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Week 11 Confidence Results

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:03 am
by HockeyMom
This weeks winner goes to Jsc810 going 13-3 with 113 pts.

Total Points Possible This Week: 136
Rank, Name, Weekly Points and W/L Record

Week 11 Standings

1. Jsc810 - 113/13-3 - 1st place Winner! Props!
2. Shine - 113/12-4 - 2nd place Top Dog
3. WarWagon - 113/12-4 - Tieing 2nd place
4. BigDaddy -112/13-3 - 3rd place runner up
5. PopTart - 112/13-3 - tieing 3rd position
6. RsoxFan - 108/11-5
7. DallasFanatic - 107/11-5 - taking position #5
8. godzilla - 107/11-5 - tieing the #5 spot in week 11
9. xtremeplzr - 102/11-5
10. Bucmonkey - 99/10-6
11. Shoalzie - 96/10-6
12. Socal - 0/0-16

Any mistakes let me know.
Overall Results soon to be posted and updated.