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Sorry, Dins.
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:29 pm
by Goober McTuber
Sam Bowie Greg Oden appears to be a bit fragile.
Crip City.
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:56 pm
by Dinsdale
Gee, a big guy is having trouble with his legs?
NO WAY!!!!
Let's see, we drafted a big, affable goof with mad game at the 5. Sees a knife before he sees the hardwood. Where have we seen this before? That's right... right before we started hanging banners last time.
As long as he hurt himself at practice and not the tittybar, I'm OK with it. You know... "practice" -- that thing the Blazers voluntarily showed up to training camp to do... five weeks early.
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:19 pm
by Goober McTuber
Yes with his legs. And his wrist. And his tonsils. Mumps could be next. Then arthritis.
Crip City.
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:33 pm
by orcinus
Auf Wiedersehen, Greg Oden.
With any luck, this one won't be over before it ever has a chance to begin.
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:34 pm
by WolverineSteve
out for the year !!!!!
micro-fracture is a looong rehab.
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:55 pm
by Dinsdale
Disappointing, but certainly not devastating.
We didn't draft Oden for this next season -- we drafted him for the ten after that.
While his developement is obviously set back a year or more, it certainly isn't a death=blow to the rebuiling. I guess we'll just have to move on with the TWO best rookies of 2006, who the keys to the franchise were being handed to, anyway. The silver lining might be getting the 1-2 punch firing on all cylinders as a contunuation of last year, rather than incorporating a new piece so soon. Still lots of bodies to get into the mix, and this might be the chance Tyson Chandler needs to make the jump to the next level.
The future is still so bright, we gotta wear shades... it's just not quite as blindingly bright as it was a couple of weeks ago... s'all.
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:35 pm
by Shoalzie
I haven't been to excited about many things with the NBA but seeing Durant and Oden this year would've been a lot of fun. This is disappointing news for all fans but I really have to feel bad for those BlazerFans that dropped major coin on season tickets.
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:58 pm
by Dinsdale
Shoalzie wrote:I really have to feel bad for those BlazerFans that dropped major coin on season tickets.
I've yet to hear so much as one person complain.
I guess they'll just be stuck watching the TWO best rookies of 2006/07 step up to the plate for their sophmore campaign.
You should feel bad for the rest of the NBA, once the New Guys step it up a notch.
Things are still looking great this year. Then for the next season, we get Oden, and quite possibly Rudy Fernandez, the best player in Europe(and said to be better than Bargnani on Rudy's worst day), and maybe even Joel Freeland, if there's a vacancy on the front line(sup LaFrentz).
Goodness, how the rest of the league is in TROUBLE. Enjoy the next year or two, fans of other teams... it's all you've got left.
If you guys think we're short on patience after the last few seasons, then you're dumber than you appear on this board(no small feat for some of you).
We've got the next decade, baby!
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:56 pm
by RevLimiter
Damn....and I thought RaydahFan was myopic.
I stand corrected.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:29 am
by Goober McTuber
Sorry to hear about Sam Bowie Ogden. If MJ Durrant starts tearing things up this year, Dins will be Whitey Wagon's bitch. That's gonna hurt.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:06 pm
by Dinsdale
RevLimiter wrote:Damn....and I thought RaydahFan was myopic.
Since you have no idea what you're talking about, I'll help you out...
This team was blowing up like a motherfucker BEFORE the lottery balls came up.
Are you following, dumbass?
For his rookie campaign, Oden wasn't going to be any better than the Zers 3rd best player, if he stepped in and did well from the get-go.
Injury or not, it was never going to be "Oden's Team."
We'll definitely be bummed about being one year behind on Oden's developement curve. Obviously. But for the coming season, we were looking forward to his help on inside defense, and very little offense. And frankly, assuming Pussy Pryzbilla The Vanilla Gorilla actually decides to show up this year, the interior defense will be just fine. The main shift this season will be on offense, while we finish making the transition from the last few years' worth of nothing-but-the-Zach-Hole, to the more balanced attack that we started seeing towards the end of last season.
There is no more promising 1-2 punch of youngsters in the entire league than LMA and BROY. Period. If you even attempt to disagree, it proves you're an uninformed idiot. And maybe, just maybe, giving the two Main Men one more year together to really take the full leadership of the team before their apprentice comes in might not be such a bad thing.
Again, for the really slow people -- this was a freaking playoff team BEFORE the lottery gods smiled upon us. The rebuilding process to clean up some bad GMs' messes is coming to fruition.
And the funny part about it is that
real NBA fans already knew this, and already knew this wasn't the Year of The Oden.
But what the hey... like I care. It just gives you tards a chance to sound every bit as fucking stupid as the clowns on Sportscenter will when they express suprise that the two shreddinest young guys in the league are tearing it up without Oden... as the rest of us laugh and yawn.
So go ahead and keep tarding it up and showing how much you know, by all means.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:20 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:Again, for the really slow people -- this was a freaking playoff team BEFORE the lottery gods smiled upon us.
Well, not last year it wasn’t. But the Orlando Magic was.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:45 pm
by Dinsdale
Goober McTuber wrote:Well, not last year it wasn’t.
Thanks, Marcus.
Why was Orlando in the playoffs? Developing young talent after scoring huge in the draft, maybe?
Logic, anyone?
Last year, the Blazers were 3rd out of 5 in the NW Division. Ahead (far ahead) of them were Utah and Denver. To you obviously casual fans, I'll help you out -- Utah didn't get any better... possibly worse. Denver -- well, Denver is going all retro, and trying to replicate the late-90's Blazers. Not only did they not get any better, they're rapidly becoming cap-crippled, and are probably getting worse quickly. Seattle got wayyyyy worse(with potential for improvement in the coming years)... hell, Seattle is going to be a sorry outfit, since their crowds of 150 people that the asswipe ownership pulls in won't be much of a homecourt advantage. Minnesota? The Wolves are much like the Blazers -- developing young guys, except the talent level isn't anywhere near what Portland has stacked.
For the coming season, I see the Northwest Division as being weaker than the others in the West. It's wide open, and I just don't see anyone being significantly better than the Blazers, with the possible exception of Utah, who had a great year, but Dinosaur Sloan doesn't seem to be endearing himself to the guys he has, and still thinks he's rolling Stockton and Malone out there. Derron Williams and the Boozer are badass, but without more help, I'm not sure if they can even sustain the level they achieved last year... but that's why they play the games.
There's 15 teams in the West. 8 go to the playoffs, 7 don't. NO/OKC and Memphis will be worse than the Blazers. So will the Clips and Sac. So will Minn and Seattle. So, if the Blazers finish better than any other team besides those, they're in... not such a huge stretch of the imagination. The Lakers... well, the Lakes have Kobe and... and... well, let me know how that works for them. Maybe Andrew Bynum might come to the party this year.
And look for the Blazers to be a very fast-paced team this coming season. With the Black Hole gone from the team, the 11 stallions that he was being the "anchor" for will be able to open it up a bit, and now have the ability to pull a track meet and outpost an opponent, whereas in recent years, that option wasn't on the table, thanks to Zach Vick.
And really -- fans of other teams should get on their knees and pray the Blazers don't tank this year... you tards should be
rooting for them. Another high pick and things are going to get really unfair really quickly. This team is looking quite badass(for the first time in a LONG time... those 22 straight playoffs spoiled entire generations of Blazerfans), and Greg Oden and Rudy Fernandez joining the party next year... are you freaking kidding me? I guess the Blazers "shock the world" draft day has the casuals ignoring the fact the Zers got not only the best player from the college ranks, but the best player Europe has seen in a long, long time. You seem to have missed that part. Possibly the most monsterous day in the history of the Lottery Era, usurping their own record set the year before. If you dweebs really think you can have two consecutive drafts of that caliber and not make waves in the coming years, then you're freaking stupid, and should probably pipe down when the real fans start talking hoops.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:38 pm
by Dinsdale
Aaaaaand another thing...
I'm reading all of these national columns about some "cloud of doom" hanging over Blazer Nation.
I'm a lifelong, diehard Blazer fan. I hang around with a bunch of lifelong Blazerfans.
I've seen the local blogs/boards. I've talked to dozens of Blazerfans in the last day.
And while I've heard the obvious disappointment, I've yet to hear this doom-and-gloom bullshit that these columnists are lying about.
The quality of "journalism" I've seen today is, quite frankly, libel. It's just not true. I'm not sure how these "journalists" justify getting a couple of comments from a recently transplanted local hack, who often goes with the doom-and-gloom angle, without actually getting one comment from...oh, say... someone who has been a fan for an appreciable amount of time? Not that sports hacks aren'tthe lowest form of tard, but this has been a particularly egregious example.
So, for accuracy's sake -- REAL Blazer fans... the ones that have been sitting in the sparsely-occupied Arena for the last few years... people who have lived here for more than a couple of years(sup very few)... people who have seen the good times and the bad... REAL FANS... they just aren't seeing things the way these hacks are... but what do the fans that the hacks are writing about know, right?
I'm just as jacked up for the coming season as I was two days ago... nothing has changed. Definitely bummed that Oldman won't be a part of it, but we're in this for the long term, and the long term is looking like it's going to be one hell of a ride.
Don't believe what these hacks are trying to spew -- I've never seen such lies while desperate for a story in many years.
Hell, there was a huge logjam at the 4 and 5... now, the contenders get a chance to prove themselves this season, before the serious dynasty begins.
All good in the Capital of the U&L... can't say the same for those bitches to our north.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:56 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:Possibly the most monsterous day in the history of the Lottery Era
Assuming that Oden ever plays before he starts collecting Social Security in 2012.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:05 pm
by Dinsdale
Social Security? Who cares? The Blazers have an outstanding retirement program without supplements.
Shawn Kemp, Derek Anderson, Arius Miles, and a host of others
And Derek Anderson is finally off the books, I believe. Hell, I wouldn't recognize the guy if he walked up to me in a crowd, but he's been hammering the cap up until now... nice.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:28 pm
by Goober McTuber
Have fun hoisting all of those Northwest Division Runner-up banners.
More on Oden: ... d=tab1pos1 ... d=tab1pos2
Portland should have taken Durant. For the first time in his life, Whitey was right. The horror.
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:25 am
by Dinsdale
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:31 pm
by Goober McTuber
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:52 pm
by Dinsdale
First thing, as I worked my scroll wheel to get to the bottom of the page, the name Tyson Chandler caught my eye, and as suspected, was in my post.
I sometimes have brain-locks. Referring to Channing Frye as Tyson Chandler has been one of them. But since Frye now wears a Pinwheel, I'm starting to screw that one up less than half the time(although I still refer to the cornerback for the Ducks as Nate Thurmond, and that one doesn't seem to be getting better).
But anyhoo...
Who's laughing now, bitches?
A little rough out of the gate, but that was understandable. The young'uns were struggling with the zone rotations for the forst couple of weeks, with the annoying result being wide open outside shooters all game long. That problem has appeared to be corrected, for the most part. And early on, it was like there was this weird vibe where ROY didn't want to appear selfish, or some strange thing. Now that he's realized that both his coaches and teammates want him to go to the hole and drive and dish as much as possibe, he's a triple-double threat every night(although I think he's still constantly finishing one board or assist short of his first).
Joel Pryzbilla actually did show up, and has become one of the NBA's premire inside defenders(which he always has been, just never consistantly). This is even moreso while Aldridge rests his bum foot.
James Jones was a bteer pickup then I could have envisioned in my wildest dreams. Leading the NBA in 3's BY FAR, and the torrid pace isn't going down... it's going to have to at some point, I'm sure, or the NBA record for 3-point shooting is going to get crushed. Who woulda thunk Nash and Marion were keeping the dude down?
Travis Outlaw has a million dollar body and a ten cent head, but his decision-making is improving by the week. If the super-mega-jock we blew a high draft pick on out of high school 5 years ago quits making bonehead plays, he can batlle Ginobli for 6th Man honors. He's been on fire for the last couple of weeks.
Martell Webster is right about where we'd hoped he'd be in year 3 out of high school. Insanely good jump shooter... better be insanely good at something, since we drafted him instead of Derron Williams or Chris Paul.
Yup, a little rough through the first 3-4 weeks of the season.
Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, after that rough first couplefew weeks... the Blazers haven't lost a freaking game since then.
I said it before, I'll say it again -- this is a playoff team without Oden. What's nuts, is national analysts... if the Blazers wouldn't have gotten the #1 pick, wouldn't have gotten Oden, and didn't have Oden get hurt, those same analysts would have said "with Roy and Aldridge, this is a playoff team." But for some reason, losing a player we never had means we aren't?
7 straight, bitches. And frankly, while the young team has had a few defensive lapses, as young teams are prone to do, which has allowed a couple of recent victims to stay in the game, for the most part the other teams haven't looked like they even belong on the same court as the Blazers.
I told you people you were in trouble. I meant it. Although even I didn't realize you were in this much trouble this early.
Bring on the Celts in the finals(since we dinged up Duncan). You fans of other West teams better hope the Zers have some young-team slumps... otherwise, you're fucked.
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:53 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Dinsdale wrote:Let's see, we drafted a big, affable goof with mad game at the 5. Sees a knife before he sees the hardwood. Where have we seen this before? That's right... right before we started hanging banners last time.
Your shit franchise has exactly one banner of importance. I am quite sure back in 77 there was talk of a dynasty. A couple of fractures, bad luck, and playoff meltdowns of epic proportions later, you're still stuck on one... 30 years later.
Banners? For someone who claims to be a Yankee fan, you sure as fuck have a hard time comprehending how trivial winning your division and/or conference is. This ain't NASCAR, bro. There's no points for 2nd place.
Btw -- rack the Celtics/Pistons game last night. Billups was money in the 4th....
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:14 pm
by Dinsdale
Sounds like a little jealousy coming from a fan of the no-longer hottest team.
But I can see where you'd dwell on the past, Celtsfan... since WE own your future. How badly THAT must suck -- your management goes yard and mortgages the future to build a dynasty now, and the guy who speedbagged your GM's colon is still putting together a better team, with a MUCH brighter future, who you'll have to answer to in order to see your "dynasty" come to fruition.
I'd be clinging to the past too if I were a Celtsfan. Much brighter than your future.
Who's laughing now, bitches?
BODE, stupid fuckers.
Find me one bit of my preseason analysis that isn't spot on. I should C&P it (sup Paul) and send it to every fucking retarded journalist that made asinine statements due to not knowing what the fuck they were talking about, even though they get paid good money to follow the NBA.
It's Brandon Roy's world, and you're lucky we allow you to live in it.
How's that tasting, by the way, Celtsfans? There was a guy sitting on the board that is going to rack up MVPs, Championship MVPs, and about every other best-of award they make. I'll go ahead and assume in advance we'll never hear any "BWA! You passed up Jordan" smack coming from Cel;tsfans' pieholes ever again? It would be a wise move on your part. But hey, if you thought Sebastian Telfair was the answer, you must have been asking one hell of a question.
Oh, and I hope that douchebag who acted the tard and stole ROY's unanimous ROY award from him enjoyed watching him dunk on Bargnani. ROY rarely dunks, because he doesn't believe in showing anyone up or trying to embarrass them... but he made an exception for Bargnani.
And since most of the population lives in the Eastern Time Zone, and rarely gets to see Blazer games -- in Year 2, Michael Freaking Jordan wasn't taking over games in the 4th quarter and "willing" his team to victory the way Mr. Roy is... not even close. Not saying he's "the next MJ"... but he's the closest thing we've seen since His Airness prowled the hardwood. BEELEE DAT! Hell, the coaches are telling a second-freaking year player to sandbag and cadillac in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, so he can do that thing he do in the 4th at full-force.
Way back when, the Blazers were 5-12. Now, they're 14-12.
Fear the Pinwheel, bitches. Our building is once again Our House. Hell, other teams' buildings are Our House, too.
Oh, and BTW-this is still just a warmup for next year. Lots of freaking STUDS still in the stable.
There's joy in Mudville.
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:28 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
In case you missed it:::;
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:31 pm
by Dinsdale
OK... one banner that matters. Buncha conference and divisional ones. Running out of rafters for all the divisional ones... from a division we don't play in anymore. Haven't won the Northwest since its inception, actually.
BUT... we'll be 0.5 games back in the division in about 13 hours. After Denver comes in for another asskicking, the schedule finally starts to get cupcakey.
If it continues tonight, it will continue for a while.
BTW -- at this moment... screw LeBron. Screw Kobe. Screw Dwight Howard. If I had to take one player RIGHT NOW to go into battle and win a game, I'm going with Brandon Roy... since he currently has a better track record at crunch-time than any of those guys. Seeing the transformation from rookie-star to super-duper-mega-star has really been something to watch. Of course, Least-Coaters are slow on the Western-star-curve, so I don't expect the easties to understand what's happening, and what's about to happen as well as the western fans.
Oh, and did I mention there's still studs in the stable that haven't been unleashed yet?
You fools are in TROUBLE.
Red Hot and Rollin, baby!
Rip City, alllllrrrrright.
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:55 pm
by Dinsdale
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:16 am
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote:
Bwa... I need to check in here more often.
From the 'They Said It' blurb of this weeks SI:
Greg Oden - Trail Blazer rookie who's making $3.9 million this year, on how he likes Portland:
"The only thing is, they don't have any Wal-Marts near my house. I go to Best Buy or Target, but those places are pretty expensive."
Brand spanking new Oldman fan over here.
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:34 pm
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote:
Brand spanking new Oldman fan over here.
His constant self-effacing humor has been pretty endearing.
Very funny dude.