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fucking RESPECT

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:46 pm
by Douchebag
it's about fucking time you asshats started taking me SERIOUSLY. goddamn

but don't think for one fucking second that if you hang from my freshly shaven balls that youre gonna get off easily. i am still going to pound ANY of you fruits with my fists and maybe a sledgehammer, who dare step to me come summertime.

i posted this somewhere else but i want to make it CLEAR to everyone in this stinkhole:

i am working on a list. this list will determine the fate of 10 miserable fuckholes. i am creating a Top 10 Ranking Shit List that will be subject to change on a weekly basis. people might be moved up, moved down. peiple might be added and taken away. but these rankings will be fucking FINAL the day before the first day of the tour.

what will the rankings consist of? i'm glad you asked, needledick. let's make something clear first. ALL of you that step to me will be beat down. ALL of you. HOWEVER. anyone who lands in this top ten list WILL BE, i repeat WILL BE paralyzed. I will see to it that the pain i deliver will paralyze you for life.

get it? got it? those who finish in the final 9 WILL BE PARALYZED BY ME. reaed very closely now. the unforunate #1 soul will...

be dead.

i will murder him.

this distintction will go to the biggest fuckhead here who makes me more angry than words can describne. this person makes me vomit on my own mother's hair because the rage i feel inside is so deep and severe.

this person will die.

no questions asked. he will die. i will kill him.

the first set of rankings will come out on Monday, april 16th. check back to see where you fate lies.

fucking DICKS. all of you

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:50 pm
by Wolfman
[sarcasm]I can't wait for this list[/sarcasm]

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:51 pm
by Dinsdale
Douchestein...I've got a $50 gift certificate at Denny's for you if you do up Wolfman first.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:59 pm
I'm barely gonna say anything. Except - when I am through with you, you'll be GONE...and Enimabag will have to switch back to the buttplug. You'll DISAPPEAR faster than an RNC email. Your dessicated form will be unrecoverABLE...just a couple cracked and blackened puika shells

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:48 pm
by smackaholic
funny you should mention your mom, vomit and hair, since your fatass mom recently vomited on my pubes when she tried to take a little too much of the smackaholic's sausage.

you better fukkin' hope you roll through p'burg before ct as the killing you'd get here will be worse

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:53 pm
by Douchebag
smackaholic wrote:funny you should mention your mom, vomit and hair, since your fatass mom recently vomited on my pubes when she tried to take a little too much of the smackaholic's sausage.

you better fukkin' hope you roll through p'burg before ct as the killing you'd get here will be worse
i would be cautious with my word if i was you, you FUCKING FAGGOT. you're doing an rv tour with your family this summer right? if you end up #1 on my list, i will leave your carcass bloody and rotting off a interstate shoulder somewhere and your trembling family will not know what to do or where to go.

think about that before you decide to keep pissing me off, DICK.

Re: fucking RESPECT

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:28 am
by Douchebag
Toddowen wrote:MoF, my first question is....if you don't ask any questions, how will you find us all in the first place to adminsiter these beatings?
"no questions asked" as in there is no question the #1 guy WILL BE KILLED, you fucking idiot.


Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:37 am
by smackaholic
got damn right I'm gonna be doin' a little tour of my own this summer. Not an asswhuppin' tour, just a trip to show this beautiful country to my family. So, remember, douce, I could be anywhere anytime. So when your bus pulls into a greyhound terminal, beware. Take a good look around. If you see an '86 toyota sunrader in the parking lot, you best just hide in the bus shitter. Otherwise there's gonna be pucka shells raining all over the bus parking lot.

Re: fucking RESPECT

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:46 am
by Douchebag
Toddowen wrote:
Douchebag wrote:
Toddowen wrote:MoF, my first question is....if you don't ask any questions, how will you find us all in the first place to adminsiter these beatings?
"no questions asked" as in there is no question the #1 guy WILL BE KILLED, you fucking idiot.

But I thought you were the #1 guy?

So I take it you mean to question just exactly who is #1 around here and prove without a doubt exactly who that is.

Can I ask you another question or two?

Do you have a sister?

Is she hot? Who does she look like?
god DAMNIT you talk too much and you make my head hurt. just shut up. just


you wanna know about my sister? she's dead. she's fucking dead. died 4 years ago.

i killed her. with my fists. to her face.

Re: fucking RESPECT

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:51 am
by smackaholic
Douchebag wrote:
Toddowen wrote:
Douchebag wrote: "no questions asked" as in there is no question the #1 guy WILL BE KILLED, you fucking idiot.

But I thought you were the #1 guy?

So I take it you mean to question just exactly who is #1 around here and prove without a doubt exactly who that is.

Can I ask you another question or two?

Do you have a sister?

Is she hot? Who does she look like?
god DAMNIT you talk too much and you make my head hurt. just shut up. just


you wanna know about my sister? she's dead. she's fucking dead. died 4 years ago.

i killed her. with my fists. to her face.
good. she wasn't any better at sucking cahk then your mom. I'm sure no one will miss her.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:56 am
by Wolfman
$50 ????????
holy shit Dinsdale--- you need a small business
loan or something ??
Then again--you are probably still waiting for that
increase in the minimum wage law to kick in--
I'm willing to help you !!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:08 am
by smackaholic
Douchebag wrote:
smackaholic wrote:funny you should mention your mom, vomit and hair, since your fatass mom recently vomited on my pubes when she tried to take a little too much of the smackaholic's sausage.

you better fukkin' hope you roll through p'burg before ct as the killing you'd get here will be worse
i would be cautious with my word if i was you, you FUCKING FAGGOT. you're doing an rv tour with your family this summer right? if you end up #1 on my list, i will leave your carcass bloody and rotting off a interstate shoulder somewhere and your trembling family will not know what to do or where to go.

think about that before you decide to keep pissing me off, DICK.
so, is it safe to say I'm in the running then for numero uno? I fukking hope so. I hardly ever make a fukking list around here. I will be honored to land that number one spot. Infact, I so look forward to it, I may have to go to P'burg to KILL PSU just so I am not cheated out of what is rightfully mine.

Bring it on, fatboy.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:10 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial

Wolfman...I gotta know, man. All smack aside for a moment. Seriously...

Are you actually THIS slow in real life? Honestly? I here you actually have time to form your takes, you can Google if you'd like...and yet you STILL manage to appear the bumbling buffoon. What I'd like to know is, exactly how much dumber do you actually come off in every day situations? Where you have to actually say shit on the fly? Do people give you shit for it? Or do they just awkwardly laugh it off thinking your idiocy is part of your schtick or something?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:19 am
by smackaholic

Let's see how fukkin' sharp you are in the final stages of alzheimers?

Cut the old boy some slack.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:20 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Thanks anyway Todd, but I'm off to go hang out with this really cool thing I call a "girlfriend."

I'm sure you've seen one, or have a buddy whose got one.

We will drink together, maybe watch a movie or some shit, maybe smoke a bowl, whatever; and at the end of the night, I will have sex with her. More than once. It'll be really nice. She will stroke my cock. She will suck it. And then she will let me stick it in her. More than one hole, if I really play my cards right. And guess what? I'm pretty good with a deck of cards.

But I'm sure your evening will be much more entertaining than mine. Keep your drinks in your left hand so your companion that is your right hand stays warm.

'Night, buddy.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:21 am
Go to Toddowen.

RUN to him.


Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:19 am
by MuchoBulls
It's a bit hard to respect a guy who wears a pink shirt and smiles about it.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:27 am
by Enigmabag
MuchoBulls wrote:It's a bit hard to respect a guy who wears a pink shirt and smiles about it.
fuck you, dickhead.

Re: fucking RESPECT

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:41 am
by War Wagon
Douchebag wrote:it's about fucking time you asshats started taking me SERIOUSLY. goddamn
Now douchie, don't have a hissy.

Whatever gave you the idea that you're not taken seriously? For a bad troll job, you've gotten a decent amount of run.

Go slam some Mr. Pibbs (that was a great line, btw) and stop hyper-ventilating.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:50 am
by Cornhusker
I dunno dude, you maybe savin' yo pretty pink shirt lotta grief what with bradhusker's hyattis. Can't help but notice your tour ain't no way near Nebraska. (Although dude was last reported in NYC)
He was (the original brad) one bad dude... you'd best think twice steppin' to him.
He'd shove any remaining vittles down your gullit if you even thought of leavin' as much as a morsel on your plate, with his big, meaty corn fed hands.
Chances are he'd make you watch as he'd make Enigmabag take the high hard one from a goat and laugh at your rage of jealousy.
Jus' speculatin'

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:53 am
by Dinsdale
Never underestimate a CORN FED STUD!

Re: fucking RESPECT

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:30 pm
by Douchebag
War Wagon wrote:
Douchebag wrote:it's about fucking time you asshats started taking me SERIOUSLY. goddamn
Now douchie, don't have a hissy.

Whatever gave you the idea that you're not taken seriously? For a bad troll job, you've gotten a decent amount of run.

Go slam some Mr. Pibbs (that was a great line, btw) and stop hyper-ventilating.
i t hought we were fucking bros, man.

i'm so fuckign pissed right now. FUCK YOU you fucking backstabber.

i have to leave now

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:53 pm
by Adelpiero
rack finally making a list

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:12 pm
by Shoalzie
Props on becoming the favitar for T1B there, Jared from Subway...I mean douchebag.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:08 am
by smackaholic
I'm thinking that as a service to the board and a source of amusement to myself, of volunteering my services to douchebag and save him some busfares.

When he makes it to ct, after I get done whuppin' his ass, I'll let him tag along on the RV trip. I mean, dude is gonna need some support and a good cutman.

You think strangers on a greyhound bus are gonna hook him up with ice packs and splints and whatever other medical attention he'll need? I doubt it. After you guys fukk him up, I'll pass the hat around to help defray gas and medical supply costs.

Then, when we reach the grand canyon, I'm gonna through his ass in it. That is, if he makes it that far. If PSU does keep his promise and kill him, I'm leaving that fukk there to rot. No fukkin' way I'm hauling his decomposing ass across the contry.

Hope you don't mind riding on the roof, though.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:22 am
by Enigmabag
post your fucking address big talker. now i'm feeling the RAGE. i can't wait until summer is here. you fucks DESERVE the beatings you are going to get.

Re: fucking RESPECT

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:52 am
by Rich Fader
Douchebag wrote:it's about fucking time you asshats started taking me SERIOUSLY. goddamn

but don't think for one fucking second that if you hang from my freshly shaven balls...
More than I really needed to know, thanks.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:12 am
by Atomic Punk
I know D-bag has Fresno on his shit list during the "Summer Greyhound Tour '07" sponsored in part by NAPA Auto Parts. When I get back up from the green countryside of Mexico this IS what is going to empty the hampster cage in a hurry:


Fear the Atomic Cat! New Jersey toughened ta boot.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:42 pm
by smackaholic
Enigmabag wrote:post your fucking address big talker. now i'm feeling the RAGE. i can't wait until summer is here. you fucks DESERVE the beatings you are going to get.
ellington, ct. meet you on the town green. they got a nice little gazebo there. I'll bring some bailing wire to rig it up for a cage match.

name the time, boy.

nearest g'hound bus stop is probably hartford. if you'd like, I could beat you down there just as easy. propably better, actually. ellington is a picturesque little new england village. i'd hate to shit it up with pucka shells and torn bloody pink shirts.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:11 pm
by Ace
MuchoBulls wrote:It's a bit hard to respect a guy who wears a pink shirt and smiles about it.
The $3 sea shell necklace he bought from Wings in Myrtle Beach doesnt help much either

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:20 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
smackaholic wrote:ellington is a picturesque little new england village.

Ellington reeks of manure... especially the Rt 140 area. Ugh.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:34 pm
by Bizzarofelice
Might as well rename this thread Dresden, because almost everyone in this toilet is going to have their limbs separated from their bodies a distance of three city blocks. Part of me feels sorry for you ignorant ass motherfuckers. Each one of you bran muffin backsplash licking dorks will finally know fear when the D is done with you.

I advise the D to leave at least one functioning finger and eye on each of these time wastes so that they can log back in and tell everyone that THIS SHIT IS FOR REAL!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:59 pm
Check Bace quivering in his chucks. BWAAAHAHAHA

Sure, the 314 will be a smoking ruin after the DB's visit...but his shit will be in check for fucking permanent when he gets to Pittsburgh.

You just think we suck because you're a baseball fan. We just herd together all of our pussies and call them "Pirates". Those are the Pittsburghers you see, bace. NOT every pitssburgher is an incredible pussy like your average Pirate.

If you like, I'll show up and beat the shit out of you, after DB gets fitted for his shower curtain roll-up. I'll make short of you Morrissey-spinning, sun-reddened freaks. SG will have to help scour your spleen off the street, asshole - and you know that's not what he wants to spend his day doing

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:11 pm
by Bizzarofelice
Look what crawled out of the slag pile known as Pittsburgh. If it weren't for Sidney and the Steelers, I bet every single resident of that place would off themselves. Rest of the country is tired of spending their tax dollars trying to save you losers.

PSUFAN wrote:Sure, the 314 will be a smoking ruin after the DB's visit.
Like hell. I've paid my respects and the D knows I'm for real. Game recognize game. Its the silly bitches who think after years of smacking Jess they can graduate to the big leagues that are going to be shitting their own teeth. I just sit back and laugh. Like moths coming to the bug zapper you fuckers think you've got just rewards coming but your future includes a sudden and shocking lesson. Word.
SG will have to help scour your spleen off the street, asshole - and you know that's not what he wants to spend his day doing
Its what he gets paid to do, and it'll be a welcome break from his usual scraping possums and squirrels off the asphault.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:29 pm
bace wrote:game
what's that - something you got off Netflix?

Nothing more wacky than a Lite-beer swilling redpolotiked broken dj fellating a 350lb puka shell wearing doughboy. Any tool around here picks you up and makes you his bitch, just as easy as hair pie (for ME, not you).

Your body plays like a foldup chair, and you quake in fear at DB's powers...but not all of us are incredible milksops like you. I am white-assed, but I have the quicksnaps to deal with fatassed dipshits like DB. As for you, maybe partying will help.

Re: fucking RESPECT

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:15 pm
by Harvdog
Douchebag wrote:
Toddowen wrote:MoF, my first question is....if you don't ask any questions, how will you find us all in the first place to adminsiter these beatings?
"no questions asked" as in there is no question the #1 guy WILL BE KILLED, you fucking idiot.

Lighten up Francis.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:53 pm
by smackaholic
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
smackaholic wrote:ellington is a picturesque little new england village.

Ellington reeks of manure... especially the Rt 140 area. Ugh.
tell me about it. last week musta been cover everything in cowshit week. fortunately all that shit's down in the valley. my crib is up on the hill the other side of 83 near the apple orchards. i am pretty much immune to the smellington thing unless it's real hot and there is a strong steady norwesterly wind.

Re: fucking RESPECT

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:36 pm
by RevLimiter
Douchebag wrote:it's about fucking time you asshats started taking me SERIOUSLY. goddamn

but don't think for one fucking second that if you hang from my freshly shaven balls that youre gonna get off easily. i am still going to pound ANY of you fruits with my fists and maybe a sledgehammer, who dare step to me come summertime.

i posted this somewhere else but i want to make it CLEAR to everyone in this stinkhole:

i am working on a list. this list will determine the fate of 10 miserable fuckholes. i am creating a Top 10 Ranking Shit List that will be subject to change on a weekly basis. people might be moved up, moved down. peiple might be added and taken away. but these rankings will be fucking FINAL the day before the first day of the tour.

what will the rankings consist of? i'm glad you asked, needledick. let's make something clear first. ALL of you that step to me will be beat down. ALL of you. HOWEVER. anyone who lands in this top ten list WILL BE, i repeat WILL BE paralyzed. I will see to it that the pain i deliver will paralyze you for life.

get it? got it? those who finish in the final 9 WILL BE PARALYZED BY ME. reaed very closely now. the unforunate #1 soul will...

be dead.

i will murder him.

this distintction will go to the biggest fuckhead here who makes me more angry than words can describne. this person makes me vomit on my own mother's hair because the rage i feel inside is so deep and severe.

this person will die.

no questions asked. he will die. i will kill him.

the first set of rankings will come out on Monday, april 16th. check back to see where you fate lies.

fucking DICKS. all of you
You owe me a keyboard DB....TEARS up in this bitch, I tell ya. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:28 am
by smackaholic
smackaholic wrote:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
smackaholic wrote:ellington is a picturesque little new england village.

Ellington reeks of manure... especially the Rt 140 area. Ugh.
tell me about it. last week musta been cover everything in cowshit week. fortunately all that shit's down in the valley. my crib is up on the hill the other side of 83 near the apple orchards. i am pretty much immune to the smellington thing unless it's real hot and there is a strong steady norwesterly wind.
did a little more investigation. all that cowshit scattering has two benefits.

1st-used as fertilizer for the corn fields. these corn fields are cow corn fields used, presumably, to make more cow shit.

2rd-rumor has it, it keeps the puerto ricans away. I have noticed they seem to spread it a little thicker near the rockville line. I must say that it appears to be working. we are 99 and 44/100ths PR free. Now if they could just come up with something for whiggers. We got a pretty bad infestation of them.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:36 pm
by Dinsdale
Thirty two teeth in a jawbone
Douchebag cryin for none
Before I have to hit him
I hope he's got the sense to run