When was the last time "Biggie" was funny?
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:16 am
I'm gonna make a drink and wait a few years.
Bizzarofelice wrote:When was Biggie funny?
Back before you humorless bitches bored him to tears and made this place like chewing tinfoil to him.
This is a common misconception. Not the "humorless bitches", "bored to tears" or "like chewing on tinfoil" thingies; those are all too true. I'm talking about the Biggie not being funny thingie. Biggie has always been funnier than a barrel of Mooreses. He's never NOT been hilarious, it's just that the humor is way over the head of even the above average t1b poster. Biggie is over their heads like Manute Bol towers over Perk.Bizzarofelice wrote:When was Biggie funny?
Back before you humorless bitches bored him to tears and made this place like chewing tinfoil to him.
True, much in the same way that Lenny Bruce towers over mvscal.Cuda wrote:Biggie is over their heads like Manute Bol towers over Perk.
Like the way Pedro Martinez's 2004 Sox mascot dude towers over Russ' dignity.Jay in Phoenix wrote:True, much in the same way that Lenny Bruce towers over mvscal.Cuda wrote:Biggie is over their heads like Manute Bol towers over Perk.
Like the way that Biggie’s nutsackBizzarofelice wrote:Like the way Pedro Martinez's 2004 Sox mascot dude towers over Russ' dignity.Jay in Phoenix wrote:True, much in the same way that Lenny Bruce towers over mvscal.Cuda wrote:Biggie is over their heads like Manute Bol towers over Perk.
True, he was a junkie. So was Richard Pryor. Last anyone checked, they are considered #'s 1 and 2 in the history of stand-up comedys' all time greatest.mvscal wrote:Yeah, some pathetic junky whining about his obscenity arrests is just "hilarious."
He sucked. You suck. Go fuck yourself, leg humping dipshit.
Just remember, you gotta do something pretty fucking big to get yourself arrested for entertaining folks. I've listened to Bruce, and he's definitely dated. But he had some serious freakin balls to be saying the kinds of things he was saying back then. And he had to have some serious game to back it up, because those crowds were eating it up.mvscal wrote:Yeah, some pathetic junky whining about his obscenity arrests is just "hilarious."
He sucked. You suck. Go fuck yourself, leg humping dipshit.
Look mvs, I will agree that toward the end of Bruce's career, the drug abuse had taken a serious toll on him. He was prone to rambling and incoherence and in the end he bought the farm from a syringe full of morphine. So okay, drug-addled jerkoff isn't unfair. However...his early work is legendary.mvscal wrote:I'm not hating on him. I just think he was a drug-addled jerkoff who wasn't particularly funny and towards the end of his career he was numbingly tedious.
Nah. "getting" the joke doesn't require dick suckage at all costs, homer.Cuda wrote:Biggie has always been funnier than a barrel of Mooreses. He's never NOT been hilarious, it's just that the humor is way over the head of even the above average t1b poster. Biggie is over their heads like Manute Bol towers over Perk.
Salvation begins with small steps.88 wrote:I got that part.Mikey wrote:That's 'cause you have no sense of humor.
Is “tedious” Cooter’s new nickname?R-Jack wrote:tedious sure does get thrown around a lot up in this bitch don't it?