed with produce or random spherical objects), among other acts.
In an effort to get away from the rampant everyday spammers that ruined the posting atmosphere for many members, PSUFAN and others formed T1B as a haven for quality smack, funny story telling, political debating, and witty one-liners. However, with the internet, come worthless spammers. This is a message board fact which is no less concrete than death or taxes. Several spammers have received permanent "bannings" at T1B for various reasons, many of whom are very bitter to this day because their entire lives revolve around posting on the internet. Some of these posters included Innocent Bystander, Doctor Detroit, Samurai Gangbang, and shutyomouth. All were uber tards. None are missed.
T1B boasts some of the "original" legends which help to make the board a cut above the rest, such as Luther, Euroclone (aka Nishlord), Uncle Fester, Moorese, Salad Tosser, and DC Smackmaster (aka Cromag), among others. However, few post with the same veracity they once did.
It's the contributions of the more regular posters that really make the board stand out. Everyday topics, which are found on the main forum "Cul de Smack," can range from commentary on news links from around the world(made famous by Bobby42, (aka Newslink42), to debates on bicycle paths and light beer, as well as plenteous amounts of land and "regional smack," mostly instigated by Oregonian, Dinsdale, dogged in his pursuits to regale the board about all things "U&L," or "Up and Left" (slang for the Pacific Northwest) who likely believes that Heaven is the runner-up to Oregon.
Although the worthless spammers have been either banned or run, tards still thrive at T1B. However, it is often said that "a board needs its tards." Some of these tards include posters such as Cicero (aka Sissyroo), Jack, Derron, War Wagon, jtr, Toddowen, Trix, and the all-time King of Tards, 420 (more infamously known as m2). At any given moment on the board, 420 is thought of as a shoo-in for #1 tard. It should come as no surprise to know 420 has won several "Board Bitch of the Year" awards throughout the history of the Jim Rome-spawned forums, and is often thought of by the majority of his posting peers as the absolute worst poster on the internet, regardless of whether his act is considered a trolljob or not.
It is often mentioned that a specific portion of the country, for some unknown reason, breeds tards by nature. This location is Kansas City, Missouri. Most of the posters who represent from this area are known for their "I know you are, but what am I" brand of "smack." Additionally, it seems to be a requirement for everything they post to be at the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel in terms of creativity. Which, across the board, might be considered acceptable, however, this particular group seems to have the genuine, unwavering belief that their material is "good." Posters from the Kansas City area, KC Paul 3.0 and Kansas City Kid, have recently been either banned or received "timeouts," due to their incredibly tedious spamming, most of which were childish threats and insults directed at each other. Most of their threats, which included discussions about "meeting up" some place to fight, were through private messages, but all too much of their act was displayed on the board for all to see, so it was unanimously decided they had to go. Both are widely considered to be fat, annoying, and stupid.
Although traffic is relatively low, the sports forums are considered a highly quality aspect of T1B. The college football forum, labeled, "Big Time Power College Football," is highly regarded due to its ample collection of very knowledgeable college football posters, such as Believe the Heupel, King Crimson, 88, BlindRef, the ouskull, Nolesy, Mr T, MuchoBulls, and many others. The CFB forum is arguably one of the best college football forums on the internet. However, the forum isn't above tards. Perhaps the most widely known tard in the college football forum is TheJON, who once posted a thread calling for his guaranteed, stone cold, lead pipe lock picks, then proceeded to go 0-7. It could be described that what ensued thereafter was "comedy gold."
Tears, Jerry, Tears.
Aside from T1B, TrollTrain and remain as the three major Jim Rome-based offshoot message boards.
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Ain't happenin' in my lifetime or yours...Tiny wrote:Well, I hate to state the obvious; but let me be a voice of reason here.
looks like some tard(who wants to be a admin at wiki) sought out the page and had it deleted. Looks like the dude has had 20 pages deleted today.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:If you guys want to put together a "well written, professional-looking" wiki page with links and references and all the bells and whistles have at it. Sounds like a cool idea. Like I said, I slapped that together in about ten minutes to kill some time, with no real intent on being serious or extremely accurate. It was just for laughs. If I incited a few, then hoo-freaking-ray for me, I guess.