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watch out, U&L.....

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:11 am
by smackaholic
here I come, bitches.

I will be doing my 2 week navy reserve thing at the Bremerton Naval Hospital.

Any recommendations on what to do, (other than go fukk myself)? I should have the weekend, hopefully a long one, off. Thinking about maybe climbing one of your hills out there.

I will be arriving on sunday august 26 most likely and leaving sept 7 or 8.

Hey Luth, dins, how far are you fukks from bremerton? Maybe I'll drive down and have a beer or 12 with ya.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:27 pm
by indyfrisco

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:36 pm
by BSmack
You will be in Seattle. They are in Portland. Expect a long reply from Dins on how bad Seattle sucks.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:59 pm
by Ken
... and how he'd rather chew a box of razors than meet anyone from the boards.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:17 pm
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:You will be in Seattle.
Bremerton is across the drink from Seattle, sitting on top of about 10-15% of the nation's nuclear arsenal, or something like that. With traffic, it's only about a 14 hour drive from the limitless drunken entertainment opportunities of Junkytown.
Expect a long reply from Dins on how bad Seattle sucks.
Oh, compared to places like Bremerton, Everett, and Tacoma, Seattle is a slice of heaven.

Ken wrote:... and how he'd rather chew a box of razors than meet anyone from the boards.

I think I'm busy that weekend.

But to answer the question, it's probably about 180 miles from there to my neck of the woods.

If you've got wheels, I'd recommend checking out the Olympic Peninsula, which boasts the most dense terrestial biomass on the planet. Catch US101, and go up through Sequim(in the rain shadow, creating a semi-arid almost-desert amidst the rainforest, with a bitchin lighthouse that Dins may or may not have done some work on in bygone days), and up through Port Angeles(where one could take a ferry to Victoria, Canuckland, if one was so inclined). Plenty of supercool shit to see and do in that neck of the woods. But it's summer, so beware the canadian tourons... they're dangerous behind the wheel.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:50 pm
by Dinsdale
And in other news from the U&L...

Uh-oh. A naked dead hooker just turned up in the woods. Here we go again. Seems like it must be almost 10 years since the last time, so we're about due. But they're a little more sensitive about that these days, and if any more turn up, they'll have every serial-killer expert in the world here climbing all over it... gotta nip that shit in the bud before it really gets going. The last guy only threw down a very wimpy total of 3 before he got caught -- a very pedestrian effort by U&L standards. You gotta get at least double-digits before they let you in the U&L hall of fame.