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For Those Who Consider Themselves True Christians....

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:37 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Commentary: What would Jesus really do?
POSTED: 9:09 p.m. EDT, April 6, 2007

NEW YORK (CNN) -- When did it come to the point that being a Christian meant caring about only two issues,­ abortion and homosexuality?

Ask the nonreligious what being a Christian today means, and based on what we see and read, it's a good bet they will say that followers of Jesus Christ are preoccupied with those two points.

Poverty? Whatever. Homelessness? An afterthought. A widening gap between the have and have-nots? Immaterial. Divorce? The divorce rate of Christians mirrors the national average, so that's no big deal.

The point is that being a Christian should be about more than abortion and homosexuality, and it's high time that those not considered a part of the religious right expose the hypocrisy of our brothers and sisters in Christianity and take back the faith. And those on the left who believe they have a "get out of sin free" card must not be allowed to justify their actions.

Many people believe we are engaged in a holy war. And we are. But it's not with Muslims. The real war -- ­ the silent war ­-- is being engaged among Christians, and that's what we must set our sights on.

As we celebrate Holy Week, our focus is on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But aren't we also to recommit ourselves to live more like Jesus? Did Jesus spend his time focusing on all that he didn't like, or did Jesus raise the consciousness of the people to understand love, compassion and teach them about following the will of God?

As a layman studying to receive a master's in Christian communications, and the husband of an ordained minister, it's troubling to listen to "Christian radio" and hear the kind of hate spewing out of the mouths of my brothers and sisters in the faith.

In fact, I've grown tired of people who pimp God. That's right; we have a litany of individuals today who are holy, holy, holy, sing hallelujah, talk about how they love the Lord, but when it's time to walk the walk, somehow the spirit evaporates.

A couple of years ago I took exception to an e-mail blast from the Concerned Women for America. The group was angry that Democrats were blocking certain judges put up for the federal bench by President Bush. It called on Americans to fight Democrats who wanted to keep Christians off the bench.

So I called and sent an e-mail asking, "So, where were you when President Clinton appointed Christian judges to the bench? Were they truly behind Christian judges, or Republican Christian judges?

Surprise, surprise. There was never a response.

An African-American pastor I know in the Midwest was asked by a group of mostly white clergy to march in an anti-abortion rally. He was fine with that, but then asked the clergy if they would work with him to fight crack houses in predominantly black neighborhoods.

"That's really your problem," he was told.

They saw abortion as a moral imperative, but not a community ravaged by crack.

If abortion and gay marriage are part of the Christian agenda, I have no issue with that. Those are moral issues that should be of importance to people of the faith, but the agenda should be much, much broader.

I'm looking for the day when Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Joyce Meyer, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, James Kennedy, Rod Parsley, " Patriot Pastors" and Rick Warren will sit at the same table as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia Hale, Eddie L. Long, James Meek, Fred Price, Emmanuel Cleaver and Floyd Flake to establish a call to arms on racism, AIDS, police brutality, a national health care policy, our sorry education system.

If they all say they love and worship one God, one Jesus, let's see them rally their members behind one agenda.

I stand here today not as a Republican or a liberal. And don't bother calling me a Democrat or a conservative. I am a man,­ an African-American man ­who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.

If you concur, it's time to stop allowing a chosen few to speak for the masses. Quit letting them define the agenda.

So put on the full armor of God because we have work to do.


AMEN & Amen!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:04 pm
by War Wagon
The thoughts contained in that epistle would make fine fertilizer for my lawn.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:31 pm
by smackaholic
First off, I am mostly agnostic leaning towards atheist. So, I really don't put a lot of thought into what some out of work carpenter did a few millenia ago. But, I get a kick out of those that want to paint ever single christian out there as obsessed over homos and abortion.

I really doubt most christians or others, for that matter give a hoot about what a coupla fellas want to do on their own time. This does not mean that this practice needs to be officially recognized or condoned by the rest of us. What were Jesus' thought? Don't know, nor give a shit.

On the abortion side, I suspect that I am like quite a few others, including a lot of christians. Allowing women to kill late term viable fetuses, particularly half way born ones is flat out murder. Legal abortion of early term fetuses, while troubling, beats the alternative. Trouble is, the pro abortion, yeah, that's fukking right, pro abortion (pro choice my ass) folks will have it no other way.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:17 pm
by The Seer

If he looks around, it might be time to pull the plug on this place.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:26 pm
by bbqjones
smackaholic wrote:First off, I am mostly agnostic leaning towards atheist.
same here

So, I really don't put a lot of thought into what some out of work carpenter did
be nice, some of us are prophets and some are just drunkard messaihs.

But, I get a kick out of those that want to paint ever single christian out there as obsessed over homos and abortion.
obsessed may be the operative word here. as a husband and son in law and brother in law x 3 of religion people, they sure dont fancy faggots or baby killers. mexicans too.
I really doubt most christians or others, for that matter give a hoot about what a coupla fellas want to do on their own time.

the aformentioned jesus freak of a wife i have is also a disneyworld fanatic and goes almost every week. recently the walt world allowed same sex marry days and my fat pig was about to "fall out" when she found out. the christians in my life dont like faggots. neither do i, so dont blame jesus too much for that one.
This does not mean that this practice needs to be officially recognized or condoned by the rest of us. What were Jesus' thought?
instead of going to church today, i drank some beer and poured a beer for all my wifes homies. i still havent been laid in about three months.
Don't know, nor give a shit.
racak, i m all about that one mister. my life is a wreck and patsy stone wont reply to my pms. only cuda replies to my pms anymre to be honest. and im probably going to get in a car accident today even though my horoscope said today was a nine.
scary , confusing times.

i love you



Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:32 pm
by Smackie Chan
smackaholic wrote:I am mostly agnostic leaning towards atheist.
So what's the other 1/16th?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:09 pm
by smackaholic
orthodox hare khrisna

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:55 pm
by Mister Bushice
If you concur, it's time to stop allowing a chosen few to speak for the masses. Quit letting them define the agenda.
umm - isn't that pretty much how our whole society is set up?

President, senators, ambassadors, priests, cardinals, bishops, union leaders, etc etc.. They ALL speak for the masses, and define agendas. Some just suck at it.

good luck changing any of that.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:08 pm
by rozy
We actually despised kiddie diddlers also.

That should count for something...

Re: For Those Who Consider Themselves True Christians....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:39 pm
by Headhunter
Crouching Homo, Hidden agenda?
As a layman studying to receive a master's in Christian communications, and the husband of an ordained minister...

I stand here today not as a Republican or a liberal. And don't bother calling me a Democrat or a conservative. I am a man,­ an African-American man ­who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:07 pm
I am a man,­ an African-American man ­who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.
who gives a fuck?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:26 pm
by Diego in Seattle
PSUFAN wrote:
I am a man,­ an African-American man ­who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.
who gives a fuck?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:36 pm
by Bizzarofelice
I really doubt most christians or others, for that matter give a hoot about what a coupla fellas want to do on their own time.
2000 election out front says otherwise.

On the abortion side, I suspect that I am like quite a few others, including a lot of christians.
But when they protest, they talk about Jesus. They protest in the name of Jesus.

and I reply to every single fucking PM bbq sends.

Re: For Those Who Consider Themselves True Christians....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:09 pm
by OCmike
Headhunter wrote:Crouching Homo, Hidden agenda?
As a layman studying to receive a master's in Christian communications, and the husband of an ordained minister...

I stand here today not as a Republican or a liberal. And don't bother calling me a Democrat or a conservative. I am a man,­ an African-American man ­who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.
RACK! I was beginning to think I was the only one who caught that. So here's a guy with a clear agenda, slamming others for having an agenda. Unreal... Way to be fished in, Diego.

Re: For Those Who Consider Themselves True Christians....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:27 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
OCmike wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Crouching Homo, Hidden agenda?
As a layman studying to receive a master's in Christian communications, and the husband of an ordained minister...

I stand here today not as a Republican or a liberal. And don't bother calling me a Democrat or a conservative. I am a man,­ an African-American man ­who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.
RACK! I was beginning to think I was the only one who caught that. So here's a guy with a clear agenda, slamming others for having an agenda. Unreal... Way to be fished in, Diego.
Not necessarily ....... some denominations allow women to be ministers.

Re: For Those Who Consider Themselves True Christians....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:40 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
OCmike wrote: RACK! I was beginning to think I was the only one who caught that. So here's a guy with a clear agenda, slamming others for having an agenda. Unreal... Way to be fished in, Diego.
Not necessarily ....... some denominations allow women to be ministers.
I am a man
What part of that are you struggling to comprehend, you stupid, braindead dumbfuck?
None at all. He said that he was "a man" and "the husband of an ordained minister."

Nowhere does it say the gender of the "ordained minister." My point, which you obviously missed :BIGFUGGIN'SHOCKER: was that the "ordained minister" might very well be a woman, for all we know.

Obviously, that GED course you completed didn't include a reading comprehension section.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:44 pm
by Dinsdale
It's a pretty sure sign you fucked up when T-Dawg has comprehensionBODE on you.

Re: For Those Who Consider Themselves True Christians....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:16 pm
by OCmike
Terry in Crapchester wrote: Not necessarily ....... some denominations allow women to be ministers.

Possible, but doubtful.

If he was going to take the time to get up on a soapbox to complain about the proclivity of the right to drone on and on about homosexuals and abortion (admittedly, he had some valid points about both sides of the aisle), he surely would have also addressed the right's dislike of women in the clergy. He also likely would have attempted to discredit the passage that says, "Let the women keep silent in the assembly", but did neither.

That neither proves nor disproves the theory that he is gay, but it's certainly still possible, since the Episcopal church has openly gay clergy members.

Or, to put it another way, "He's a faaaaaaaaag!"

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:23 pm
by Tom In VA
I don't know Mike, I didn't really derive much of an apologist position for either homosexuality or abortion from the article.

To me the author was complaining about how the only real vocalized agenda appears to be fighting against homosexuality and abortion but that he feels there are other issues that deserve the same treatment.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:47 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Tom In VA wrote:I don't know Mike, I didn't really derive much of an apologist position for either homosexuality or abortion from the article.

To me the author was complaining about how the only real vocalized agenda appears to be fighting against homosexuality and abortion but that he feels there are other issues that deserve the same treatment.
Pretty much what I got out of it as well. In fact, he pretty much said (paraphrasing) that he has no quarrel with arguments against homosexuality and abortion being part of the Christian agenda.

Fwiw, I pretty much agree with this point. I probably would have included adultery among those things the Christian right rails against. In fairness, though, they've toned the rhetoric down a notch on that point, possibly due to the personal history of some of the Republican Presidential candidates this go-round (e.g., Giuliani and Gingrich).

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:14 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:First off, I am mostly fat leaning towards obese.
It should be a sin to take up more than your alotted seat on an airplane.