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Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:28 am
by bbqjones
i killed one of my cats. suffocation. the other one i threw over the fence at the humane society @ 6 in the morning am.
miss those bastards.
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:08 am
by smackaholic
we've had 4 cats over the past 12 years. all 4 met unfortunate ends involving cars. we decided to cut our loses after the last one. can't say i miss'em a bit.
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:29 am
by Mikey
We had three that died of old age within a year of each other, the last two being last year.
Better to have them die young than have old incontinent cats shedding hair and hairballs all over the house and yowling in the middle of the night.
No more cats here either.
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:53 pm
by smackaholic
sounds like our dog, helen kellerrrrr I mean sissy. She is 14, about 70% blind, 90% deaf, still reasonably continent although she does leak a bit from time to time. You could stuff a mattress with the hair she sheds each week. She has been there to see each cat come and go. I doubt she misses them much either. Great dog. I will miss her, but, she does need to hurry up and die.
I see atleast a few years of being pet free after her.
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:54 pm
I get a little sick of my man wading his way through yards and yards of labia, so I usually just tell him to ram the general area with his head like a huge, dumbassed woodpecker. After I douse him with my ejaculate, I giggle at his cute dripping snorkel.
--Mt. Rumplewife
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:05 am
by Trampis
I had some farm cats, male, female. Pretty soon I had a LOT of farm cats. Pissing to mark their territory, shiting in ever soft dirt spot they could, cat fights outside my window at night. 22 caliber rifle, one by one. Never had a damn cat since....mouse traps eat a lot less food...and dont "spray" everything.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:44 am
by socal
The neighbor's cats keep my 11 y.o. lab mix young and spry.