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Big trouble in T-town

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:03 am
by RadioFan
Former ORU professors suing university

Three former Oral Roberts University professors are suing the university’s president and three other executives, claiming they were wrongfully forced out of the school.

The suit against ORU -- filed by Dr. John Swails, Dr. Tim Brooker and Dr. Paulita Brooker -- includes a synopsis of a document describing the rich lifestyle of ORU President Richard Roberts and his family at the expense of the school and the Oral Roberts Ministry.

The suit alleges that Richard Roberts insisted that the Tim Brooker use students to work of the mayoral campaign of Randi Miller last year.

The suit says Brooker resisted the effort, and then was blamed for it when it became public, putting the school's non-profit status in question.

The suit alleges that an ORU student gave Brooker a document, reputedly prepared by a senior ORU employee, describing troubling spending of ORU money on the part of Richard Roberts and his family.

The suit says Brooker was dismissed after he turned the document over to the school's board of regents.

In addition to suing the university, the three professors are suing Richard Roberts; Mark Lewandowski, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost; Wendy Shirk, dean; and Jeff Ogle, vice provost of academic advancement.

There's no way this can possibly be true. It must be just another media conspiracy. ORU is one, upstanding HAPPY family.


A very vocal minority of hypocrites in Tulsa.

Btw, the "troubling" spending had to do with Richard Roberts' wife giving scholarships to about 20 friends of their daughter -- none of them in need, (yeah, shocking), a trip by the couples' daughter to Orlando and the Bahamas for "religious ministry" purposes ( :lol: ), and other alleged abuses of "university" funds.

Who would have thunk it? A preacher, with a university, abusing funds, and local political power?

No way!

Nice job, asshats.

pop, Dio, your thoughts?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:34 am
by RadioFan
Btw, Dio:

ORU has done more than enough for "school choice" on the higher-ed level. The idea of morons like Roberts (or anyone who would subjugate themselves to that moron) and lots of others like him, running private, elementary schools is scary. And before you chime in with the incompetence of government -- ORU, because it's "non-profit," isn't subjugated to the same standards of accountability as are public universities. It took an act of Congress to make ORU, and other private universities, reveal their crime stats, for Christ's sake.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:47 am
by Mikey
Any (non-dental) school with the word "Oral" in its name has got to have some kind of strange shite going on somewhere, sometime.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:54 am
by Ang
ORU considers itself the high and holy hillbilly Vatican, unfettered by the silly moral and legal issues about which those in a mere city or even a democratic country spend their unimportant time worrying.

What in the hell were you thinking to bind these apparent saints to the rules of mere mortals?

I'm actually not that interested in ORU or it's current news, but I have met enough former students that it causes me to do a thing I hardly ever do...which is put people in one or the other category. Former students that I have met from ORU describe how they left in one or another way. They either did the time and are now glassy eyed propogandists, or left before graduation and use the word 'escape' repeatedly.

I miss Tulsa, but the influence of ORU is definitely one thing I do not miss about Tulsa.

Re: Big trouble in T-town

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:45 am
by RadioFan
RadioFan wrote:pop, Dio, your thoughts?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:35 am
by poptart
What do you call two gay guys named Bob?

My comment(s)?

Seems likely that Mr ORU President was engaged in some 'unsavory' activities.
He wants to cover his own arse.

But this you already know.
I offered nothing.
Unrack me!

I'm neither surprised, nor, since I have no ties at all to ORU, particularly outraged .... or even interested.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:47 am
by Atomic Punk
I remember spending my Freshman year's Thanksgiving in Tulsa with his family. We went over to nearby ORU as classes were out to look around. There was a new admin type building there and we went in and up the elevator to look around. I remember the building was empty and there was a computer at some desk. I jumped on and formatted that hard drive.

You see those big prayer hands and then this tall tower where they say there is always someone up in it praying 24/7 in shifts. You get a weird feeling walking around that campus.

Then we went and watched Tulsa vs. Air Force later that night. Back then Tulsa's football stadium looked like a high school stadium out here.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:50 am
by RadioFan
poptart wrote:I'm neither surprised, nor, since I have no ties at all to ORU, particularly outraged .... or even interested.
Fair enough.

Given that there are hundreds of students forced to go there by their parents for a "Christian education," I'd have thought you might be a bit encouraged by the implosion.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:28 pm
by Dinsdale
poptart wrote:What do you call two gay guys named Bob?

OK, we give. What DO you call two gay guys named Bob?


Bobiero and Boberius


Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:21 pm
by Headhunter
Fuck you, Dins!

It's WHO do you call for two gay guys named Bob.



Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:28 pm
by Dinsdale
We thought "bob" was a verb, not a proper noun.



Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:16 pm
by Headhunter

L to r: Bob, Neil

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:08 pm
by Smackie Chan
Dinsdale wrote:Bobiero and Boberius
I might as well be the one to drop the obligatory...

Pray for them.