Well, no shit, Private Pyle...
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:41 pm
http://www.nola.com/hornets/t-p/index.s ... thispage=1
Stern has his head FIRMLY up his ass for this one. Yes, Katrina was a tragedy, and yes, it sucks, but so does life, and the OKC Hornets were selling out the 19,000 seat Ford Center on the regular, and averaging 17 and change. Of COURSE you should move them back to a half-rebuilt shithole were nobody was supporting them BEFORE they lost everything that they had and then give them the 2008 All-Star Game.
I swear, if Stern weren't shooting for the Nobel Prize... then OKC would be able to enjoy the Hornets, and a young player like Chris Paul would still be happy; playing in the only NBA town he's ever known; and a town that loved and embraced him, and his team, to boot. Anybody saying that OKC can't support an NBA team is full of crap. We're a Hell of a lot better at it than Nola.
"The NBA... where dumbass happens."
Stern has his head FIRMLY up his ass for this one. Yes, Katrina was a tragedy, and yes, it sucks, but so does life, and the OKC Hornets were selling out the 19,000 seat Ford Center on the regular, and averaging 17 and change. Of COURSE you should move them back to a half-rebuilt shithole were nobody was supporting them BEFORE they lost everything that they had and then give them the 2008 All-Star Game.
I swear, if Stern weren't shooting for the Nobel Prize... then OKC would be able to enjoy the Hornets, and a young player like Chris Paul would still be happy; playing in the only NBA town he's ever known; and a town that loved and embraced him, and his team, to boot. Anybody saying that OKC can't support an NBA team is full of crap. We're a Hell of a lot better at it than Nola.
"The NBA... where dumbass happens."