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Hendrix: Red House--Astro-Man recordings

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:32 am
by King Crimson
that lead in is so great--

i recommend the Astro-Man set. bunch of raw outtakes and live stuff in Stockholm.

it's good stuff, as they say. just to listen to jimi play.... "look out, now"....fuckin hell ya. red house outtakes, i'm in.

you can only listen to Axis so many times. Come On.

it's really incredible stuff.

i'm listening to second disc that is a half-way version blues jam in the voodoo chile thing (minus the blistering "the world begins here" feedback), but with diff lyrics.....but the same blues ride but way slowed's so cool.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:56 am
by King Crimson
if you just want to get all in fucked up, this is it.

a bunch of dirty playing. heheheyeyyaaaa. and i like the White Stripes, but c'mon?



Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:06 am
by King Crimson
actually i don't know what this is: the astroman shit is REALLY good (but i wouldn't buy it)....but i don't think this is it.

now is some mind riffing version of Catfish Blues.


"i tell you about that room full of mirrors"...

this is crazy live shit......i don't know what this is. but, it is on my hard-drive...which is nice.