perhaps this should've gone in the smacking yr own thread?
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:24 pm
story from a friend about "michigan football legend" jamie morris:
About a month ago there was a furious pounding on the front door of the Jamie Morris residence one Saturday night at about 3am. Awoken from his slumber, Mr. Morris opened the door to find a drunken, former U of M Athletic Department marketing intern begging him for sexual favors. Much to his surprise, as he thought said intern had relocated permanently to Chicago, he no doubt must have exclaimed, "Bitch, I told you 'never at my house'!" At which point the young lady became enraged and started shouting to Morris' soon-to-be completely awake wife upstairs, "He doesn't love you. He's been fucking me for three years!" After much commotion Morris got the drunken intern out of his house and returned to bed. His wife, now very confused and alarmed about the situation began questioning Morris about the identity of the girl, even questioning if it was a former marketing intern by the name of Becky (known publicly as the Little Caesars Hot 'N' Ready girl). Morris at first denied the allegations, but after repeated questioning relented to his wife that the drunken girl was indeed a former intern from Morris' office. One assumes Morris spent the remainder of a sleepless night on the couch.
Fast forward a mere two days later, Morris is in a meeting in his office with a fellow Athletic Dept employee. An unidentified man enters the office and asks if Morris if he is indeed Jamie Morris and that Morris needs to sign off on a parcel the man is delivering. The second Athletic Dept employee unaware of Morris' recent marital strife, asks jokingly, "What are those, divorce papers?" Morris, before opening the package replies, "No man, people ask me to autograph things all the time." Well, he spoke too soon.
The lesson to be learned from Mr. Morris' predicament? The paraphrase Paul, "If you're going to have an affair, make sure it's not with a psycho bitch who's going to come to your house at 3am."
Wise words.