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Sorry I'm late to the holiday festivities...

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:15 pm
by Tyree
I'm on CPT, Cottontail People's Time, so y'all will have to bear with me.

The lighting’s right
The flash is set
The drawers are stained
And you can bet

He’s simply, having, a hideous picture time
The panties, are streaked with, feces, urine, and grime

A board of Rome trolls smile with glee
“These panties don’t belong to me!”

I think he’s on
His twelfth career
He too will learn
Trifle not with ‘deer

AP can, look at, two people at one time
Slap his, blockhead, to get that eye back in line

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:47 pm
by Tyree
Gut hanging way down low
Seams upon his pants about to blow
Paul’s obese

Sweating while he eats
Cannot see his own two feet
Paul’s obese

His tits they jiggle while he types
Has to use a stick to wipe, his ass
Paul’s obese

I know you are but what am I
Is this tard’s standard reply

And his next post, will be
Unreadable to you, and me

Why he hangs around the Jim Rome boards
When by most, he is ignored
Paul’s clueless

Bandwagon NFL fan
Mizzou’s winning, then Chase Daniel’s his man
Paul’s clueless

A bullet to his head will be
A way to put us out of misery

And the next pic of him, we see
“It’s been photoshopped, that’s not me”

He’ll have a very tardly Christmas, well, well
He’ll eat up everything on Christmas, yeah, yeah

R.I.P Donner Hathaway

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:49 pm
by Cuda
Is that what they call "crunk" style?