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Time for PM to map out new direction: poll

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:49 pm
by Canadian
Nearly half of Canadians think the Harper government lacks a clear agenda, a new poll suggests.

The Canadian Press-Decima Research survey, conducted in the first week of August, found that 46 people cent of respondents said they were not sure where the Conservative government wants to go.

Only about one in three said they think the government has a clear program for the future. Decima CEO Bruce Anderson said the results suggest many people feel the Conservatives have accomplished much of what they promised in the last election, but don't seem to have a follow-up.

"We've seen a couple of signals now that the plurality of Canadians . . . feel as though the government should articulate a clear agenda going forward."

The numbers also suggest there's a continuing ambivalence about the Tory government, he added.

"A certain number of people seem to like it, some of them passionately, a certain number of people seem to dislike the government, some of them passionately. But most people don't have strong passions one way or the other about this government.
They do not seem to have any direction. They seem to run the government like a 'fly by night' operation. Seriously do they even have a real vision for Canada?

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