Good ethics backfire....sort of
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:47 am
My wife is a high school history teacher 4 years running now. Last year, before the school year started, she was called to a meeting by a handful of counselors and principals about a certain student who was technically categorized as a special ed student because he is "emotionally disturbed". Back when I was in school, there were just a handful of kids in special ed, but now there are more than I can fathom because of all of these little diagnoses counselors or doctors make for children and teens if they so happen to be a little slow with the program. Anyways, they wanted to give her a heads up about the student's mother who had blamed the school district a couple of years prior for his underperformance and bad grades and ended up suing the district. The district ended up settling out of court for what is rumored as a significant figure. Well, they just wanted to make my wife aware of the situation and that she needed to make sure she dotted all of her i's and crossed all of her t's with this kid. She obliged and told them she would make sure the kid had everything.
Well, the semester started off smooth and the kid was doing okay in the class, but not great. The mother noticed this and immediately emailed my wife and CCed the counselor and principal. My wife had to attend another meeting and explained that the boy just wasn't turning in his assignments. What could she do? She notified the mother about the problem and somehow, my wife was being blamed for it. Well, things cooled down for a little while and the semester was coming to a close and the student was barely passing. He had a project due that was worth 20% of their final, but he had not turned it in on time so that meant he was docked a letter grade, which brought his project down to a grade of 77. He received 10 points off for the project being late and another 13 for lack of quality and substance. The mother sees the grade he got and just sends my wife a long and hateful email about the unfairness of the grade. My wife emails the fucking bitch back and CCs everyone involved with this kid explaining why he received the grade he did for the project.
Conference time. The mom, my wife, counselors, and principals all have a sit-down. After the mom rants and raves about her kid not being fairly treated, my wife explains to her that all he needed to do in order to pass her course was to turn in the FINAL review for a credit of 2 daily grades and 5 bonus points on his final IF it was completed. Then, he would just need to make a 55 + 5 bonus points on his final and he would pass the class. If he did not turn the FINAL review in, then he would need a 71 on his final to pass the course. Ok, so the mother understands and abides by those terms.
Kid turns in his FINAL review incomplete and 2 days late. Wife gives him half credit with no bonus points. He takes his final and makes a 48. FAILED.
Mother pulls him out of school and sends him to private school, then sends him to some special private summer school camp this summer that cost a 100k. She sued the district during the middle of the spring semester without my wife's knowledge that went to straight mediation but no terms were agreed upon, so now the case is moving to due process.
So, now my wife is being pulled away from her summer vacation and has to go to these meetings to discuss the happenings of what went down with this student and she might have to take the stand in court against this fucking low-life cunt of a mother. You know, I am glad my wife did everything by the book with her job, but now that I think about it.....maybe she should have just pass the kid. But what the fuck?!?! What is she supposed to do in that situation?
Well, the semester started off smooth and the kid was doing okay in the class, but not great. The mother noticed this and immediately emailed my wife and CCed the counselor and principal. My wife had to attend another meeting and explained that the boy just wasn't turning in his assignments. What could she do? She notified the mother about the problem and somehow, my wife was being blamed for it. Well, things cooled down for a little while and the semester was coming to a close and the student was barely passing. He had a project due that was worth 20% of their final, but he had not turned it in on time so that meant he was docked a letter grade, which brought his project down to a grade of 77. He received 10 points off for the project being late and another 13 for lack of quality and substance. The mother sees the grade he got and just sends my wife a long and hateful email about the unfairness of the grade. My wife emails the fucking bitch back and CCs everyone involved with this kid explaining why he received the grade he did for the project.
Conference time. The mom, my wife, counselors, and principals all have a sit-down. After the mom rants and raves about her kid not being fairly treated, my wife explains to her that all he needed to do in order to pass her course was to turn in the FINAL review for a credit of 2 daily grades and 5 bonus points on his final IF it was completed. Then, he would just need to make a 55 + 5 bonus points on his final and he would pass the class. If he did not turn the FINAL review in, then he would need a 71 on his final to pass the course. Ok, so the mother understands and abides by those terms.
Kid turns in his FINAL review incomplete and 2 days late. Wife gives him half credit with no bonus points. He takes his final and makes a 48. FAILED.
Mother pulls him out of school and sends him to private school, then sends him to some special private summer school camp this summer that cost a 100k. She sued the district during the middle of the spring semester without my wife's knowledge that went to straight mediation but no terms were agreed upon, so now the case is moving to due process.
So, now my wife is being pulled away from her summer vacation and has to go to these meetings to discuss the happenings of what went down with this student and she might have to take the stand in court against this fucking low-life cunt of a mother. You know, I am glad my wife did everything by the book with her job, but now that I think about it.....maybe she should have just pass the kid. But what the fuck?!?! What is she supposed to do in that situation?