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Jerry Porter...Malcontent?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:23 am
by OCmike
As most of you know, I'm a die-hard Ninerfan, so I'd love nothing more than to throw Porter or any other Raider under the bus, but after hearing his interview and reading repeated posts in here about how the guy is basically a piece of shit, I thought it was only fair to the guy to bring to light his outstanding interview that he gave a few weeks ago on Sirius NFL Radio.

Some highlights from the interview(in case you don't want to listen to the whole thing):

- He said he doesn't know who the QB will be but even if they don't draft a QB with the #1 pick, that if they can block for Andrew Walter he can get the job done.

-He was impressede with Calvin Johnson's numbers at the combine and didn't care if Oakland went receiver with the first pick, as long as it helped them win.

-He was non-commital about Randy Moss being on the team in 2007, but wasn't at all negative about Moss or his past. He really had a chance to blast the guy and went the class route instead.

-He blamed most of the offensive woes on the offensive line. He said that it wasn't the players or the talent but that the coaching staff never got all 5 guys on the same page on any one play and they never were coached to play as a unit. A lot of guys would have wussed out at this line of questioning, but he put the blame in the right area and did so in a diplomatic way that wouldn't alienate his teammates.

-He discussed how he got suspended last year. He was playing defense in practice and had 3 picks against the first team offense. Sims, the defensive QC coach, said "Come on, stop doing that so we can get out of here" and Jerry said "We are going to have to be here for 3 hours no matter what so what difference does it make". That got him suspended.

- He firmly believes that Oakland's defense is good enough for them to win games and make the playoffs if the offense can just produce 14 points per game on it's own. To his credit, he pretty much lauded the defense at every opportunity.

-He said that the biggest misconception about him was that he didn't want to play football last year. He also said that he never complained about his contract, though admitted that he did ask to be traded. He said that the only reason he did so was because he quickly saw what a complete clusterfuck(my words :D) the Art Shell/Tom Moore regime was going to be and didn't want to be a part of an embarrassing season, so he wanted to part ways amicably. He explained his position in a very reasonable and rational way. He wasn't asking to leave because he was a malcontent or a locker room cancer, but because he didn't want to play on a shit team. Can't fault the guy for that.

-He was happy that they are bringing LaMont Jordan back and stated again it was all on the offensive line for the running game woes, but blamed the scheme and coaching.

I, like many here and elsewhere, thought of Porter as a complete piece of shit after what happened last year and the way it was painted by the Raiders organization in the press. But after hearing that interview, Porter can count me among his fans. Seems like a solid guy.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:06 am
by poptart
Porter said all the right things.

He's flapped his hole too often in the past, however.
I'll expect more of that from him in the future.
He's got a highly over-inflated opinion of himself and his skill level.
The guy has never even put up a 1000 yd season.

Am I glad he's saying he's fully on-board with the new program ... ?
Yes, he's needed.

Art Shell TOTALLY blew it with Porter last season.
A wise coach wouldn't have had a valuable player sitting on his can the whole season.
THAT was a fucking joke.
A good coach wouldn't have let things get so far out of control.
He would have made sure he got USE out of the player ..... even if he is an a'hole.

Kiffin's already a step ahead of Shell.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:59 pm
by Raydah James
poptart wrote:
Kiffin's already several steps ahead of Shell.

And I agree with you completely, Pops.

Porter said that anyone could get the job done if they get blocking...........

No. Fucking. Shit. Porter

Even thought he hinted that Walter could be a good QB, I'd like to see how he feels after having played half a season with that bitch skipping balls to his ankles and launching it above his head and into the other teams' hands.

Fuck Waltard.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:38 pm
by ChargerMike
"Porter said all the right things."

...little wonder he doesn't fit with the Raiduhs!

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:22 am
by War Wagon
Porter would fit right in with KC, where by all appearances, having a stud WR simply isn't a priority.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:00 pm
by Sirfindafold
Maybe the only thing Shell did right last year. Sit an overpaid, malcontent profesional athlete on the bench for shooting his mouth off.

Maybe Porter will be a better player for it.