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Moderator Change in Pick'em League & Updated Results

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:25 am
by HockeyMom
After discussion with Felix, I will be taking over the Pick'em League so he can concentrate on other matters, and take away some stress for him. With that said, I have spent hours making my master sheet for this league, going back to week one and re-talling each and every game for each and every participant and with that here are the overall results. Note a few differences from the last posting, but any questions please let me know, but I reassure you each person was recalculated. I wanted to make correct accuracy for my records in taking this league over.

1. Joe in PB 60-29
2. Poptart 59-30
3. DelsDad 58-31
4. Shine 58-31
5. Shoalzie 58-31
6. Socal 57-32
7. Packwin13 56-33
8. DallasFanatic 55-34
9. Qbert 55-34
10. Godzilla 54-35
11. KC Scott 54-35
12. Rsoxfan 54-35
13. Solo 54-35
14. Terry in Crapchester 53-36
15. War Wagon 53-36
16. RiverChick 52-37
17. Th 52-37
18. JSC810 52-23 (missed week 4)
19. Bucmonkey 51-38
20. Xtremeplzr 51-38
21. Felix 49-40
22. RevLimiter 49-24 (missed week 2)
23. Big Daddy 46-43
24. Neely8 45-31 (missed week 6)
25. Prototype 42-34 (missed week 6)
26. MGOBlue-lightspecial 34-28 (missed week 5 & 6)
27. Orcinus 33-29 (missed week 5 & 6)
28. Tiny 30-16 (missed weeks 2, 4 & 6)
29. HeadHunter30-27 (missed weeks 2 & 3)
30. Rumpleforeskin 28-20 (missed weeks 4, 5 & 6)
31. Cosmo Kramer 12-4 (only participated in week 1)
32. Adelpiero 11-5 (only participated in week 1)
33. GooberMcTuber 11-5 (only participated in week 1)

Please let me know of any mistakes!

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:22 am
by poptart
Felix was run.

Thanks, 'plzr.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:58 pm
by Felix
poptart wrote:Felix was run.
and I didn't even have to log into 9:07 CST...good job tart

big thanks plzr....

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:40 pm
by Headhunter
Thank God. Felix kept cashing the bribe checks but OBVIOUSLY never applied the intended fix.

Later, douche.

Seriously, Thanks for all the work you put in on this Felix.

Also, thanks for picking up the slack, plzr.