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Irrelevant News Dept: LesbianGang Scare Slightly Exaggerated

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:07 pm
by Risa
Tuesday, July 10th 2007 Lesbian Gangs Are Taking Over The Country!
Last month, Bill O'Reilly did a story on a lesbian gang corrupting our youth and forcing them to commit crimes. Bill's show claimed that "hundreds" of dyke gangs were raping young girls and beating up men. After the story aired, GLAAD and other gay rights groups attacked Bill and Rod Wheeler, the man who reported on the story, for overstating the story and not giving the facts.

Bill admitted to overstating the story. Rod Wheeler also apologized. He said, "During the O’Reilly Factor segment on June 21st, while engaged in a discussion on Lesbian gangs, I inadvertently stated that gang members carry pistols that are painted pink and call themselves the “Pink Pistol Packing Group.” I was not referring to the gay rights group “Pink Pistols” who advocates for the lawful rights of gays to carry weapons for protection. Further, I mentioned that there are “over 150 of these gangs” in the greater Washington DC area. What I actually meant is that there are over 150 gangs in the Washington DC area, some of which are in fact lesbian gangs. Lastly, I mentioned in the segment that there is this “national epidemic” of lesbian gangs. A better choice of words would have been to say that there is a growing concern nationally, and especially in major urban areas, of increased gang activity, which includes some lesbian gang activity. I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused."

So there's not any dyke gangs? That sucks. I was about to put in my application. I mean I could pass. Actually, I'm going to start a gay gang! We're going to spend our days watching the Golden Girls, making blended drinks, terrorizing Barney's New York, engaging in dance-offs at Splash and blasting Abba tunes wherever we go. We'll be bad ass.

Thanks Phoebe
*edit to include url of piece.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:11 pm
by Risa
courtesy of Dlisted's source, Queerty: ... -20070710/

A Note From Rod Wheeler: "Sorry" For Lesbian Gang Fuck Up


Remember when Bill O’Reilly and his token black friend, the improbably named Rod Wheeler, took to the screens -- ... -20070627/ -- to scream about the lesbian gang pandemic?

Well, now that their story has made the rounds - and been ridiculed, Mr. Wheeler took it upon himself to apologize for all the homophobic-colored comments.

From Wheeler’s website, Rod 007 -- :

During the O’Reilly Factor segment on June 21st, while engaged in a discussion on Lesbian gangs, I inadvertently stated that gang members carry pistols that are painted pink and call themselves the “Pink Pistol Packing Group.” I was not referring to the gay rights group “Pink Pistols” who advocates for the lawful rights of gays to carry weapons for protection. Further, I mentioned that there are “over 150 of these gangs” in the greater Washington DC area. What I actually meant is that there are over 150 gangs in the Washington DC area, some of which are in fact lesbian gangs. Lastly, I mentioned in the segment that there is this “national epidemic” of lesbian gangs. A better choice of words would have been to say that there is a growing concern nationally, and especially in major urban areas, of increased gang activity, which includes some lesbian gang activity.

I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused.

Rod Wheeler

The experience obviously taught him loads - note the capitalized “lesbian”. Now that’s respect.

Wheeler also included a particularly hateful letter -- -- he received after the segment aired. Here’s but a taste of the nauseating note:

"Those of us in the gay community are totally sick of blacks like YOU attacking us with lies! Hundreds of “recruiting” lesbian gangs in DC? Yeah, sure. Apparently you’ve forgotten, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor”.

As a black man, look at YOUR community. You people should only WISH to have the community that gay men and women have! When gay people move into a neighborhood, the real estate values take off like crazy. When blacks move into a neighborhood, people can’t get out fast enough because they know a massive crime wave is coming. Look what happened to Houston when they bussed a few hundred blacks out of New Orleans (you know, the ones who weren’t smart enough to get out of the path of a hurricane?)."

That’s nearly as vile as Rod Wheeler’s statement. We certainly hope that didn’t come from one of you lot. If it did, shame on you.

(Risa's Note: I can't tell if Queerty is being genuinely remorseful, or if they're gloating. I'm voting for gloating, but only because of the Isaiah Washington aftermath... and the use of the term 'nearly' for what the faggot hate writer wrote about black versus gay property values, versus what Rod Wheeler wrote.)

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:17 pm
by Blueblood

Risa wrote:

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:51 pm
by Risa
mvscal wrote:
Risa wrote:As a black man, look at YOUR community. You people should only WISH to have the community that gay men and women have! When gay people move into a neighborhood, the real estate values take off like crazy. When blacks move into a neighborhood, people can’t get out fast enough because they know a massive crime wave is coming. Look what happened to Houston when they bussed a few hundred blacks out of New Orleans (you know, the ones who weren’t smart enough to get out of the path of a hurricane?)."

That’s nearly as vile as Rod Wheeler’s statement. We certainly hope that didn’t come from one of you lot. If it did, shame on you.
Truth hurts, doesn't it? Time to face facts, nobody likes n...iggers not even degenerate homos.
The homo who wrote that could have been white, latino or asian or native... or black. Which homo do you think wrote the above?

The census bureau doesn't keep statistics on housing and sexual orientation. Or my search skills suck. Or both. I did find Just enter 'sexual orientation' in the find box, and you'll reach a little blurb about Barney Frank's opinion of gay/lesbian difficulty in being open about their relationships versus other groups; as well as a reference to "a talk by Stuart Michaels of the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago on “Hard to Measure Populations: Survey Research and Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Populations”.

The faggot above is talking out of their ass. I don't think property rates go up because 'The homos are coming! The homos are coming!' . It's a little more complex than that. Toss in don't ask don't tell (the benefits of invisibility, which homos are able to take advantage of even while feeling uncomfortable under it -- just ask the homos here), the benefits of the closet, and the benefits of not being reproductively viable with the life partner of your choice.......... and homo (and lesbian) housing situations are different from straight housing situations; homo and lesbian poverty is different from straight poverty.

Homos can probably hate crime with the best of straights. Just as women can probably domestic abuse with the best of men. Who's pressing charges? The homo above went to the fuck blacks card, which is only made offensive because of the pains homos take -- here in America -- to piggyback off of black suffering black struggle and black perserverence in the face of overwhelming adversity, even to the point of figuratively wearing blackface in an effort to declare We Have Suffered! (see also: the whitewashing of Stonewall.)

But several things depend on the identity of the faggot who wrote that letter to Rod, above.

All that to say, Rod shouldn't have exaggerated. The truth is enough. O'Falafel shouldn't have relayed the exaggeration. Are ratings that important?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:44 am
by Mr. Belvedere
I heard about those lesbian gangs. I think they're using the name Militia Etheridge.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:30 am
by poptart
The only lesbian gang I encountered in school was the girls volleyball team.

Knee pads and all.

Lions & tigers & bears, oh my ...........

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:44 am
by Rich Fader
I'd like to note that this thread is absolutely worthless without pics of good (lipstick) lesbian action.

Thank you.


Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:54 am
by Luther
I once had this rookie working with me and we're at the scene of this traffic accident. I told the kid to order up a tow for the one vehicle that was all crushed up. He grabs his packset and orders it up. The conversation goes something like this:

Tow Operator: 771, your tow is enroute and it will be a Desbien.

Rookie: 771, ah say again.

Tow Operator: Ah 771 your tow is a Desbien.

...long pause...

Rookie: 771 I don't care if it is a Lesbian or not, I just need a tow.

I had to have a lil' chat with the lad.

Rip City

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:25 pm
by MickBastard

That's some funny shit.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:34 pm
Remember when Bill O’Reilly and his token black friend, the improbably named Rod Wheeler, took to the screens -- ... -20070627/ -- to scream about the lesbian gang pandemic?
Sorry, I must have missed that one.

edit to RACK "Militia Etheridge"