2 relatively obscure, mellow songs ...
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:40 am
Both from the big-wave surfing film, "Riding Giants."
Took me a while to find both of these songs. The music on that documentary btw, is relatively good.
1. "The Great Lover" (6:34)
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=58255153
(btw, click on the title of that song, at right, if some other song starts playing) Apparently, from some techno band, in the Netherlands, named "max 404"
Pass me a joint, please.
2. "Firesuite" (4:44)
Yeah, I know ... some of you may have heard this, by a band called Doves. Anyway, here's a video version of it. Sound quality sucks, but pass back that joint, and watch:
Took me a while to find both of these songs. The music on that documentary btw, is relatively good.
1. "The Great Lover" (6:34)
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=58255153
(btw, click on the title of that song, at right, if some other song starts playing) Apparently, from some techno band, in the Netherlands, named "max 404"
Pass me a joint, please.
2. "Firesuite" (4:44)
Yeah, I know ... some of you may have heard this, by a band called Doves. Anyway, here's a video version of it. Sound quality sucks, but pass back that joint, and watch: