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new Ween!!! - Friends EP

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:23 am
by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan
Just came in the mail today. Here's my stream of consciousness track-by-track live review...

1. "Friends" - Well, I always thought Ween had already covered every possible genre, but I never expected them to make techno cool too. Intentionally corny, but sincere enough that you could see a bunch of club-type people buy it as an actual dance song.

2. "I Got To Put The Hammer Down" - OK, what's going on here? More dance pop?? This one's a little more "Ween-y" but it's still dancey poppy weird.

3. "King Billy" - OK, I think it's safe to go ahead and unofficially re-title this the "Midnite Vultures EP." This one's more of a dancehall reggae number, and sounds cool enough, but I don't know how I feel about being three songs into a 5-song Ween EP and not having heard a peep from Claude yet. This one's a long one - almost 6 min. I really want to hear some guitar on the last two songs...

4. "Light Me Up" - I think I hear Claude. My initial impression is that this one is basically "Bananas and Blow Part 2." It's OK. Nothing groundbreaking. I'm really hoping the last track is a rocker.

5. "Slow Down Boy" - Wow. This song is no rocker, but it's badass nonetheless. Definitely the standout track of the five. Ween does a spot-on Spandau Ballet impression. If Gene can pull this off live, I can see this one being a staple of the live set for years to come. If Gene and Deaner were cute and in their early 20s, this would be a Top 10 hit for sure...

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:01 am
by bbqjones
ive been so out of the loop lately, 9im actually bumping arouhsn the ween site today and see a new ep and full length album due in sept. sure enough mike gives me the go ahead to get the new ep. sounds sucky the first few listens? sounds like ween to me. i cant fucking wait to get to the record store tomorrow or wehenaever i get some money.

glorious day

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:11 pm
by battery chucka' one
I have to admit, Mike played for me the song Friends several weeks ago and the thing is still bouncing around in my head. Very infectious melody.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:21 pm
by battery chucka' one
btw, for anybody who might not have believed me,


May the melody be stuck in your head until September.

Of course, this song made me think of this one:

