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Welly welly well

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:21 pm
This SEASON is OVER for all those hopeful Buckeye fans that played absolutley no one and that includes last Saturday..Hahahaaah

Come to think of it, is their anyone that deserves your coveted championship you all so desire? I mean everyone but the Hawaii Rainbows ( that is still a gay reference with you mortals isn't it?) and Kansas have shown their ineptitude at being a take charge football team...Hahaaahaaah

Spare me LSU, Oregon, Kansas (I can't believe you people let this happen, that's Kansas, it's FOOTBALL!) Oklahoma and Missouri (gaff #2! Are you kidding me? Missouri people, think how very proud you'll feel allowing a no name team claim a shot at a MNC.) One thing's for sure, you limp wrists have all made my job alot easier than back in the ol' days of Miami, Oklahoma, Nebraska, & Florida St. Those teams were nasty to hang an "L" on.

Truly disgustng...Hahaaahahaaa...if that doesn't confirm how you're all LOSERS I can't imagine what does..Hahaahhaaa

Sooooo...Buckeye's your reward! Hahahaaaaaa...

Have a nice day CFB fan, if you blood pressure raised a point, I win again..Hahaahahahaa


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:39 pm
by Adelpiero
Next Sunday, you can add a KU helmet to that list

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:00 am
Adelpiero wrote:Next Sunday, you can add a KU helmet to that list
Just got up from my nap, that damn coffin needs new upholstry, a stiff neck is expected at 428 years old, but for chrisp sake, it shouldn't be because of poor bedding. But I suppose since I haven't pillage quality silks since the silk worm was in vogue, it's on me. And someone told me don't expect to find a large supply of Passenger Pigeon feathers readily available, WTF?
You bastards blitzed all those poor birds from what I understand...all the more reason my inevitable visit at your humble abode is so satisfying...Hahaahahhaaaa....LOSERS! Hahahhaaaaa..

Anyway Mr. Tiger Man, I will take great pleasure in adding the Jayhawk helmet (who knew they had any?) to the nearly completed list of brain impeded finger crossing, no life, ultimate losing, cross dressing, cousin screwing, college football fans. Hahahahhaaaa... scored your's already...right Mr. Missouri man? Hahhhahhaaaa...BTW, Quantrill has been taking it up his you know what from some clown that calls himself John Brown going on what 142 years?...moldy body and all..Hahhhaahhhaaa...he seems to enjoy it. Haaahahhahhaaaaa....time for bed.