I've got what I need...it's time
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:58 pm
For the past 72 hours, I've done nothing but dig up information on PSUFAN.

This is the research room where I've spent all my time. Today is a good day since I'll finally be able to shower, and remove this film of dirt from my body.
I feel pretty confident that I've forgotten more about this dickwad during this time than he even knows about himself.
I've studied the guy's entire family history, but have spent much more time learning about him in the PRESENT.

Here's a family portrait I was able to obtain. PSUFAN is a family man, with a wife and two children. One is autistic, and they believe the other is gay (the one on the left). They've tried getting him into football, and other "manly" things, but everytime they stick a football or a basketball in his hands, he discards them for his mother's red stilettos.
PSUFAN does light clerical work in a downtown administration building by day, and manufactures cardboard in a factory at night to support his family. His wife is a bi-polar, bed-ridden stay-at-home-mom with a severe drinking problem, and a sexual addiction to fat, black men. She doesn't cook or clean, or even do the laundry. She spends her days watching the four hour lineup of late morning/early afternoon court TV shows - then sleeps all night. He does it all. But he doesn't mind. The man is absolutely infatuated with her. When doing my research, I discovered he has various nicknames for her which range from "Pooky Buns" and "Big Sexy" to "Whole Lotta Momma" and simply..."Sweet Ass."
Boss - I've got EVERYTHING you need on this guy. Hit me up, man. I think it's time...to do this.

This is the research room where I've spent all my time. Today is a good day since I'll finally be able to shower, and remove this film of dirt from my body.
I feel pretty confident that I've forgotten more about this dickwad during this time than he even knows about himself.
I've studied the guy's entire family history, but have spent much more time learning about him in the PRESENT.

Here's a family portrait I was able to obtain. PSUFAN is a family man, with a wife and two children. One is autistic, and they believe the other is gay (the one on the left). They've tried getting him into football, and other "manly" things, but everytime they stick a football or a basketball in his hands, he discards them for his mother's red stilettos.
PSUFAN does light clerical work in a downtown administration building by day, and manufactures cardboard in a factory at night to support his family. His wife is a bi-polar, bed-ridden stay-at-home-mom with a severe drinking problem, and a sexual addiction to fat, black men. She doesn't cook or clean, or even do the laundry. She spends her days watching the four hour lineup of late morning/early afternoon court TV shows - then sleeps all night. He does it all. But he doesn't mind. The man is absolutely infatuated with her. When doing my research, I discovered he has various nicknames for her which range from "Pooky Buns" and "Big Sexy" to "Whole Lotta Momma" and simply..."Sweet Ass."
Boss - I've got EVERYTHING you need on this guy. Hit me up, man. I think it's time...to do this.