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When I'm Dead and Thinking Cold

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:39 am
by socal
I hide in my music, forget the day

Brad Delp, lead singer of band Boston, dies
From the Associated Press

4:47 PM PST, March 9, 2007

ATKINSON, N.H. — Brad Delp, the lead singer for Boston, a huge rock sensation in the 1970s, was found dead Friday in his home, police said. He was 55.

Atkinson police responded to a call for help at 1:20 p.m. and found Delp dead. Police Lt. William Baldwin said in a statement the death was ''untimely'' and that there was no indication of foul play.

Delp apparently was alone at the time of his death, Baldwin said.

The cause of his death remained under investigation by the Atkinson police and the New Hampshire Medical Examiner's office. Police said an incident report would not be available until Monday.

Delp fronted the rock band, who rose to fame in the late 1970s and had several hits, including ''More than A Feeling.'' The group sold millions of records.

Re: When I'm Dead and Thinking Cold

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:00 am
by Screw_Michigan
socal wrote:I hide in my music, forget the day

Brad Delp, lead singer of band Boston, dies
From the Associated Press

4:47 PM PST, March 9, 2007

ATKINSON, N.H. — Brad Delp, the lead singer for Boston, a huge rock sensation in the 1970s, was found dead Friday in his home, police said. He was 55.

Atkinson police responded to a call for help at 1:20 p.m. and found Delp dead. Police Lt. William Baldwin said in a statement the death was ''untimely'' and that there was no indication of foul play.

Delp apparently was alone at the time of his death, Baldwin said.

The cause of his death remained under investigation by the Atkinson police and the New Hampshire Medical Examiner's office. Police said an incident report would not be available until Monday.

Delp fronted the rock band, who rose to fame in the late 1970s and had several hits, including ''More than A Feeling.'' The group sold millions of records.
guaran fuckin tee its going to be from iron deficiency. fucking vegetarians.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:04 am
by RadioFan

Boston was one of the few very uniquely "American" bands in the sense that whenever you heard them, it reminded you of something from your past, whether you were age 11 in '76 -- as I was -- or in your mid 50s, as Luth was. Tell me any other fucking rock band where the instant you heard it, it said "The United States" more than Boston did.

And yeah, their critics complained about how their sound never changed, but it didn't need to. It was unique. And it was hard rock amid the rise of disco. For that alone, Brad and that band deserve eternal RACKS.

Oh, and not to mention the influence Boston had on countless musicians.

You haters can go fuck yourselves.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:19 am
by Headhunter
You're an idiot if you don't recognize the affect Boston had on the American music scene.

The advances from Tom Scholz alone are still felt today. Every hear of Rocktron? They were the precursor to many of the Line 6, modeled amp sound you hear today. Tom and Brad recorded that entire album in a fucking basement.


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:26 am
by Tom In VA
RACK Boston, RF and HH

Even at 37 years of age they were part of the soundtrack of my youth. God damn weight room in high school was "Classic Rock" all the time and when they kicked "More than a Feeling" and that break comes in and it inspires to pump out a few more reps ....

Music is a powerful thing bros and Boston channelled that power


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:34 am
by poptart
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:44 am
by Headhunter
Toddowen wrote:
I'd rather be classified as an insignificant run of the mill idiot

Boy that's a stretch...

I'm thinking you don't have a choice.

But you really ARE and idiot. The fact that you use statements like homogenized arena rock when talking about Boston is very ironic.

You should be racking the fuck out of them. Tom Scholz saw the homogenization of their music in the arenas and walked away from the scene altogether. He went back into his basement and used his masters from MIT to un-homogenize the sounds.

But continue to prove your stupidity because you're not a fan.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:46 am
by RadioFan
Toddowen wrote:I'm an idiot for not propping homogenized arena rock?
No, you're an idiot for not killing yourself. Die.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:12 am
by Tom In VA
There was actually a very intriguing band back in the late 80's early 90's called Bongwater.

Lighten up Todd, it's only music. Shit I don't care who is playing it, if it sounds good ... or if the music moves you ... it's real and it's good.

I'm not going to deny myself listening to something just because other people think it's cliche or "corporate rock" or what have you.

It's more than a feeling you know.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:27 am
by Qbert
Corprate Rock?

what? was BOSTON the 1st fucking HAIRBAND?

DisBLOW was still going strong in 1978....skippy

Hmmmm....Tom Scholz is a fucking Genius!

yet drivel on a message board.

check some research much?

RIP Brad Delp

(i see the Vultures circling around Kevin Kronin....) :mrgreen:


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:01 am
by Atomic Punk

Nobody expects you to be among the norm when it comes to any subject. You are a fucking weirdo freak. It didn't surprise me to see you chime in and spew a contrary opinion.

As you are not normal, and everybody on this board wants you to kill yourself... even the religious people. Nothing you have ever written is worthy of being valued other than you expressing the desire to kill yourself.

I really don't understand why you enjoy negative attention. It can only mean you were seriously abused while "growing up."

Any time somebody asks me what kind of music I like, I tell them I don't really listen to FM anymore because of all of the untalented bands that put out crap. The genres of Hip Hop, Rap, Grunge for the most part put a knife into music in general and the hair bands seriously damaged R&R as the final jab.

When I explain what R&R is from my perspective, I've always said Boston, Led Zeppelin, and Van Halen (w/ DLR). Lot's of good R&R out there and even a slight bit today, but those 3 bands were R&R and never needed further explanation from me.

You on the other hand are a pathetic oxygen thief. It would be nice to say that if you were my next door neighbor and read any of the shit you post, I would feel the unction to put the Keystone Light down, put on my shoes, ring your doorbell, and kick you in the nuts when you opened the door. As you drop to your knees I kick you again so you fall backwards and I can close your door then walk back here, take my shoes off, and continue to drink this fine fine brew.

Seriously, think about killing yourself tonight and how much better the world would be without you in it.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:03 am
by RadioFan
Tom In VA wrote:I'm not going to deny myself listening to something just because other people think it's cliche or "corporate rock" or what have you.

And I'd argue that Boston is right up there with the definition of what it means to be an American. INS, errrr, CIS should make that a part of the test.


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:20 am
by Atomic Punk
Why did you re-edit your post and take out the rack? I don't really care if you agree or not, just man up.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:20 am
by Tiny
I guess I'll have to chime in with all the "old timers" here.....great band.
The first album (and yes, I mean album) I bought was Boston – Boston, when I was like 8 or 9 years old (it had been out for a while). I was shocked later to find that most albums had more than 3 or 4 tracks per side.

From their later years: Walk-on is right there as one of my all-time favorite songs....I had an '82 Camaro, with no headliner. The base and guitar in that song would reverberate back across the bare sheet metal of the roof, and literally make you feel the power.

Todd, just one comment for ya: We mock what we don't understand.
Like it was stated earlier: like it or not, bands such as Boston laid the groundwork for much of what you listen to today. Without them you'd really get a taste of what "homogenized arena rock" would sound like, 'cause that's all there would be to listen to. This is why RadioFan said you were an Idiot; because you refuse to acknowledge what even the simplest of men can plainly see.
Not like trying to reason with you about it will do any good, even a poor troll job is still just that: a troll job.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:37 am
by RadioFan
Toddowen wrote:But I do have a choice.
Yes you do.

I wager your favorite Boston song is "A Man I'll Never Be."

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:56 am
by Atomic Punk
Again Tardowen, your opinion simply doesn't have value. So you don't like Boston. The band as a whole brought something to the table with the unique sound Tom engineered.

Sib, Barry, Tom, Bradley, and Fran brought this new sound together much like what VH 1 and 2 did. It was different and they are musicians unlike this shit you see since hair bands and grunge showed up on the scene.

Tard, your opinion is easily dismissed and unimportant... just like you. You're worthless.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:04 am
by OCmike
Tiny wrote:
From their later years: Walk-on is right there as one of my all-time favorite songs....I had an '82 Camaro, with no headliner. The base and guitar in that song would reverberate back across the bare sheet metal of the roof, and literally make you feel the power.
I got the same feeling the first time I cranked up "Third Stage". Yeah, a lot of their stuff has been overplayed to the point of ridiculousness, but that's because the songs fucking rock.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:04 am
by RadioFan
Toddowen wrote:Let's face it, sheeplings....all you needed was Boston's first album, and anything after that was redundant.

Mind you, I said all YOU need is their 1st LP.

Not me.
That's because you are a monumental idiot.

Don't Look Back, The Journey?

Trollowen wrote:I could tell after several listenings 30 years ago that the frigging Ramones were going to cover a broader landscape of musical travel than Boston ever would.
That would make you, what? 50? Pssst, what I posted about Luth earlier in this thread was a joke, you fucking dumbass.
Trollowen wrote:Matter of fact, I'm changing my earlier statement about putting Boston into the same listenablity category as disco. I would rather listen to disco than Boston
That's because trolling or not, you are a weirdo and a MORON.

Or a faggot:
Trollowen wrote:....Yea, I even think 'more than a woman' by The Bee Gees would be preferable to having to endure through another droning torture session of being around a radio blasting 'more than a feeling'.....THAT'S how awful Boston is.
Somebody forcing you to listen?

Grab a gun and do yourself and the rest of us a favor, BeeGeesOwen.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:15 am
by Atomic Punk
My favorite Boston song is Hitch a Ride and I'm listening to it now.

Tardowen tell me how this is corporate rock with any reasoning. There has never been something like these musical elements combined... EVER. To this day, I'm in awe that a song from what, 1976 still could top out the charts if the hip-hop generation had talent and the music execs demanded talent more than crack money.

BTW, that first album was "Epic" in the literal sense. Look it up dumb fucking piece of shit loser.

Edit: Before you respond to what happened to Boston with the corporate contract we Boston fans know about, don't go back and explain why they left for years. We already know.

You are confusing creative talent with what all of these shit bands will do for record contracts. Don't make that argument as it won't fly.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:22 am
by poptart
Boston's first album was a GREAT piece of work.
It is a classic.

The band was really a one-album-wonder though.
After that release they showed a lack of ability to expand their range.
It was pretty tiresome to listen to anything from them after that first album.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:23 am
by Headhunter
Ok, douche. you are dismissed. Both Boston and VH suck? Martyred, you outed your troll, you commie bastard.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:34 am
by Atomic Punk
Toddowen wrote:Then how about for a change of pace we switch to one of the other three demigod {:lol:} bands that you mentioned: Van Halen?

You obviuously don't comprehend the overwhelming power of stupidty by association that these two bands have forced on American musical culture, do you?

No. You're going to call me a tard for not swooning as DLR shakes his bootie and sounds like a hysterical hyena, EVH's ego gleams what a fabulous work of perfection he is, and the other two assclowns perfom their acts according to whatever ringmasters whip makes them stand on their hind legs and beg for a candy.

You like Boston and Van Halen. Two bands which in my eyes are the embodiment of the dolefull, dizzy, stupidity of a music listening public that can't seem to get enough of repetitious and gaudy blather.

Tell me something, AP, just off the present subject....are you one of these retards that has a "badass boys drive badass toys" sticker on your rig?
Question for the board... What part of ^^^shit troll's reply has ANYthing to do with music?

Is there some other thing he is thinking aboot? Then to top it off, shit troll references a bumper sticker. Great work Martard.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:22 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Calm down folks.

Let us all agree that the sweetest sound we'll all ever hear is TardOwned's death rattle.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:08 pm
by Derron
Toddowen wrote:
Headhunter wrote:You're an idiot if you don't recognize the affect Boston had on the American music scene.
I'm an idiot for not propping homogenized arena rock?

I'd rather be classified as an insignificant run of the mill idiot and listen Lawrence fucking Welk than be one of your enlightened, progressive, budweiser sucking zombies who listen to that inane trash called Boston.
Maybe you could listen to mroe OZZY, and put that fucking gun in your mouth and pull the trigger and spare us..

If you want o pick on homginzed arena rock, then you got a few more bands to work on before Boston..comparing Boston to Van Halen ??What the fuck is that ??

Van Halen ??? They suck compared to Boston...the only good thing was when Sammy Hagar was standing center stage and it should have been Sammy Hager with Van Halen.

Harmony vocal stacks in rock and roll were ebasically unheard of until Boston executed them in evey song...while playing way down the fucking neck..

Go fuck your self Toddy..your a bitch..

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:26 pm
by War Wagon
Atomic Punk wrote:My favorite Boston song is Hitch a Ride...
Same here, although "It's been such a long time" is a close second.

Beautiful guitar work. Think I'll go dust off the old CD case and have another listen in memory of a great band and it's front man..

55 is too young to go. RIP

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:40 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Growing up I played the shit out of "Don't Look Back." Delp's voice really seemed to stand apart from others (at least at that time).

RIP, Brad.

It's shit like this that really makes me feel a lot older. :(

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:51 pm
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:You'll forget about me after I've been gone.
Rack the links, Jsc. Here's another.

Hitch a Ride

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:27 pm
by warren
Toddowen wrote:I guess I'll have to chime in too.

Awww Man....I'm heartbroken.

What a tremendous loss: Brad Delp. Such depth. Such scope of musical vision. Such a range of creative direction. This band could have gone anywhere. Now, it can go no further. A new Boston album with the original line-up can never happen.

tsk tsk.....a tragic loss for the entire music world.


Let's face it, sheeplings....all you needed was Boston's first album, and anything after that was redundant.

Mind you, I said all YOU need is their 1st LP.

Not me. I could tell after several listenings 30 years ago that the frigging Ramones were going to cover a broader landscape of musical travel than Boston ever would.

Matter of fact, I'm changing my earlier statement about putting Boston into the same listenablity category as disco. I would rather listen to disco than Boston....Yea, I even think 'more than a woman' by The Bee Gees would be preferable to having to endure through another droning torture session of being around a radio blasting 'more than a feeling'.....THAT'S how awful Boston is.
Yeah dude, "Rock and Roll High School" and "I want to be sedated" are soooo incredibly diverse in nature that they pretty much opened up the world to the vast horizon of differing musical adventures and advanced us all into the future of critical, crucial listening.

Oh man, and they were so "non-corporate" it's radical.

Man todd, you are so freaking revolutionary and out there on the edge staring into the abyss of what's real in taste and sophistication that I'm just freaking glad to post in your' stratosphere.

You, are the meaning of what is ROCK AND ROLL!

Sholz and Delp were brilliant innovators but more that anything that was just a kick ass jam when you were a young dude and liked R&R. I don't care to cue them up too much anymore but they were a blast back in the day.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:15 pm
by Atomic Punk
Tardowen wrote: You still didn't answer it, though. Did the "Badass boys drive badass toys" sticker replace the "No Fear" one?
You know why? Because the question was from you and has zero merit. I have no bumper stickers. In fact, I've never heard about the one you're infatuated with.
Tardowen wrote: You can't tolerate any criticizm at all, can you ZZ?
Criticism? Like what critisism from you or the Canatards is even valid?
Tardowen wrote: Except you have stronger emotions for VH than anyone else. I even recall several years ago you musing along about Valerie Bertanelli and EVH's relationship where you claimed that you were in contact with her,
Love =VH= with David Lee Roth only. Yes, there was a real Van Halen board and Valerie was an active participant. That board has been gone since before Smackchat 1 started. She is just a fairly normal person and whatever.
Tardowen wrote: you obsessive pillsbury doughboy you.
Is this claim valid? No it isn't so that's why you and the Canatards keep using it and the other invalid personal smack. It's all you tards have. If it was true then the smack would sting. Since it doesn't you might say your "smack" is bace-less.
Tardowen wrote: I know you're a bit on in years now. But undoubtedly if you were 20 years younger today, you wouldn't be seen out in public without sporting a West Coast Choppers article of clothing.
Valid? Nope. Once again you have proven to be a complete fuck up and loser.

Today is Saturday. Tonight DST is being implemented 3 weeks early. Maybe you can ring in the time change by putting a gun inside your upper level cock intake and pull the trigger? I can only hope.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:08 am
by Truman
poptart, you're high. And If I ever see Toddowen, I will fight him.

My trend has been alternative ever since my college days in the early 80's, but Boston is the sound of my youth.

Hell, as a kid, I used to sport a Red Sox "B" cap everywhere I went. Not for the team... But for the Band.

To this day, Boston remains my all-time favorite. I still get chills when I hear Barry Goudreau's solo that closes out Hitch a Ride, and I defy anyone to name a better finish to a song than Don't Look Back.

With apologies to Tom Sholz:

Now everybody's gotta take they just keep on givin
Doesnt mean too much to me...

War Boston. War Brad Delp.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:18 am
by Atomic Punk
Everyone knows I'm a Van Halen homer, but here it is.

Boston is the absolute best American Rock and Roll band ever.

To hear anybody diss them is anti-American. Those tards need a good ethnic cleansing when dey's uprise with hip-hop and rap style responses... and shit.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:40 pm
by poptart
Atomic Punk wrote:Boston is the absolute best American Rock and Roll band ever.

Seriously ... ?

Just a few better American rock bands, without thinking very hard, and in no particular order ..............

Beach Boys - hated 'em, but I recognize their influence
Aerosmith - their 'first act' had a lot of juice, '2nd act is a sell-out'
Springsteen and the East Street Band
Van Halen

Outside of their first effort, Boston had very little edge to 'em.

zzzzzzzz ..... zzz ..... zzzzzzzzz ...... zz .... zzzzzzz ........

Sorry, Truman.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:22 pm
by Dinsdale
Funny stuff.

Gotta agree that Boston, while not completely intolerable, is one repetitive, one-lick band. If I never heard them again, I wouldn't miss it.

While the production, and finished sound was somewhat innovative, it's more than offset by that droning.

Boston isn't a "one hit wonder"...they're a "one riff wonder." Unfortunately, they pounded that riff into the ground, song after song, album after album.

Retarded kids can watch the same episode of Sponge Bob over and over, and laugh hysterically each and every time.

Way to go, retarded kids.

BTW-Van Halen has got to be right up there with the most overrated bands in history, as well.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:34 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
Concur with poptart's list. Every one of the bands he listed, IMNSHO was better than Boston. Toss the Doors in there also.

When I hear a Boston tune, I can't help but think of frigging K-Tel compilation LP's. Their stuff is cheesy and dated. If that's what you're into, fine...I also like some cheesy music once in a while (hell, I love Doug and the Slugs). But don't for a sec try to seriously sell anybody on that "Best American Rock and Roll Band" horseshit.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:40 pm
by Rack Fu
I liked the band and all but I'm going to have to side with Dinsdale on this one.

Growing up in the northeast and listening to the monotonous drone of every other radio station being a classic rock channel sure as hell beat Boston right out of me. You could pretty much listen to the same three Boston songs every 10 minutes. You could set your watch to it.

God bless satellite radio.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:42 pm
by War Wagon
Toddowen wrote: I'm not even going to try.....futile to even attempt it.
Good strategery, there Todd. Ragging on somebody for their taste in music IS sorta' pointless.

As for best American band ever, yeah I'd have to disagree with that also.

But hey, can we at least all agree that Boston was better than The Police?

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:48 pm
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote: But hey, can we at least all agree that Boston was better than The Police?

The Police had much greater diversity in their songwriting....then again, any band that wrote more than one actual tune had greater diversity than Boston.

But...the Police were so entrenched in their leader's arrogance, that any superior musicianship they brought was more than offset by the general pretentiousness. Call it a wash on those two -- they could both leave the planet and take every copy of every song with them, and I wouldn't be driven to tears.

OK, Driven To Tears wasn't too bad, by Police standards.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:01 pm
by Derron
Toddowen wrote:
You still didn't answer it, though. Did the "Badass boys drive badass toys" sticker replace the "No Fear" one?
Put up a picture of your sled fuck tard.. I bet you have the " Little man Syndrome" sticker on the top of the windshield..

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:11 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dinsdale wrote:BTW-Van Halen has got to be right up there with the most overrated bands in history, as well.
They're party rock. Which is knocks there, but I just don't understand how anybody could invest in Van Halen with any shred of seriousness.

And DLR was so fucking repulsive and annoying, that it offset anything else the band was able to accomplish.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:01 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:BTW-Van Halen has got to be right up there with the most overrated bands in history, as well.
They're party rock. Which is knocks there, but I just don't understand how anybody could invest in Van Halen with any shred of seriousness.
Agreed. My wife and I were just talking the other day about how one of the saddest sights you can see in public is some balding, paunchy dude in a "muscle car," blasting VH and bobbing his head in a mid-life crisis attempt to "rock out."

Sometimes they even do some air guitar at stop lights. Priceless.