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Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:55 pm
by Dinsdale
Oh, dear.

So, JSC -- you just now realized that some poker sites promote themsleves with freerolls that eventually can qualify you for "**Such-And-Such Tournament**"(which you may or may not have heard of, but usually the WSP/WPT/TV shows are the big bait)...

you just now learned this, but think you have some sort of business playing online with people that generally say "yeah, I'll hold my breath waiting for this promo to cash me out" and yawn when they see one of these?

Dude, there's people on this board that have actually won shit like that(and wisely sold the entries for cash).

You're that big of an online newby/rube, yet you think you're going to hang with actual real, accomplished online players?

OK, now I'm really laughing at your donkey ass.

Wow, there's promos to win seats at bigger name tournies through online sites...that's really coooooool!

Holy crap...

You're killing me almost as fast as Darwin is killing you, bro.

And correct me if I'm wrong...Pokerstars isn't even a gambling site, is it? Yeah, I'm sure the Team USA will slaughter all of the competition by recruiting from play-money-players.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:59 pm
by Dinsdale
HEY! If you win like 14 freerolls, you can get a seat on Poker After Dark on TV!!!!! I just discovered that!!!!

And there's even a rumor that just about every poker site on the planet gives you a chance to win a WSOP seat for free, but it's just a rumor I heard!


Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:47 pm
by Dinsdale

No, you're not.

As every single person in this forum will tell you, the online game is different.

And you can try and spin and lie all you want, but you've made it abundantly clear it's something you're not familiar with.

And frankly, the very notion that you think you can take on a game of skill with no experience whatsoever and best very experienced, accomplished players is laughable... VERY laughable.

Here's an analogy, JSC -- I've done a pretty darn banged-up job of carving roast beef a time or two. And I can gut/fillet a fish like nobody's business. So, knowing this, that means I'm fully qualified to perform whatever your weekly operation is this time around, right? I mean, it's about confidence, not experience, right?

Here's another -- I've unfortunately run over an animal or two over the years. Including, but certainly not limited to a very large deer. But just because I've left tire tracks across a few vertibrates in my day, I wouldn't even dream that I could soon be able to step to YOU when it came to the merciless slaughter of roadside animals, JSC.

Any of this sinking in? Or is your view on this sort of thing skewed by the fact a Chargerfan drooled their way to a judgement against you in small claims court?

Frankly, Dogkiller, you're sounding pretty fucking silly here. Matter of fact, you just offended me...your punishment will be an even longer wait until I humiliate you. Because frankly, my list of online poker bitches is so fucking long, adding one more newb's name to it doesn't really do much for me.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:51 pm
by Dinsdale
And BTW -- we're waiting with baited breath to see your update, in which you proclaim:

"Wow, people sure go all-in with crap on the first hand of a freeroll a lot."

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:26 am
by Dinsdale
Dude, it's a freeroll -- the only way to win is with 7 3 o.

On a serious note(don't hold it against me), if you're freerollin', don't play anything besides premium hands(AA, KK, AK suited) for the first 15-20 minutes, and fold like a house of cards to any bet when you don't have nuts.

Well, if you're actually serious about winning a freeroll, anyway.

Rather than try to scoop up money from the donks and indifferent, let them sort it out amongst themselves. Once the King of the Donks has separated himself from the pack by offing all of the other donks, then you go and collect the chips from him, and make sure to thank him on his way out for doing your light work for you.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:17 am
by Dinsdale
Jsc810 wrote:Couldn't do any worse than tonight I guess.

Unless we happen to drum up 108 people for the game.

But seriously, low-stakes online play is a whole different animal, a unique beast unlike those with a similar name. If you want to make a hobby of it, there's a learning curve to it. A lot of people have the attitude that for free/a buck or two, it's worth swinging for the home run right off the bat, regardless how far out of the zone the pitch is. In the early stages of such tournies, it becomes a silly numbers game, and if you're serious about winning it, you have to just stay the heck out of the foolishness, and wait for your opportunity. Once 80-90% go out, then the real players start playing, and the knowledge of the game you possess actually comes into play.

How many people in that tourney, JSC?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:52 pm
by Adelpiero

not exactly great playing. you got pushed off of hands very easily, and you probably were ahead. I didnt even get to see your allin, i was looking at something else on the site. Man, you need a lot of work.


i kinda disagree with your laying back. if its a one time only freeroll, i can see it, but if your trying to make the bermuda or tec finals, that are played 5 times a day, you have to make a stand early and take a shot. Or you get stuck at the table with a guy who called 7 allins with 4-6 off and hit a set, and he pushes you off every pot, he can afford to race with you for a couple hands, but you cant afford to continue to race with a coin flip. i was ooooooooooooooooooooooh so close for a trip to bermuda, got stuck with horrible hands and big chip leader raised virtually every hand, i didnt even have hands that were playable to coin flip. I finally had to go allin(had 3 blinds left) and got rivered, he could afford to keep calling if he had a piece. I believe he finished top3.

I play both ways, but sometimes you have to make the call for allin tards. you catch and you get some chips to play, push and make moves. You dont, you get pushed around by an idiot.

just my op. and i have cashed in 3 of last 4 500$ freerolls on bodog. with a 5th and 8th my last 2 tourneys. couple bad beats, but i caught a few lucky breaks also.

i will represent MO in pokerstars worldcup. suprised you didnt get in dins

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:01 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Dinsdale wrote:And BTW -- we're waiting with baited breath to see your update, in which you proclaim:

"Wow, people sure go all-in with crap on the first hand of a freeroll a lot."
I laughed... unfortunatly it isn't much different than rebuy tournies at casinos...

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:02 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Dinsdale wrote:Dude, it's a freeroll -- the only way to win is with 7 3 o.

On a serious note(don't hold it against me), if you're freerollin', don't play anything besides premium hands(AA, KK, AK suited) for the first 15-20 minutes, and fold like a house of cards to any bet when you don't have nuts.

Well, if you're actually serious about winning a freeroll, anyway.

Rather than try to scoop up money from the donks and indifferent, let them sort it out amongst themselves. Once the King of the Donks has separated himself from the pack by offing all of the other donks, then you go and collect the chips from him, and make sure to thank him on his way out for doing your light work for you.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:11 pm
by SunCoastSooner
I honestly just don't get the online poker fad. I think it is a joke of an evil step child to real poker. I also think that playing online dulls true poker skills that aren't as easily acquired by the casual player. Which can be botha good and bad thing. Makes for plenty of donkeys but it also makes for plenty of donkeys (if ya catch my drift). Going heads up with a donk doesn't scare me much; going to the races against 3 of 'em isn't much fun.

I've said it before but online play is learning betting patterns of the other players at your table and little more. Not nearly as skillful as sitting across the table from your oppenents.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:49 am
by Mook
SunCoastSooner wrote:I honestly just don't get the online poker fad. I think it is a joke of an evil step child to real poker. I also think that playing online dulls true poker skills that aren't as easily acquired by the casual player. Which can be botha good and bad thing. Makes for plenty of donkeys but it also makes for plenty of donkeys (if ya catch my drift). Going heads up with a donk doesn't scare me much; going to the races against 3 of 'em isn't much fun.

I've said it before but online play is learning betting patterns of the other players at your table and little more. Not nearly as skillful as sitting across the table from your oppenents.
I don't agree that online hurts your game....I think betting patterns are VERY important, in my opinion more important than physical tells......that said, I play both live and online, probably about 50/50, and I'd much rather play live than online....but online is a lot easier to play since it's at home.

Personally, I haven't noticed a real big difference in quality of play from online to live......there are a lot of people who play badly in both forums. Anyway, there's my two cents!