Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:48 pm
Besides I thought if you belonged to a militia nowadays you were branded a racist and the FBI would shoot your wife and kid and stuff.
Judge Karen Henderson dissented, writing that the Second Amendment does not apply to the District of Columbia because it is not a state.
Which is exactly how the 2nd should have been interpreted. Someone should enroll that appellate court in a RIF program.Jsc810 wrote:While I don't agree with her, her dissent is in good faith.
She says that one part of the constitution reserves the right of the militia to the states, and that the Second Amendment confers the right of the state militia to arms. She does not make this up out of thin air, but bases it on other appellate court decisions, such as:
United States v. Warin, 530 F.2d 103, 106 (6th Cir. 1976)
(“The Second Amendment right ‘to keep and bear Arms’ applies
only to the right of the State to maintain a militia and not to the
individual’s right to bear arms . . . .” ); Cases v. United States, 131 F.2d 916, 923 (1st Cir. 1942) (“There is no evidence that the appellant was or ever had been a member of any military organization or that his use of the weapon under the circumstances disclosed was in preparation for a military career.”) ... -7041a.pdf
Then why do you think the words "well regulated Militia" was included, especially the "well regulated" part?88 wrote:I honestly do not think an objective person could find fault with the conclusions reached by the majority in this case. They went to great lengths to examine every position. The idea that the Second Amendment only confers rights to States and their militia's is absurd. The Second Amendment confers "the People" with the right to keep and bear arms. If a majority of "the People" do not like that result, they can amend the Constitution to take away this right. Otherwise, they should STFU.Diego in Seattle wrote:Which is exactly how the 2nd should have been interpreted. Someone should enroll that appellate court in a RIF program.Jsc810 wrote:While I don't agree with her, her dissent is in good faith.
She says that one part of the constitution reserves the right of the militia to the states, and that the Second Amendment confers the right of the state militia to arms. She does not make this up out of thin air, but bases it on other appellate court decisions, such as:
United States v. Warin, 530 F.2d 103, 106 (6th Cir. 1976)
(“The Second Amendment right ‘to keep and bear Arms’ applies
only to the right of the State to maintain a militia and not to the
individual’s right to bear arms . . . .” ); Cases v. United States, 131 F.2d 916, 923 (1st Cir. 1942) (“There is no evidence that the appellant was or ever had been a member of any military organization or that his use of the weapon under the circumstances disclosed was in preparation for a military career.”) ... -7041a.pdf
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I agree with Diego on a political topic.I honestly do not think an objective person could find fault with the conclusions reached by the majority in this case. They went to great lengths to examine every position. The idea that the Second Amendment only confers rights to States and their militia's is absurd. The Second Amendment confers "the People" with the right to keep and bear arms. If a majority of "the People" do not like that result, they can amend the Constitution to take away this right. Otherwise, they should STFU.
there is only one way to interprete 'the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed, fucknuts.Diego in Seattle wrote:Then why do you think the words "well regulated Militia" was included, especially the "well regulated" part?88 wrote:I honestly do not think an objective person could find fault with the conclusions reached by the majority in this case. They went to great lengths to examine every position. The idea that the Second Amendment only confers rights to States and their militia's is absurd. The Second Amendment confers "the People" with the right to keep and bear arms. If a majority of "the People" do not like that result, they can amend the Constitution to take away this right. Otherwise, they should STFU.Diego in Seattle wrote: Which is exactly how the 2nd should have been interpreted. Someone should enroll that appellate court in a RIF program.
The way that you're interpreting it completely ignores the intent of the framers of the constitution. There's only one way to interpret "A well regulated militia", fucknuts.titlover wrote:there is only one way to interprete 'the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed, fucknuts.
jesus christ you want to totally ignore something right there in black and white. yes, you are a tard.