Saturday PickEm Challenge: Week 5 (1/5)
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:06 pm
A quick reminder as we kick off the 08 portion of the challenge. Please post your selections in the order the games are listed using only the code associated with each team. Also please leave a space between the regular games and the 1 and 1 games, as well as a space between the 1 and 1 games and the 3 point game. TIA.
Also, a few Sunday games will be included for those featuring top 25 match-ups.
USC (USC) at Stanford (STAN)
Maryland (TERP) at Charlotte (CHAR)
Connecticut (UCON) at Notre Dame (ND)
Providence (PROV) at DePaul (DP)
Louisville (CARD) at Kentucky (UK)
North Carolina (UNC) at Clemson (CLEM)
Marquette (MARQ) at West Virginia (WVU)
Pittsburgh (PITT) at Villanova (NOVA)
Michigan (MICH) at Purdue (PU)
Washington State (WSU) at Washington (WASH)
1 and 1
Arkansas (ARK) at Baylor (BAY)
Georgia (UGA) at Gonzaga (ZAG)
3 pointer
Kansas (KU) -10.5 at Boston College (BC)
Also, a few Sunday games will be included for those featuring top 25 match-ups.
USC (USC) at Stanford (STAN)
Maryland (TERP) at Charlotte (CHAR)
Connecticut (UCON) at Notre Dame (ND)
Providence (PROV) at DePaul (DP)
Louisville (CARD) at Kentucky (UK)
North Carolina (UNC) at Clemson (CLEM)
Marquette (MARQ) at West Virginia (WVU)
Pittsburgh (PITT) at Villanova (NOVA)
Michigan (MICH) at Purdue (PU)
Washington State (WSU) at Washington (WASH)
1 and 1
Arkansas (ARK) at Baylor (BAY)
Georgia (UGA) at Gonzaga (ZAG)
3 pointer
Kansas (KU) -10.5 at Boston College (BC)