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U2 IMAX movie opened last week

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:27 am
by Screw_Michigan
not a huge U2 fan anymore, but i've always wondered why more movie theaters, bitching about declining attendance, don't show more live concert dvds/shows. i remember in 02, a bunch of movie theaters in SE MI showed the rush dvd before it came out and THAT would have been cool to see. shit, i'd pay $10 to see a concert on the big screen with phenominal sound. it would be almost as good as being there (and better than seeing a show from the nosebleed seats at giants stadium, for instance).

although there aren't any IMAX theaters anywhere near me, there is one in GR and Kzoo. I would gladly pay the $10 to see a full IMAX production with full stereo sound and, for U2, i would pray to hear as much joshua tree, achtung baby, and old school shit as possible. i would also sneak in at least a couple 40s for this "show." this could be fun.

check your local listings for an IMAX theater near you.

Re: U2 IMAX movie opened last week

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:16 pm
by Dinsdale
Since you seem confused on such matters, I'm going to help you out here, buddy Screw...

U2 sucks.

They don't just suck a little, they suck bigtime.

It's quite possible the phrase "jump the shark" was adapted into pop culture to describe U2 circa 1984.

If you hear U2, and something in your brain comes up with "Wow, this is sure some good music," then your brain has failed you, and failed you badly.

So sorry you had to find out this way.

Let me close thos post with --


Possibly the worst vocal line ever delivered in the history of "rock" music. Hell, they got an entire episode of South Park out of it, if that's any indication as to its suckitude.